Where I Have Been

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Hello, everyone!
As you all may know, I
haven't been updating my books.
Like, at all.
The reason behind this is not only
laziness and my significant
loss of interest towards the
Undertale fandom, but my need
to focus most, if not all, of
my attention towards my art.
I know that these aren't very good
excuses and I do apologize
for that, but I won't be that active
anymore, as usual.
To show you what I've been doing..

To show you what I've been doing

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So, as you can see

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So, as you can see. I've been busy.
If it will make anyone feel better,
although I doubt it, I will be
most active on my Instagram account.
I just wanted to properly inform
everyone before I do disappear
Thank you for reading this. ;v;

- Kaylee 💞

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