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Jasmine's POV

we're all at the table eating dinner when my moms phone begins to ring.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back"
She stands up and walks to the living room. She was acting somewhat strange when she looked at her phone, so I decided to eavesdrop.

"Hello?......... hey, Lisa."
Oh my gosh..
"Yeah well we were just eating dinner, why?........ well I really appreciate the offer but we're already eating.......... I'm sorry haha......... alright, bye"
She walks back to the table and sits down awkwardly.
"Mom, who was that?" James asks.
"Well.. uhm.. that was actually Lisa Dolan."
My dad choked on his food.
"W-what did she want?" I asked.
"She invited us over for dinner, but I politely turned down the offer since we're already eating." She said, then eating a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

"Why?" I said slowly, all of us looking around at each other with curiosity.
"Well, she said Ethan has been upset lately and keeps calling her and wanted to-"

"Ethan has hurt our daughter. I don't want him near her."
My dad interrupted.

"Dad, I'm fine. It doesn't matter anymore. That was a while ago."

"Jasmine, I hear you crying his name in your sleep. I know you miss him, I know you still care. I know you're still hurt." James cut in.

"Thanks a lot" I mumble.

"Sweetie I'm just scared, ya know? You and the twins were super close growing up. This whole thing going on hit you hard, I'm worried it might happen again."

"Mom, I'll be fine. Everything will be fine. It's all fine" I stand up and put my plate in the sink.

"Jasmine, sit back down right now" my dad demanded.

"No." I spat. I'm getting tired of hearing about Ethan.

"Where do you think you're going young lady" he says, his voice getting deeper. I scoff.

"You think that still scares me? I'm honestly a legal adult, dad. And I'm going to my room. I'm done talking"

I walk up the stairs and ignore my parents calling after me.

I'm so done hearing the same crap over and over when I'd rather near none of it at all.

I put on pajamas and sit on my bed. I turn on my speaker and play music quietly as I light some candles on my night stand. I lean back on the soft pillows.

I really need to get my mind off things right now.

I look over at he clock at see that it's 8:45pm.

I grab my phone and dial Violeta's number.

"Hello?" She answered quick.

"Hey Vi."

"What's up?"

"Well.. I don't know anymore."

"Jasmine what's going on"

"I miss him.."

"I know."

"I miss talking to him and hearing his laugh."

"I know."

"I miss being able to hug him whenever and feeling his lips against mine and just having that zing of electricity through my body when we touch."

"I know."

"I miss our tickle fights and making jokes that were so bad, they were funny."

"I know."

"I miss everything."

"Jas, do you even hear me?? I know."

"You do?"

"Yes, I do. I know what that feels like, and I know it's not fun. But you'll be alright, sooner or later. And the faster you learn that, the happier you'll be."

"What is this, a therapy session?" I sort of giggle.

"I'm practically your therapist" she laughs along.

"No but seriously, Violeta. I don't know what to do anymore."

"I heard that the twins are visiting home this weekend. It's Thursday. That's two days away. Maybe you could see talk to him about it"

"No I-I can't. It's hard enough to talk about him, there's no way I'd be able to face him. And even if I did it wouldn't get anywhere"

"You never know that. Don't give up, okay? You're my best friend. I hate seeing you like this."

"Haha. Thanks, Vi. Well I know it's a little early but I'm gonna go to sleep just to get away from the world for a bit."

"Okay.." she sighs.

"Goodnight Violeta, and thanks. For everything"

"Right back atcha babe" I can tell she smiling by the tone of her voice.

"I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight"

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