Chapter Three

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The next day, Louis felt better.

Louis felt better than he had in a long time. Even though he was still plagued by the traumatic nightmares, the blue eyed boy succeeded in sleeping peacefully for the first time. His mind had focused on the events of the afternoon, rather than the accident.

Curly brown hair, vibrant green eyes, and a cheeky smile had filled Louis' mind. The thoughts consumed him, rendering him incapable of focusing on anything at all. He neglected his homework, finding his mind wandering to Harry instead of staying on topic with his chemistry lab report that was due the following day.

Louis didn't know why Harry was so interesting to him. He didn't understand what the green eyed boy had that made him so special. He was an ordinary boy, trying to study for his A-levels just like every other lower sixth form student. So, he may been extremely kind. So, he might co-captain of the swim team. So, he might be a tad more handsome than the average lad. So, what? That didn't explain why Louis was so obsessed.

Obsessed? Louis thought to himself as he walked to English Literature class; he was sure that he wouldn't take it as far as saying he was obsessed with the younger boy… maybe infatuated was a better word.

The Doncaster lad skipped happily thought the hall, excited for his next swim lesson. He never really thought he would be able to step near the water again after what had happened, but for some reason the mysterious Harry Styles had proven him wrong. Maybe he would swim again. In reality, he had to… or he wouldn't graduate. But, what was the harm in letting the boy dream?

Harry, on the other end of the hall, was having similar thoughts about Louis. He, having harboured a crush on the older boy for quite a while, had picked up in all of the little quirks that made him so special. The way he'd flick his hair out of his face, rather than reaching up to move it. The way that he scrunched his nose up adorably when he was concentrating or tap his chin with the eraser of his pencil when he was bored in class. Harry admired Louis for his loyalty to his friend Niall, his quick wit and headstrong attitude, and the way that the older boy constantly wore his heart on his sleeve. He regarded Louis as a role model, wanting to be just like him; but at the same time, he loved the fact that Louis was unique.

Harry had fallen even harder for Louis the day before. He had watched him blossom as he took his first steps towards becoming comfortable in the water again. And best of all, it was Harry who had been there to witness it. Not Louis' friend, not his Grandmother; Harry. He had been the one to hold onto him as he cautiously slipped his dainty feet into the water. He had been the one to comfort Louis when started to freak out.

The curly haired boy finally reached the door of his classroom right as the teacher was closing it. With a quick smile to Mrs. Foster, he took his seat. He was surprised to find that the only open seat was next to Louis, but he found himself not caring much. Harry wanted to become friends with the older boy, now was his chance. As he took out a piece of paper and copied the date on the board in the top right hand corner, preparing himself to take extensive notes, he remembered that he had to tutor one of the junior varsity swim team members during his sixth period class and was unable to make it to their swim session.

Quickly, he pulled out another piece of paper and began to write a long explanation and apology to Louis.

Dear Louis,

I can't go to the pool with you because I promised my coach that I'd tutor one of the underclassmen on the junior team… I'll make it up to you tomorrow, I promise. I'll even bring you lunch. What do you like to eat? Any allergies? Favourite ice cream flavour? Okay, so maybe my apology turned into a desperate plea to learn more about you.. Tactful of me, no?

I'm sorry! - Harry

The blue eyed boy looked up from his notes as a small origami frog landed in front of him. He smiled, picking the small piece of paper and examining it closely. Written in cursive neatly upon the paper animal's back was his name. Louis smiled, opening the note with great care. Once he had unfolded it so that he could reconstruct the small figure again, Louis read. He frowned at first, but the sad expression slowly morphed into an amused grin as he scanned the note.

Louis was happy. Harry had cared enough to tell him that they wouldn't be able to have their swim lesson. He had even explained and promised to make it up to him. No one had ever done that for him before, excluding Niall. They had been friends for ages, so he didn't really count.  Pulling out a piece of spare notebook paper, Louis scribbled a reply before folding it into an origami fish and tossing it back to Harry.

The curly haired boy caught the majestic paper fish as it sailed through the air, cupping his hands so that it landed perfectly unscathed in his palms. Harry didn't want to ruin the small creation. He looked to Louis for advice, who nodded at him to tear into the note. With a hesitant smile, the younger boy complied, reading the note quietly.


Tactful, yes. It's fine that you're busy… and its really sweet of you to do that for an underclassman. I understand you have prior obligations that come before teaching me to swim again.

I'd love for you to make it up to me (however you see fit is completely fine with me). I like carrots, and I don't think I have any allergies..  My favourite ice cream flavour is cookie dough or birthday cake… I honestly can't choose.

It's okay - Lou

Harry could have jumped up on top of his desk and danced, he was so happy. Louis was willing to let him repent for not being able to make their session together… and it seemed as if they were becoming friends. The green eyed boy looked over to where Louis sat, smirking to himself knowingly as he copied the notes.

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