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"since you can summon your weapon  you should learn to shapeshift." roxy, who shapeshifted into a cat a lot, was teaching dave how to do it himself. "so just think of an animal and concentrate enough so you turn into it."

dave thought about what animal he wanted to be. crows are cool. he decided he wanted to turn into a crow. he cleared his mind, thinking of a crow. the wings, the beak, the pinchers- what. he felt himself shrink and heard roxy laugh.

"fuck." he probably turned into a crow with crab claws. he couldn't help it, he just started thinking about crabs and karkat. but honestly, who could blame him? he's got the best alien boyfriend in the history of alien boyfriends and he loves it.

dave cleared his mind again. no more crabs, just crows now. crows. with their beaks and feathers and wings and cute little nub horns- fuck.

"well, it's definitely better!" roxy encouraged dave, it wasn't easy shifting for the first time, even for a gem. since dave was a half gem it was probably a lot harder, but he was starting to get the hang of it.

stop thinking about karkat. crows. crows. crows. krows. no. crows. black and majestic. caw caw motherfucker. black wings. yellow beak. weird yellow feet. eats worms. ugh, no, scratch that. dave doesn't want to eat a worm- fuck.

roxy laughed again, "nice job!" dave would flip her off, but he didn't exactly have fingers.

okay okay, this time for sure. crows. caw. cool as fuck. crows. he felt a change. black and majestic. crows. be the crow. feel the crow. not like that you sick fuck. he heard clapping, and noticed he felt strange feeling. like feathery strange. holy shit it worked.

"nice job, dave!" roxy keenled down and carefully picked up dave in her hands. "aww you're so cute as a crow!"

"i'll bite you." dave snapped his beak making roxy laugh, and she set him down. "how do i change back?"

"just think about it i guess, imagine what you look like 'n all that." she shrugged.

dave imagine himself. blond hair, red eyes, ironic shades, some freckles. he felt himself get taller, and had succesfully shapeshifted.

"great job, davey!! you're really lreaning! learning!" she smiled, at dave.

"thanks, rox." he checked the time on his phone, it was seven. he decided he'd be a super cool and sweet boyfriend and get karkat some flowers. "i'm gonna head into town, i'll be back later."


karkat waited on the roof for dave, looking at different stars. he hoped dave would actually come, he was starting to worry. a crow flew towards him, red feathers seeming to glow in the moonlight and feathers were clutched in its beak. the bird dropped the flowers in karkat's lap and landed on his shoulder. it nuzzled  the troll, cawing quietly, and that's when karkat knew it was dave. he smiled, these moments were his favourite. it wouldn't happen often, but dave would sometimes be really affectionate towards karkat and do really cute things. he reached a hand up to stroke the bird softly, everything in this moment was perfect.

dave loved these moments. he loved when karkat would stop being angry and show love and affection towards dave. he loved the times karkat would be sweet and cute- though he was always cute in dave's opinion- and loved when he'd open up. moments like these were his favourite. he carefully hopped down from karkat's shoulder so he could turn back.

"hey, kar." he smiled, breaking his facade.

"hey dave." he mirrored the smile.

"i got you flowers." he nodded towards the boquet in the trolls lap.

"yes dave, i know." he laughed a little as he picked them up and leaned against dave, who wrapped an arm around him.

"love you, karkat."

"love you too, dave."

moments like these were their favourite. moments when they'd truly be themselves, moments when they'd be a couple and do cute couple things, moments when they'd just enjoy being with eachother. no words were needed to show how much they cared for eachother. no words were needed to show how much they need eachother. karkat was the only one who could break dave's ironic coolkid facade, dave was the only one who could get passed karkat's anger. their actions alone showed the other how much they truly love eachother, they didn't need to say it. they still did of course, because it's a cute couple thing.

there was only one thing that could make this moment more perfect, and they were both thinking it. both dave and karkat were leaning in, their lips barely brushed eachother when a voice rang out.

"karkat?" it was karkat's brother. "karkat where are you? the trolls need to go on a mission."

karkat rolled his eyes, annoyed that his brother would interrupt such a perfect moment. reluctently left dave's embrace and handed him the flowers, he wouldn't be able to put them in his room. he was about to get down from the roof but dave grabbed his hand, turned him, and kissed the troll quickly.

"good luck, karkat. don't die." dave smiled, karkat mirroring the action as he jumped down from the roof. he could hear a transportalizer go off and dave sighed. he decided to just stay in his room, maybe watch some anime with dirk- not hentai though that was a mistake never to be made again.

dave jumped down from the roof, careful not to damage the flowers. he made his way to karkat's room and placed the flowers on his nightstand before going to his own room.

sorry for the short chapter i tried getting it to one thousand words but?? idk i have some ideas for the next few chapters.

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