Chapter 4: Getting To See Them, One Last Time

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Percy POV

Last time: "Now. I was brought by Luke under the impression that you want to join me and my cause."

"Y-y-you would be c-c-correct in thinking that s-s-sir." I said shakily. It hurt so much to just breathe, let alone talk. Kronos seemed to notice this.

"Luke, carry him to the infirmary. We will have this talk later, when he can speak without whimpering." Kronos said, turning to walk out. "And Percy, don't forget what happens when you don't comply." Then he was gone.

Luke walked over to me, but before he could get within arms distance, I started freaking out. I think I know why, too. I just couldn't stop, even when he threatened me. In fact, that only made it worse. I was shaking, whimpering, cringing away from Luke, just for coming anywhere close to me.

"Percy! If you don't stop, I'll be forced to punish you! I don't want to hurt you any more than I already have, but I will, so stop. Right. Now." I froze at the commanding tone he used. It sent chills down my spine, causing me to tense up, because that tone made you feel as if you were about to be put through ten times what you just had. "There, was that so hard Percy? Now, if you hold still enough for me to get you to the infirmary, I will tell Kronos, and you might just get a pardoning, excusing you from service for a limited amount of time."

I tried to hold still, I really did! But he had to touch my back, and even the slightest brush made me flinch away. When Luke looked at me sternly, I gave him a pleading look, trying to let him know that I wasn't doing it on purpose, trying to plead with him to not torture me because of this. The pain in my back was just too much for me to hold still. He understood after a few more tries.

"Agh, alright. Can you stand?" I told him 'not for long', and he nodded. "A couple seconds will do. Once I let you down, I'm going to pick you up onto my back, and you will wrap your arms around my shoulders. Do not let go, or else." I nodded and did as he said. With this new idea, we made it to the infirmary in ten minutes flat.

Luke placed me on an open bed, face down so as to not disturb my back. As soon as I hit the pillow, I was out, and didn't wake up for a long while.

One Week Later

I have finally healed from all of the injuries given to me by Luke. Now, mostly what I see when I'm near him is someone that I am afraid of; someone who will hurt me. But sometimes, I see the boy who helped me, and guided me through the pain.

Luke did as he said he would, and told Kronos of my cooperation with him. Kronos actually pardoned me for one month. He told me I could use this time to do almost anything I wanted.

Now, I know what you're thinking: Percy, just go back to Camp! Ask to go see your friends and don't come back!

Well, the big problem with that is that, one of the rules is that I cannot leave Tartarus without swearing on the River Styx that I would come back. Kronos had so many rules, I doubted even Annabeth could find a loop hole (A/N But I bet Mr. Coffee, leader of Egypt and winner of Risk, could! IRL friends will understand)!

So, without any other option, considering the last time I tried to escape was a fail, ending me with thirty lashes, I stayed in Kronos' palace. I stayed in Tartarus. I trained with Luke, who also told me all the rules, restrictions, gave me the tour, and continues to be the one to dish out my punishments.

"Percy!" Luke yelled. "Are you listening? If you don't learn this, you will make a mistake, and then you will be punished! I've told you that you are the only one who can prevent your punishments, yet you continue to fail to pay attention!" He scolded. I shrunk back with a guilty look on my face, dread filling me with his next words. "You are to receive ten lashes for failure during training."

"No, Luke, please, come on!" I said pleadingly. "I've been being good! I- I was just thinking of my friends. I ju- I just miss them so much." I said quietly, tears forming. I knew I couldn't let them fall, though: showing too much emotion was against the rules. Luke's gaze softened, as did his tone, as he came over to me. He touched my shoulder, rolling his eyes at the fact that I still flinch a little.

"Hey. If you can earn Lord Kronos' trust, he may let you up. He might even let you see your friends in person, not just over IM." My eyes lit up at the memory of Iris messages. I could've used them this whole time! I just nodded, pretending that I was going to try to be good and earn their trust so that I can see my friends.

Of course, their definition of 'good' is normally my definition of 'bad'. But that's besides the point.

Three Days Later

I was wandering down a corridor, on my way to see Luke for training. Suddenly, I spotted something shining that was just laying on the ground – a drachma. I briskly walked over and swept it up. Now to find an IM station. There were a few along the corridor on the way to Luke's training session, so I just started walking again.

A couple minutes later, I had found one. I presses one of the buttons on the side, an a waterfall of mist sprayed out, creating the perfect rainbow. I spoke, "Oh, Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood. Please hurry!" I said urgently. Almost immediately, I got through.

"Percy? Where are you? Is it really you?" I held up a hand, and he stopped, cocking his head to the side with a questioning look at me. The emotion had been building inside me since I got here, and I finally had someone to talk to, if only for five minutes. I let a tear fall, not bothering to hide it.

"Ch-Chiron. Please get Annabeth and Grover. I'll tell you all what has happened once I see them." I waited as Chiron sent a camper to collect my best friends, not saying a word. Then they came into view. As soon as they saw me, they ran over to the IM, mouths hanging open.

"PERCY!!!" They both yelled at once. I winced, then hurried to quiet them.

"Yes, yea, I'm alive, but barely. Look, I just wanted to say- I. I. I just w-wanted to say, I-I love you guys, a-and" at this point I was a complete mess, sobbing and whimpering about how I'll never see them again. Then I realized that Annabeth was talking.

"Perce? We thought you were dead! We're so glad you're okay!"

"I'm not. I've been- tortured... In the past two weeks I've been here alone, I must have received about 50 whip lashes, 8 brandings, and Chaos knows how many beatings... And that's after I gave in." I said, speaking the last part softly, still ashamed to admit that I had joined Kronos.

"Percy. You do realize that we are going to come get you. You just need to tell us where you are." Annabeth said as if she were talking to a five-year-old. I cut in.

"No. I'm not going to tell you where I am. That would be being bad. I would be punished. And Lord Kronos would be mad if he found out I was talking to you." I was talking more to myself now than to anyone else. "If Kronos is mad, the punishment will be worse. That means I have to go, now... Guys, I'm sorry, but I really have to go. Love you guys, bye." And with that, I swished my arm through the mist. Without another word, I ran off to training.

I'm gonna be in trouble for being late.

Growing Up In Tartarus: One Wrong MoveWhere stories live. Discover now