Ch. 1 - Confused

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*Luke's P.O.V*

As I lay here on one of the pool chairs beside our pool, watching the sky slowly get darker as the sun starts to set, I stare at the photo I took of Michael and I today at lunch. I zoom in on Michael's painfully cute smile and try not to smile like an idiot.

It was funny today... or awkward... or... I don't really know how to describe it actually... but anyway, after I took the photo, I went to send it to twitter. When I wrote the caption though, I accidentally said 'Lunch date with my boyfriend <3' instead of 'Lunch date with Mikey <3' like I normally do. "Oh shit" I had mumbled to myself as I backspaced 'boyfriend'. "What?" Michael asked, looking up from his phone, raising an eyebrow at me. "Oh nothing, I just wrote 'Mickey' instead of 'Mikey'" I lied to him, he just laughed and looked back down at his phone. I finished fixing the message then sent the photo to twitter.

I felt a little embarrassed afterwards to be honest, I mean, he's not my boyfriend... and it's not like I was saying it jokingly, I just typed it. I probably could of left it the way it was and our fans wouldn't of thought anything of it, it would've just looked like our usual bromance moments... but I don't know.

"What are ya doing Luke?" Ashton asks cheerfully (not to mention at the top of his lungs, as per usual) as he walks outside, causing me to just about jump out of my skin. I lock my phone quickly and look up at him as he walks towards me. I guess he came out here to have a swim, because well, he's only got his swimming shorts on... and he has a towel draped over his shoulders.

"Uh, nothing" I reply shyly as I pull myself up so I am sitting.

"Haha, why were you in such a hurry to lock your phone?" Ashton laughs as he sits down on the pool chair beside the one I'm on.

"You just scared me" I lie, laughing nervously.

"What were you doing then?" he asks with an evil smile on his face.

"I was on twitter, our girls were being perverted... but what else is new" I lie again, laughing at the end.

"Our girls take after us, that's why" Ashton laughs.

"Right" I laugh.

"So, you wanna have a swim?" Ashton asks, pointing to the pool.

"Uh, nah I'm right... I think I'll go sit in my room" I tell him.

"I don't like it when you go into your room by yourself.." Ashton sighs as he watches me stand up. "I know what you do when you're alone in there" he adds sadly, looking at my wrists.

"I'm not going to.... I'm just going to listen to some music" I tell him.

"I've heard that before" he sighs as he stands up. "Please don't do it, I love you" he says as he steps closer to me and hugs me.

"I love you too... and... I won't" I assure him, even though I'm unsure as to whether or not I will be able to stop myself if I suddenly have the urge to do it.

"Thank you" he says, pulling away from me. I smile awkwardly before walking towards the house. Just as I reach the back door I hear a loud splash, indicating that Ashton had just jumped into the pool.

I try to make my way to my room without being noticed.

"Where you going, Luke?" Michael asks, looking away from the tv for a second to look at me.

"To my room" I reply quietly, hoping he will just go back to the video game he was playing, he's playing GTA V by the looks of it.

"No you're not, come here" he tells me, pausing his game.

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