Chapter 17

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**Annabeth Chase**

"We already told Luke that we would join," I tried quietly, averting my gaze.

"Kronos isn't positive that your loyalty is completely with us," he said, taking a deep breath. "I need to make sure that you won't actually betray him."

I let out a sigh, slowly reaching a hand out in attempt to grab his hand. I needed to talk some sense into him. If he was so determined to fight for the enemies of the gods, then they had to be doing something more to him than just torture.

His loyalty was supposed to be with the people he loved, and the people standing in front of him - us - were the closest friends he had. I even assumed that his mother was on the gods' side, so why was he trying to fight for them? My mom would be expecting me to hate Percy.

"Percy, is your loyalty even on their side?"

I was glad to see his hesitation, but the people barging into the room did seem to care. Percy panicked, backing away from us. He tried to get away from the people coming for him, but soon they had him trapped in their hold.

"You four," another one said. "You need to come with me."

We reluctantly followed the guard back to our cell. He chained each one of us up, leaving us there to hang and wait for a chance to be free again. I felt bad for getting Percy into trouble.

"Do you think he is okay?" Travis asked slowly.

"He won't be soon if he isn't," Conner said next.

I avoided looking at each of the Stolls and Grover.

**Percy Jackson**

The look Kronos was giving me was the most disgusted look I had ever seen. His eyes shown with menace as he ordered one of his minions to bring him a knife. When I saw it was the same knife as the one he had used to cut of my toes before, I started to panic.

The titan had the guards grab me by the arms and legs, keeping my limbs still to keep me from moving. I felt the knife stab into one of my toes, and the scream that left my mouth was in no way quiet. There was a chilling moment in which I felt no pain, but that was soon ended as I felt the knife dig into my foot. I blacked out slightly, and after a moment I realized that was done.

"Now, I heard that you were hesitant about your loyalty to us?" the titan asked.

I shivered, reluctantly giving a nod after debating on whether or not I should lie to him. He seemed satisfied enough to walk away, leaving me a moment to take a deep breath. I felt like the biggest idiot in the world.

By the time I thought he was done, Kronos returned to the room with a branding rod in his hand. I subconsciously tried to back away, but I had no luck. The hot rod was placed against my neck, giving me a very visible brand.


Growing Up In Tartarus: One Wrong MoveWhere stories live. Discover now