Chapter 4

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Ive been really busy on Thursday I came to practice and then just went home.I had to:do my homework,study,clean my room,help my mom clean rest of the house and help at the grocery shop.I didnt have time for Camila so it was about 9:26 PM when I went to her house.I knocked and her mom opened with a smile and gave me a hug.She called for Camila and Camila came downstairs in a minute.Her mom left us and Camila looked so angry and sad at the same time.

"Babe whats wrong?"I asked and she closed the door.

"You were only trying to get into my pants huh?"She asked leaving me hurt by the fact that she thought that.

"Camila of course not.Why would you think that?"

"You have sex with me,then dont reply to my texts all day and I heard from someone that you did the same to them"

"Who Camzi"

"Dont Camzi me!And it was Rachel"She said referring to our teammate which I slept with when I was really drunk.

"Camz-Camila she didnt tell you the truth"

"I dont care"She said and went inside closing the door and I felt my eyes filling with tears.I ran to my house into my room and crashed on the bed.I started crying hardly then when I got really tired I went to sleep.


We were running on the field and I was trying to get Camila to pass me the ball.

"Camila!"I yelled but she ignored me and tried to get around three players and they took the ball from here,for the fifth time this night.I sighed and ran after the ball.

"Here!"I yelled and Dinah passed me the ball and I scored.The team came up to me and we cheered.We continued playing and I was leading the ball.

"Camila!"I said and passed her the ball.She took it and scored making me smile and cheer.I was running down the field and as I was sprinting the girl from other team tried to take the ball away I guess and she slid at me from behind.I fell on the ground hardly hitting the ground with my head and everything went black.

"Y/N!"I heard barely and then I felt someone run up to me.

"Y/N come on!Wake up!"I heard Camilas voice and I struggled but maniged to open my eyes.My head hurt so bad and Camila was in front of when I opened my eyes.i tried to get up but I felt so weak and I fell back down.

"Are you okay Y/L/N?"Miss Lovato asked and it started to get blurry again.

"No...I...It hurt-"Everything went black again.I woke up with strong light hitting me.I was in a room."Turn it off"I said and I felt someone move.I looked next to me and saw Dinah sitting on the chair next to my bed.She jumped up and smiled widely when she saw I was awake.

"You are awake.How you felling dawg?

"Um good I guess.What happen?"

"A girl slid into you and you fell hitting you're head hardly,making you black out two times.I need to call the doctor"She said going out of the room,to come back with a doctor a few minutes later.

"Hi.How are you felling?"She asked and I felt good.

"I feel good"I said and she nodded

"Well you had a concussion,if you are felling okay then you are free to go home."She said and I nodded."We are gonna call you're parents to get ya"She said getting out.I got up and Dinah came up to me.

"You okay?"She asked and I nodded leaning on my bed.

"Where is Camila?"

"Well we finished the game and we won.Then Camila went away with her boyfriend and I called youre parents to see if I could come here."She said and my heart broke.

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