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"Hello? It's one in the morning, what do you want?"

"Hey, Cole,"

"Cami? This isn't your number. You haven't been arrested again have you?"

"Yeah, I kinda have,"

"Oh, Cams. What happened?"

"I started a fight."

"With who?"

"I started a fight with my brothers now ex-girlfriend,"


"My brother and I went out for a meal, you know because sibling bonding time and all that shit. Anyway, we get to the restaurant, we're eating and having a good time until I spot my brothers girl friend with another guy and due to me having a bad temper and me also being a bit drunk, I went over there and I punched her,"

"Because she was cheating on your brother?"

"Yup. And you don't cheat on the Mendozas. Besides Crimson likes to hide his feeling but he was really hurt and I don't like seeing my brother upset."

"Understandable. So do you want me to call your brother or?"

"Yeah, you can't call Crimson,"


"Because he got arrested too. He was trying to break the fight up but the random guy punched him and it turned into a big thing,"


"And he kind of lost his one phone call privilege by accidentally dialling the wrong number and Officer BitchFuck is a dick and isn't letting him have another one. So there's that,"

"Do you want me to come and get you or? Because I'm in Sacramento and it will take roughly around six hours for me to drive there so if you don't mind waiting-"

"No, no. There is no need for that. Can you just call my mother and tell her to come and get us. The number is 619-639-923. I would do it myself but we aren't really on talking terms,"

"Yeah, no worries. I'll call her now,"


"Yeah, Camden?"

"Were you seriously willing to drive down from Sacramento to bail me out?"

"Absolutely. I-I mean we're friends aren't we?"

"U-uh yeah. Friends."

"Shit, Cam-"

"I've gotta go. You know Officer BitchFuck is glaring at me. Again. Thank you, Cole I really appreciate it. Bye."


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