The Dark Night

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Okay, I wrote this when I was 11. I never expected for it to get so much attention and now it is the bane of my existence. The only reason I haven't deleted it yet is because the comments are hilarious. So if you're looking for a serious x reader story, then I'm sorry you might have to look somewhere else. However, if you want to laugh, and probably cringe a lot, then continue on. You've been warned.
You quickly run out of the store and see your so-called "friends" drive away without you.

"Bye Y/N" one of them taunts at you.

You had gone to the store with them to buy some new outfits. They know how much you hated walking to your house alone. Especially because you have to walk through a horrible neighborhood on the way to your house. You look at your phone and see it's almost 10 O'clock you better get going before it gets too dark.

As you make your way through the neighborhood you feel someone pull you into an ally way. The person pins you up against the wall and yells,

"Give me your money!"

You look up to be eye to eye with the man. You can feel his beer smelling breath on your face. You, being the stubborn person you are, hold your purse tightly against your chest.

"No!" You scream at him whiles stepping on his foot.

He loosens his grip around you and you break free and runoff. He catches up to you eventually and pins you to the ground and took out something you didn't see before.

A knife

He puts the knife up to your neck and says

"Give me your purse or else!"

"Or what?"

You hear a deep voice say behind you. You do your best to look up and see non-other than The Batman. You thought he was fake but there he is standing above you. You feel the pressure from the man come off of you. The man who apprehended you was slowly getting up and was about to run away before Batman tackled him to the ground and tied him up. You were still laying on the ground stunned. Batman walks over to you and helps you off the ground

"Are you alright?" Batman asked.

You nod. You where speechless.

"Do you have a ride home?" He asks.

"N-no, my ride sort of ditched me." You stutter.

"I'll give you a ride." He says.

Before you could decline he presses something on his utility belt and you see a car come speeding towards you. You jump out of the way. As the car stops you notice that the car is non-other than the Bat-mobile. As you both get inside you notice how many buttons there are in the vehicle. You suddenly get curious. You try to hold it in but your curiosity gets the best of you and you reach over and try to press one of them. Before you could you hear Batman's stern voice say


You frown as you pull your hand away from it.

You look out the window as an awkward silence fills the air.

"Do you even know where my house is?" You ask breaking the silence.

"Yes." He says nonchalantly.

"How?!" You say in disbelief.

You see and small smile form on his lips as he says

"Because I'm Batman."

You let out a small giggle as he takes a sharp turn making you fall into him. You quickly pull away as you stutter,


Time passes as you finally reach your house. Batman gets out of the car and opens the door for you. You step out and walk over to your front door. As you turn around to thank him he was gone and so was the Bat-mobile.

Hey guys, this is my first story I've ever wrote. So I hope you like it. Bye!- 11 year old me.

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