Tragic Love {One-Shot (SHINee-Onew)}

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Hello everyone. :)

This is the first story that I will post here in Wattpad.

Actually, I've been writing for quite a long time now.

Originally, I already posted this to SFI (SHINee Forum International).

I really hope that you will like it too. ^^

By the way, if you get confused with some Korean words, please refer to the glossary at the last part of  the story.

Just to warn you. (Hihihi) I'm not as perfect as the others when it comes to grammar and spellings, so please pardon me. :blush:

Enjoy and sorry for the supppeeerrr loonnggg introduction! >_<

"Hon, please,...don't do this to me...please don't leave me alone...I can't live without you hon...please keep your promise that we will be together hon.."

"Please drive home slowly, arasso?" Eun Jae smiles as she said it to Onew.

They were celebrating their 5th monthsary earlier that morning. They are already in the front of Eun Jae's house.

Onew frowns. "Aren't you tired of reminding it to me hon?"

"Nope. Why would I? I love reminding you every second, minute and hour of every day, Mr. Forgetful." Eun Jae chuckles as she said the last 2 words. "Wae? You're tired of my reminders hon?"

Onew holds her two hands and kisses it. "Ani. I do love and like it. I just thought doing it makes you feel tired." He pokes her nose with his nose. "Ya, you're making me feel old with that Mr. Forgetful thingy."

"Because you are really hon! Hahaha! You are an old man." Eun Jae meronged at him. "....forgetful old man.."

He pouts. "Aniyo. I'm still young and I'm not forgetful too!"

"Ya, who said that you are young hmmm??? Yes you are! You wanna hear me recalling all those times that you tend to forget important things? Aigoo... I think I need two days for this...kekeke." She teases him.

Onew turns his back on her. He acts as if he is sulking. "Aishh... why is there no one believes me that I am not forgetful? I think nobody loves me."

Eun Jae hugs his back. " little sweet paapoo is sulking. Do you want a hug from me, hmmm?" She knows Onew is just acting but she love it when they do this. This is their way of showing how sweet they are to each other.

Onew holds her hands and faces her. "Ani."

She frowns. "Wae? Don't you like my hugs anymore?"

"I do want it, but I want more than that... this..." Onew points his pouting lips.

Tragic Love {One-Shot (SHINee-Onew)}Where stories live. Discover now