Chapter 32

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Picture above of 3 month belly
Victoria POV
(Three months later)
I was getting big but I was too big for how far I am, I'm scared what if the baby...NO I won't let myself think of that!!. I won't find out till our next appointment which is the ultrasound when we find out the sex of our baby, it is in three weeks!, anyway right now tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I'm super excited because my parents and James parents are staying over at ours, thank god we have two spare rooms, but Oli and joe and Casper are coming iswell I guess their gonna have to sleep on the couches.

Right now it's 7:45am, I'm awake but James is still asleep, I'm on my side while James head is next to my stomach as well as his arms are wrapped around my waist, I'm messing with his brown hair, he's really excited to be a father but quite worried with how big I am, I mean I'm only 3 months along how am I this big, but I don't mind as long as my baby is healthy,
"James!, its time to wake up" I said and poked his face,
"Hmmm,what time is it?" He asked and sat up,
"It's 7:46am, everyone will start arriving in two hours" I said and stood up out of the bed, I walked over to the closet and picked out an outfit, I decided to not take a shower since I took one last night, I brushed my hair and teeth, I stripped into my underwear and put on my clothes,

Right now it's 7:45am, I'm awake but James is still asleep, I'm on my side while James head is next to my stomach as well as his arms are wrapped around my waist, I'm messing with his brown hair, he's really excited to be a father but quite worrie...

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I decided not to put on any makeup so I just applied mascara, eyeliner and some strawberry lip balm, I put on my nose ring and tongue ring but kept my belly ring off, I haven't put on my belly ring since the begging of my pregnancy,
I looked behind and noticed James wasn't in the room...where is he?,
"James?" I asked but there was no reply, so I shrugged and walked downstairs, I heard someone open the fridge...he must have wanted to make breakfast for us,
"James,awwwww" I said and saw James in the fridge making me a fruit smoothie,
"What fruit would you like" James said as he kissed the top of my head,
"Blueberry,blackberry,chia seeds, almond milk, ice and strawberries!" I said happily, I love smoothies!!!!!, he nodded and made me the smoothie, he poured it into a little bowl and put blackberries and blueberries on top as well as sunflower seeds, he did the same for himself except he didn't have any sunflower seeds,
"Thank babe,love you" I said and gave him a peck in the lips, I grabbed my bowl and spoon and so did James and we sat at the couch eating our smoothie bowls watching Steven universe. (I love Steven universe!!!!!!!!)
We tidied everything away and turned off the TV, after we finished cleaning up I heard a knock on the door, I walked over to the door and saw joe and Casper as well as Oli,
"Hey guys, come in" I said and they walked in and sat on the couch,
"JAMES!!!!!,JOE CASPER AND OLI ARE HERE!!!!" I yelled too lazy to walks upstairs,
"IM COMING!!!!!!" He yelled back causing me too giggle,
"How have you guys been" I asked and sat down on the other couch,
"Great but the real question is...where's the bathroom" Casper said doing a little PeePee dance,
"Upstairs, turn left, walk down the corridor and last door on your right." I said and Casper basically ran up the stairs,
"How's the pregnancy going?" Oli asked me as soon as James sat next to me,
"Good I'm 12 and a half weeks along and we are going to found out the baby's gender in 3 weeks" I said and held James hand, I now noticed that Oli was wearing that hat we gave him,
"How old are you two again?" Joe asked James, James looked at him and said,
"I'm 20 and Victoria is 19, but the time the baby will be born we will both be 20" James said and smiled at me,
"Boy or girl?" I asked with a playful smirk at Casper joe and Oli,
"Boy" I said and James shook his head,
"I think it's a girl" James said and I shook my head.

742 words

2nd Chance--- Adopted by Zalfie fanfic/ James white love storyWhere stories live. Discover now