I'm Dead.

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Sharna's P.O.V.

Today didn't start off great. A group of vampires literally cornered me by my car and insisted that I go to their home after school. I didn't really want to go. How do I know that they weren't going to kill me? I told them that I was a monster. That I killed the one person who loved me and they invite me to their home. There is definately something more to this. And I don't think I wanted to find out. 

I was sat in English, my first lesson, when a guy with dirty blonde hair walked up to my desk.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right? Sharna Knight? I'm Mike, Mike Newton." He said. He seemed really over confident This is what usually started the fights that would get me kicked out of school. The guys who thought they could undress me with their minds and then try and get into my pants. Well, this kid had another thing coming.

"Yeah, that's me." I said, shortly. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't want to know what he was thinking about. 

"How do you like Forks so far?" He asked. Did he not get the message that I didn't want to talk? I must not be giving him the right signals.

"No." I replied. I wanted him to leave it at that.

"Why not?" He asked. He seemed to be thinking carefully. Maybe thinking how he could make it better for me.

"Because some of the guys here can't seem to get the message that I don't want to talk to them." I said, making a point of looking at him in the eye so he would get the message that I was talking about him.

His expression changed. He seemed hurt by what I had said. I didn't blame him. He should have taken the hint when I was giving him short answers.

He walked over to a group of people on the other side of the room. The teacher walked in the room and looked around until their gaze fell on me. She looked to be middle aged, really pretty and she seemed like someone who I could wrap around my little finger if I turned on the charm.

"You must be Sharna Knight?" She asked politely.

"Yes Miss, that's me," I said sweetly. I didn't want to make any enemies with the teachers. Yet.

"Right, well, I won't make you introduce yourself. I don't think many students like that kind of thing. So I will get you a text book and let you know what you need to catch up on." She said. I was grateful that she didn't make me introduce myself.

She came over with my text book and I had only missed like 1 chapter so I didn't have that much to catch up on. 

English passed quickly and I headed to Maths. Wonderful. I hate maths. I could do maths with the numbers and everything but when the alphabet started to get involved that's when I had the issues. 

The question on the board was 

"    Find x

(2x+3) x (3x+7)   "

Why can't Maths find it's own "x" we have enough problems without worrying about where its "x" has gone.

I heard a chuckling beside me. I thought I had spoke allowed what I was thinking. I was proven wrong when I looked up and saw Edward sat next to me. I hadn't even heard him sit down. I must have been out of it.

"Yeah, you were. Something about not wanting to find somebody's ex?" He said with a smirk.

I made a point to try and kill him and soon if he didn't pack it in. I didn't care what his mate would do to me. If she killed me then I think I would be eternally grateful that she had taken me out of this misery I called a life. I mean, seriously, who could love a monster like myself? I only hurt the people I cared about. Josie was a perfect example of that. She was always there for me when I needed her. But when she needed me I just turned my back on her. Fair enough, if I had stayed it would have gotten me killed. But would that have been a bad thing. All the happy memories I had with Josie seemed to pass through my mind and I couldn't stop it. I came out of my thoughts as he bell rang. I couldn't go to my next class. I was close to a breakdown.

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