In the Batcave

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He walks up to you and helps you sit up.

"Do you remember anything from when you passed out?" You think for a moment.

"I-I... remember getting stabbed in the side from Joker but that's the last thing I can think of." He nods while wrapping your torso in bandages.

"Wh-Where am I?" I ask once more wanting answers. He looks up at you and says.

"You're in the Batcave." Your eyes widen as you smile.

You've always wondered where he keeps all his gadgets. You kinda bounce up and down getting a little fidgety.

"Be still." He says while he wraps the bandage tightly around you.

You stop bouncing and you look at him. You never noticed how amazing his eyes look.

"Wait-what why did I think that. Did-did I like Batman? I mean he was really cute. And he had abs for days, but I barely know him." You think.

Once he finishes wrapping you ask him.

"When can I leave?"

He puts the remainder of the bandage back in the box.

"Until your better." He answers

"When will that be?" You asked slightly worried. You needed to see if you got the job for being an assistant.

"About 2-3 weeks." He says.

Your eyes widen, you're going to be in the Bat Cave for 2 weeks! You look around the place. There where so many different gadgets and stuff. Your brain wanted you to walk around but your body told you to stay still.

"I've got to leave for a second." Batman says walking towards his car.

"Don't. Touch. Anything." He commands. You nod and give him a thumbs up.

The second he speeds off you bounce up and start running around and looking at everything you could see. There were so many different things! There were jet packs, motorcycles, and... batarangs! Being the total batman fangirl you wanted to touch everything you saw. After a minute of restraining your self from touching anything, you decided that he probably won't notice if you hold a batarang.

You scroll through all the batarangs that were on a shelf he had. You decided to just grab a random one so that's what you did. After a couple of seconds of you turning it over and looking at it you notice that it was beeping. You stare at the beeping red light for a second then BOOM, it exploded. You drop the remaining pieces and look around to see if it did any more damage. Sighing with relief, you slowly back away from the shelf until you bump into someone.

You spin around and see batman standing there with his arms crossed glaring down at you.

"I thought I told you not to touch anything." He says in this calm monotone voice but was still threatening.

You do this awkward smile and run back to where you were sitting in the beginning.

"What do you mean I've been sitting here the whole time?"

He chuckles as he makes his way over to you. Hearing a beeping noise, you look behind you and notice a big screen beeping with a batman symbol on it.

"I got to go. You can look around but don't touch anything this time!" You nod as he jumps in his Batmobile and drives away.

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