Chapter 38

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Victoria POV
It was the next day and I woke up to the babies crying...again, I got out of my bed and picked up Danielle, Jason and Finn, I breast fed them and then I saw James walked out of the bathroom,
"Hey babe, and hello cuties" James said and kissed me on the forehead and kissed all three of the babies foreheads and took Jason and nappy changed him and I changed Danielle and Finn, I put them on the hospital bed in birth order , Finn, Jason and Danielle and took a photo

again, I got out of my bed and picked up Danielle, Jason and Finn, I breast fed them and then I saw James walked out of the bathroom,"Hey babe, and hello cuties" James said and kissed me on the forehead and kissed all three of the babies foreheads...

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I am so happy that Finn,Jason and Danielle have arrived. LOVE THEM LOADS!!!!😍😘
James is a great father xxxxx
I posted that on Instagram and tweeted the babies have arrived!,

I went to the bathroom and had a pee, shower and brushed my teeth and hair and put on a pair of legging and a jumper, I walked out and saw Casper, joe and oli,
"Hey guys" I said and noticed James wasn't here,
"Where's James?" I asked and noticed that the babies were sleeping,
"He went to the cafe to get food for everyone" Oli said, I nodded
"You guys wanna hold the babies?" I asked and they all sat down on the couch, I picked up Finn and gave it to joe,
"This is Finn Edward Joseph White" I said and joe looked happy his middle name was Joseph, joe passed Finn to Casper and Finn laughed and grabbed caspers nose, and Casper let Oli hold Finn,
"Finn was the first born" I said and put Finn down to bed,
"The next born was Jason his full name is Jason Sebastian Oliver white" I said and let them hold him and and then I put him to bed and then I picked up Danielle,
"Danielle was the last born her full name is Danielle Elizabeth Zalfie White" I said and let them hold her, then I put her to bed,
"How are you all doing?" I asked quietly because Finn,Jason and Danielle were sleeping,
"Great,but how was labour?" Oli asked and all the boys nodded,
"Painful, and tiring but it was all worth it" I said and a few tears escaped my eyes I quickly wiped them away,
"And James, how has he been?" Oli asked and I looked at him and smiled,
"He really loves being a father, if the babies are crying he'll be looking after them making sure they don't cry and that I got proper sleep after labour, he'll change their diaper with me, he helps out a lot, he loves them with all his heart" I said and a few more tears escaped my eyes and then I felt people hugging me knowing it was Joe,Casper and Oli I hugged back, a few minutes later we all broke away from the hug and I heard someone enter the hospital room,
"Hey babe, awww their asleep" James said and gave me a kiss on the lips, i noticed he was holding a tray with a lot of cheese toasties on it and a smoothie and a few bottles of water,
James set the tray down on the coffee table and I grabbed my smoothie and all the boys started eating, I ate one cheese toastie and drank all my smoothie, a few minutes of talking and that's when I heard Danielle start to cry,
"I'll get her" I said and stood up and walked over to her and started rocking her back to sleep and I placed her pacifier in her mouth and she soon fell asleep, I sighed thankful she didn't wake up Jason and Finn and lied her back down in the crib,
"Babe, the doctor said we could either leave today or tomorrow, your choice" he said and kissed my cheek, I nodded and said,
"I wanna go home today after my parents come to visit, also are your parents gonna meet the babies tomorrow?" I asked,
"Yeah, I'm sorry your meant to be resting not socialising tomorrow" he said apologetically,
"It's fine James really" I said and decided to have a nap.
A few hours later I woke up and my parents visited and James and I left the hospital with our three bundles of joy!.

717 words

2nd Chance--- Adopted by Zalfie fanfic/ James white love storyWhere stories live. Discover now