Chapter 7: *sigh* Why me Fates? Why me?

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Warning!: There will be some PoV skipping here. I am also trying out present tense. Tell me if you like this or past tense better!

Luke PoV

I really wish that we didn't have to do all of this to poor Perce. But, I do believe that people, no matter their age, gender, or any other possible factors, should receive what they deserved. Punishments and rewards. And right then, Percy really deserved punishment for his actions; he had deliberately disobeyed a direct order to not contact his friends.

I do care for the boy. He is like a younger brother to me, but that only supports my ideas that he should get punished and rewarded when necessary; I would want my little brother to know right from wrong, right?

Percy PoV

It hurts.

I just wanted to see them.

Just one last time.

Is that too much to ask for?

I hope they don't try to save me.

But, at this point, all I want is to be helped out of this place.

Why do the Fates hate me so?

With these thoughts in my head, I give in to the building pressure in my chest, and let out a small, choked sob. Soon, hot tears are cascading down my face, from both despair, hopelessness, and pain.

Why me? I'm only twelve. Why couldn't it be someone who could handle this?! Why does everyone seem to hate me at this point?

Luke must have heard my sobbing over the small mic system they installed, because after about three minutes of it, he walks in. He looks at me with sympathy and a little regret, but I never look into his eyes, afraid of getting into trouble for doing so.

"Percy, come on. Why are you crying?" Luke asks. I whimper softly and try to make myself smaller, leaning away from him. "Answer me, now." At this my hands start to shake, and I look in his direction to see him facing me. Again I make myself smaller, but this time, I answer quietly.

"It hurts." I sob, clutching my chest as pressure built up once again. Luke sighs and scoots over to me, wrapping an arm gently around my shoulders, carefully avoiding the cuts and bruises. I still tense.

"Percy, I know it does, that's what the punishments are fo-" I cut him off.

"No, Luke. I mean, it hurts in here," I point to my heart area. "I just wanted to see my friends one more time, because I thought I'd never again get the chance. I got in trouble for just wanting to say good-bye! I just- I just wanted to feel something other than pure pain for once. I wanted- I-I w-wanted to feel love, if only for one more minute." By now, tears were streaming down my face again, and as I whispered the last few words, I thought of Annabeth, of Grover, of Chiron, of Mom. "The minute I fell down here, I failed. Failed the chance of saving my mom, Luke. She was k-killed by the Minotaur, and all I could do was say that I would save her, only to be proven a liar. I've failed anyone I've ever cared about, and it's all your fault!" I yell, overcome with the weight of everything. I slightly registered that I would probably be punished for saying that, but it needed to be said.

With that, I just gave up. I slumped back onto the bed, rolling over and not attempting to hide the wetness on my face, being joined by more tears as I speak. Every so often, I would let out a sob, clutching at my stomach and wrapping my arms around myself. Luke didn't leave, nor did he yell at or try to hurt me.

"I'll see if I can get Lord Kronos to reduce your punishment." He mumbles, creeping out of the room. I guess I get the day off.

I don't move from my spot on the floor all day, and fall asleep with my last conscious thoughts being of the happier times with my family and friends.

Annabeth PoV

Seaweed Brain. Even though he was a bit- no, a lot- annoying, I still miss him. I sharply take in a breath, getting the attention of all those sitting around me; all friends of Percy.

Yes, Annabeth? You got a plan?!" Grover said excitedly. I gave a grimace slash smile.

"Well, kinda. How do you guys feel about..." I started slowly, not wanting to alarm them.

Kronos PoV

Well, the boy has quite a bit of will-power. Not everyone is be able to choose torture instead of just never getting to go up again. And he's still only a child! I clearly had underestimated him.

"My Lord, may I speak with you for a moment? It's about Percy." Only one person - Castellan - calls the boy 'Percy', other than me. Unless you count when I am disappointed or angry with Percy. Then I use his full name.

"What is it, Castellan?"

"Um, sir, I was wondering if we could- Well, if we could reduce Percy's punishment."

"Why? Are you going soft because he's a child? Or because you think of him as a brother?"

"Of course not, sir. I would never let personal feelings get in the way of my loyalty to you. I only fear for the boy's, let us say, state of mind. If he is completely broken, he won't serve much good to you." Luke says in a nervous manner.

"Alright, then. I guess I'll trust you. Cut his punishment down to half. If you've exceeded that, then immediately halt the punishment. Give him food and water, and let him have some ambrosia in his small meal. Dismissed." I say, hoping that Luke will just leave without question. He does, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Maybe the boy will willingly work for me now that he knows what I am capable of doing to him.

Percy PoV

Once Luke leaves my cell, I crumple completely. I sob loudly, not caring who hears.

I guess they got their wish; I am pretty sure I'm totally broken. I have given up.

As I started to calm down, I sigh.

Why me, Fates? Why me?

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