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Hugh Apiston stared at his hands in a state of shock, because of what he had just done. He was an idiot and he knew it. He loved a young innocent girl, yet stayed away from her when she needed him most, just out of fear because he wasn't in control and he hated it. He hated how she could have such control over him. He stared at the shattered photo frame that was laying in the middle of the carpeted floor, sharp pieces of glass surrounding it. He expected her to scream at him, hurt him, be angry at him and he would have taken a few slaps or punches over the eerie silence any day. How was she not angry at him? How could she just stand there and not say anything? She could have run off, dumping him for a better guy, he didn't deserve her and he knew it. "Fi, I'm so so so sorry, I'm such an asshole, go on slap me, I definitely deserve it." "I hate the fact I did it Fi, I cheated on you with some stupid worthless girl and destroyed the one thing that was most precious to you. Why aren't you saying anything?" The words poured out of his mouth, but they both knew they didn't mean anything. An ashamed expression took over the boys face as he stared at the emotionless girl, wanting desperately to pull her into a hug, but knowing that wouldn't be appreciated. Fiona Frauenfeld stared at the ground a numb sensation filling her body, she would not allow herself to cry or rage or have express any sort of emotion ever. "Do you really think I care for you so little, that you betraying me would make a difference." The words were quiet but loud enough for Hugh to hear them. He tried to search her face to try and find any emotion or a tiny hint that one was present. He couldn't find a single one, so he did the only thing he could do, he ran towards the weak girl just before her knees gave way. He was thankful that she still loved him and she was thankful that he regretted what he had done.

This song made me cry, surprisingly it wasn't because of Fi and Hugh, it was actually because it was in a Whouffaldi video. My ships are my weakness. Thanks for reading xx

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