Chapter Five

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'HARRY!' Louis screamed as he exited the locker room after their swim lesson. He shook his wet hair messily, spraying water all over the place. Harry laughed at the older boy's childish antics, approaching him slowly so as not to get wet.

'Yeah?' The Cheshire boy replied, pulling his back up onto his shoulder and walking towards the exit with Louis by his side.

'Umm….' Lou hesitated, he wasn't entirely sure if he could go through with it, but Niall's words rang in his head. 'I was wondering… We've had fun together, right?' He mumbled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

'Yeah…?'  Harry replied, honestly not knowing what Louis was getting at.

'Well, I was um, wondering if- umm. You'd…' Louis mumbled unintelligibly, but the younger boy understood.

'I'd love to get coffee with you, Lou.' Harry smiled, laughing to himself as Lou's face turned a deep shade of red.

'Um.. Okay. I'll um… Pick you up after school?'

'I'll see you then.' The taller boy smiled, placing a hand gently on Louis' shoulder and letting it linger longer than necessary before walking out into the crowded hallway.

Louis stood there, frozen. He could still feel the slight pressure of Harry's hand resting on him, the sensation searing his skin in the most wonderful of ways. He was unable to shake the feeling, even as he skipped to his next class of the day.


'You ready to go, Haz?' Louis was bubbling with excitement as he stood next to Harry's locker, waiting for him to finish packing up his books.

'Yeah.' Harry flashed the older boy a brilliant smile, unable to contain his own happiness. 'Let's go.'

And with that, they were off.

The relatively short walk to the coffee shoppe was spent playing twenty questions, the boys asking each other random things, and finding out more about one another. As it turned out, the two shared common interests, as well as favourite colours and musicians. Louis was sure he'd both laughed and smiled more in ten minutes with Harry than he had in his entire life. He was happy he had taken Niall's advice and took the initiative to ask the curly haired boy out, rather than spending the rest of his high school days pining away at something he could've had.

When they arrived at the small, family owned store, Harry easily stepped into the role of gentleman as he opened the door for Louis, waiting until he had stepped into the quaint establishment before following close behind. Internally, the young man was freaking out. He really, really, really liked Louis, and he didn't want to screw anything up, especially with the fragile nature of their relationship.

The green eyed boy followed Louis' lead as he led him down to a secluded area of the homey café. Harry was quick to pull out the older boy's chair for him , waiting until he had sat down before seating himself.

'Soo….' Harry started awkwardly, fidgeting with his hands. He was so overwhelmed by the fact that he was actually out with Louis, alone… it was pretty much a date.

'Harry, um-' Louis tried to speak, the words catching in his throat. 'The reason I asked you for coffee was-'

'Good afternoon, guys! Welcome to Joe's, I'm Martha and I'll be your waitress. What can I get you?' A young girl, probably no older than himself, rudely interrupted. Harry smiled weakly, taking hold of the blue eyed boy's hand under  the table to keep him from jumping over the table and attacking their fiery haired server.

'I'll take a coffee, three sugars, no cream.' the younger boy answered politely, looking to Louis. 'What would you like, Lou?' Harry tried to calm him down, sending him a knowing look that prayed for patience.

'I'll take a tea, two sugars and one cream, Martha.' Louis answered civilly, and Harry let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

'Coming right up boys, I'll be back in a jiffy!' She smiled, taking no notice of Louis' sudden sour demeanour and winking flirtatiously at Harry.

'Lou, what were you going to say?' Harry tried to move the conversation back to the topic at hand, but failed miserably.

'It doesn't matter. How were your classes today?' the blue eyed boy effectively changed the topic of conversation, content to hear Harry's smooth baritone voice make idle chatter.


'Hey Greg!' Stan whispered conspiratorially from the next booth over, keeping his eyes on Harry and Louis as they chatted over their coffees. 'Are you seeing this?'

'What're you talking about, Stan?' Greg replied, craning his neck to follow his friend's line of vision. His gaze came to rest on two of his school mates, sitting in the corner and making conversation over what looked like tea.

'Don't you see them?' Stan asked angrily, hoping that Greg was smart enough to understand what he was trying to say.

'Umm…. I see Styles and Tomlinson having tea?' Greg answered dubiously, utterly confused as to what his friend was talking about.

'They're not just having tea, you tosser. They're fairies! They're on a date!' He hissed, smacking the table, not so subtly, with his hand.

'Well.. We can't really do anything about that, Stan…' Greg reasoned.

'Yes, yes we can.' Stan affirmed. 'C'mon. We've got a plan to make.' he stood, throwing a wad of bills on the table and storming from the small café. Greg, still confused as ever, followed close behind.

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