Chapter 4 - Out Of Control

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"Errol is not home, I guess pig will have to make this journey." Ron said stuffing his hand into the cage and pulling out the little overexcited owl.

"Take this to Hermione, nobody else should read it. Understand?" Ron told the little owl who was so excited that he could barely let Ron tie the letter to his foot.

"She is probably wondering what took us so long." Ron said throwing himself onto the bed as Harry stood by the window watching pig fly away.

"That 10 foot roll of parchment you just sent will help her understand." Harry said mockingly.

"It's barely 5 feet." Ron corrected him. "But yes. I plan on writing to Kingsley too, I can't stand it if I have to see that frozen faced-"

"Ron!" Harry said loudly from the window.

"It's true! Don't tell me he made our journey easier." Ron said.

"No- it's Bifford, look!" Harry said pointing out the window. Ron jumped to his feet and looked where Harry pointed.

Bifford had emerged from the chicken coup, covered in feathers. Some of the chickens scrambled out of the way as he staggered into the garden. Then they heard Mrs Weasley enter the garden, brandishing a broom at Bifford.

"Bloody hell!" Ron said before they both dashed downstairs to find out what was happening.

By the time they arrived in the garden, Mrs Weasley had thrown herself on top of Bifford who lay flat under her weight, still struggling.

"Ron, quick! Catch the chickens." She cried and the chickens scattered around the garden, trying to find a way out.

"Harry, help me with him, would you." She called to Harry, who jumped forward immediately. He held Biffords hands together as Mrs Weasley conjured ropes to bind his hands and legs. Then they put him on the chair in the kitchen.

"Did you do this?" Harry asked staring around the mess in the kitchen. Bifford was barely listening, his eyes fell on the empty, half chewed, pie pan on the table and began shaking, his tongue sticking out as though trying to reach the last bit of crumb on the pan.

Harry and Mrs Weasley exchanged looks of bewilderment.

"Bloody hell!" Ron roared as soon as he entered the kitchen after struggling to round up all the escaped chickens.

"Should we tell Kingsley?" Harry asked as Bifford continued to struggle. At the mention of the ministers same, he stopped struggling and turned his attention to Harry.

"No, please!" He moaned. It was pathetic to see him this way.

"I'll see if I can find something to calm him down." Mrs Weasley said as she left the room.

Harry looked around at the damage in the kitchen and then realised he source of the problem. "Did you eat this pie?" He asked pointing at the empty, half chewed pan.

Bifford nodded before putting his head down in shame.

"You should be reported for this!" Ron said angrily. "You were here to protect us and you nearly hurt my mother!"

Bifford went red but kept his head down. Harry spotted the empty couldron cake wrapped on the floor and  then remembered something.

"Kingsley warned us to keep him away from sweets." Harry said, pointing at the couldron cake wrapper on the floor.

Ron looked flabbergasted as Mrs Weasley hurried in with a smokey cup in her hands.

"Here, try this." She said kindly as she helped Bifford drink the contents. Bifford coughed and choked but managed to finish it. A moment later he stopped shaking and sweating and looked like his stern self but extremely embarrassed.

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