The Things From Hell

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"Damn it." I hope that's the last time I have to do that.  Marka could see some of the things coming out of the room, blood staining their teeth and claws.  "Well, I guess I have to name them, I don't want to keep calling them things.  I think I'm gonna call them, Haunttours." Marka started to ascend the building he had come in, seeing all the rooms, and realizing he was in a hotel.  Some of the rooms were empty, but a lot of them had items in them.  Most likely belongings of people who once stayed here.  He looked out one of the windows and saw the bridge.  He saw there were people on it!  There were cars and a giant wall blocking one side.  They were trying to get to the other side, but when he looked at the other side, he only saw cars, millions of them, trying to get out of here.

"Let us through!" Yelled a man,

"Yeah, let us get outta here!" Yelled another woman.

"Please! People we are trying to get you through here as fast as possible!" Shouted a policeman.

A couple of kids tried to run through the police blockade.

"Hey, your not allowed through here." Said a police officer.

"And?  What are you gonna do about it?"

"Jackson your so rebellious." Said a girl.

Jackson smiled, not realizing the police were pointing their water hose at him.  Jackson saw it and said, "hey, hey, we'll go back." The officer didn't care.  He fired the hose and the waters power threw Jackson off the bridge, hitting one of the support beams.  "Oh shit," said the girl, "guys let's g-" Before she could finish she was blasted off the bridge as well, a second later both of the other kids were blasted off as well.  "Jesus Christ Jacobs, we were ordered to keep the peace not fuel the fire." Said Officer Hendricks.

"Sorry sir." Uttered Jacobs.

"Looks like I'm not getting out of here any time soon." Sighed Marka, "might as well scavenge anything I can outta this hotel." After twenty minutes of searching, he was able to find an axe, a couple bottles of water, some cans of food, and a revolver.  Only has three bullets in it.  Marka knew he wouldn't be able to fire without care, especially as he only had about a mag and a half of his rifle ammo.  Once he got to the entrance of the hotel, he looked out the window he could see the Haunttours had left.  Giving him the opportunity to leave without running into any trouble.  But trouble was going to be the least of his worries.  As Marka turns the corner, he sees the group of Haunttours, he went wide-eyed, and turned to go the other way, but as his bad luck would have it, there was another group of Haunttours.  He tried not to move, but his foot stepped on a can.  "Ah crap," both groups of Haunttours started to run and hiss at him, and Marka started to run, he forgot he had had his bike and just cursed at himself. 

He turned a corner and saw a fence, an electrical fence by the the look of it.  There was also a gate to a giant bunker.  He ran up to it and start to bang against the fence screaming, "help! Someone, anyone, please help me!" The Haunttours were closing in on him, and as they reached for him, the gate opened and he was thrown to the other side.  Marka got up and saw it was a girl, shooting a rifle at the Haunttours.  She was wearing military clothing.  "Get inside!" She blurted,

"Okay," panted Marka.

Marka opened the doors to the bunker and saw five rooms.  At the back of the bunker sat a table with papers and pens.  "What is this place?" Wondered Marka,

"This bunker Mason, there's also bunker Jackson, Zelecon, and Tylus." Answered a man, coming out of one of the rooms.

"Who are you?" Puzzled Marka.

"Can't you tell?" Said the man.

"Wait a minute, are you the governor!?"

"Yes I am."

Marka could barely believe it, he was in the same room as the governor!  "Uh, why haven't you been evacuated?" Questioned Marka.

"Because I want to get rid of these invaders, forever, to make Zelch safe for everyone as it once was.  Anyways, why haven't you been evacuated?"

"Well, there's a huge crowd on the bridge, it would take a couple of days before I got across, then a couple more before I can even make it out of the state.  And I grew up here, I won't leave it."

"Kid, I see something in you.  How would you like to help me take back Zelch?"

Marka's lit up, " y..yes sir!"

The governor smiled, "your gonna make a great edition to the team kid, why don't I show you around?  That table there is were me and my team discuss our battle plans, we are currently trying to figure out the invaders weakness.  We've already figured out the identities of the enemy, their species name is Scorpictil."

"Wait old on a sec, weakness?  I've been just smashing their heads and they've gone down."

"Well, we had done that, we used one of the ones we had thought we had killed to run experiments on.  During the tests, it seemingly woke back up and killed one of our own, Nathen was a good scientist.  He didn't deserve to die, it was our fault."

"I'm sure you couldn't have kno-"

"Kid, it was our fault, and I know that."

As the governor finished showing Marka the rooms, he introduced him to Marie, Gerald, and Drew.

"Kid you'll take Nathen's room, and as for you job.  You'll be an assassin, silently taking the enemy out, gathering information, and not leaving a trace.  Your suit and gear will be ready tomorrow.  I'll give you some time to settle in, come out when your ready.

"Y...yes sir!"

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