Getting To Know My Mate.

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Sharna's P.O.V.

Me and Edward walked back to the house where everyone was. My dad looked at me worried and I just smiled at him. "I'm okay, daddy."  I said. He calmed down then. He must have been really worried. I saw Esme sat next to him and the guy who said was called Sam was on the other side of him. I walked forward and sat on my dad's lap. 

"I have found my mate." I whispered in his ear so that only him and Esme would be able to hear me. I had sworn Edward to secrecy on the way back and I didn't want anyone else to know. Apparently Embry  could sense it too. The wolf always knows when his imprint is near apparently.

"Sharna, can I talk to you a minute?" Embry asked. I nodded and followed him outside and through the tree line.

"I know this is going to sound crazy, but I've imprinted on you." He said. At least he wasn't going to beat around the bush. He was going straight in with the truth.

"I know." I said with a smile.

"I know you probably don;t believe me but..... wait. You know?" He asked. He was obviously surprised that I would be so accepting of this.

"Yes. When I saw you it was like my world had a meaning all of a sudden. There was a time where I just didn't want to live anymore. I moved here and I found out that my father lives here and that I have a knew family. Up until the other day I was alone. I am the same as Renesmee. We are both hybrids. Except my mother didn't survive like Bella. My father left before my mother found out she was pregnant with me. The town ruled her death as an animal attack. Then I find out I have a family here and they have accepted me with open arms. Even Rosalie likes me which is surprising for the rest of them. I didn't think I was missing anything from my life. Then I laid my eyes on you. Then I truly felt complete. I don't need anything else in my life as long as I have the things I do now, I will be OK."  I explained. He seemed to have tears in his eyes. 

He started moving towards me. He slid his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug. I looped my arms around his neck. He had a slight woodsy smell that was addicting. I knew that if I wanted to could lay in his arms all day and never get tired. We stood like this for about an hour. I heard everyone shouting us. I didn't want to let him go. I could hear them getting closer and neither seemed to want to let go of each other. And we didn't. That's how the family found us. In each other's arms.

Edward's P.O.V.

I felt like Sharna was my little sister. That's how I saw her. I was glad that Bella wasn't the jealous type. She was happy that I saw someone as a true sister. Not like Alice and Rosalie. We were close but not as close and me and Sharna. He had only been here a couple of days but I would already give my life to keep her safe. I think everyone would. Even the wolves now. I didn't even have to tell everyone. They all saw it in both of their eyes. They knew that Embry had imprinted on Sharna.

Some people would be disgusted that a dog had imprinted on a beautiful girl such as Sharna. But they didn't know the length a wolf would go to ensure that their imprint had everything they could possibly need or want.

I was glad that it was Embry. He was quiet. If it was Paul then we would have had issues. He had anger management problems and all the wolves were aware of this. She may be half vampire but it was possible that she could get hurt if a wolf phased near her and cut her. It would be Emily all over again. I saw this happen in Sam's head as he was on the same wave length as me. He would have had to keep an eye on Paul whenever he was around Sharna. But she isn't imprinted to Paul. Embry would take care of her. I had heard that in all the wolves thoughts.

"How can you handle the fact that yet another wolf has imprinted on a member of your family?" Leah asked. She wasn't curious. She didn't truly care. She was wondering when we would break the treaty so she could have a go at killing us. She only protected us against the other pack because she didn't want to be in Sam's pack. She didn't want Jacob to force her sorry ass back to Sam. 

"Because when a wolf imprints, they show them nothing but love and affection, something you need to learn about." Rosalie said. She wasn't wrong. Leah was still upset over the fact that Sam had left her for her cousin. He didn't have a choice. An imprint is hard to deny.

"Believe I do. And I also have been on the receiving end of this imprinting Bullshit. What happens when some of these wolves go into relationships and then imprint on someone else. I know exactly how the ex is going to feel. I know to this day how they are going to feel. And you have no one to blame but yourself, Sam." She said with so much hatred in her voice. 

"Then why don't you leave, Leah." Seth said. Everyone was surprised at him. He usually went along with what his sister did. "No one is going to stop you. You're making everyone else miserable because you won't let go of your past. We get it, you were hurt. But don't make us feel that pain. Mom is sick of it too. So this is a wake up call. Unless you want me to release Rosalie on you I would shut up about how imprinting is a bad thing. I have never seen Emily so happy since we have known her. Sam has given up everything he could just to make her happy. Something you would never know. GET OVER YOURSELF AND STOP BEING A SELFISH BITCH!" Seth ended. 

"Kid's got balls." Emmett said under his breath. 

Leah stormed out of the house. Her thoughts were reeling. She never thought that her own brother would say that to her. 

"Nice one Seth, didn't know you had it in you." Jacob said. 

"Yeah, maybe she'll stop thinking about how much I hurt her. " He was sad that he had caused this.

"Sam, it is impossible to deny a mate. Even for a vampire. Believe me. You must remember when I left Bella. I didn't want to but it was to keep her safe. When I thought she had died, I didn't want to live anymore. She is everything to me. That is the same for an imprint I am guessing. What would happen if anything happened and Emily wasn't here anymore?"I explained. I knew exactly where he was coming from.

"I would follow her as soon as I could. Though the boys wouldn't help me." He said without hesitation.

"That is the mate bond. Once you find them, you can't live without them." I said.

Sharna and Embry walked back in and Sharna smiled to her dad who was sat in between Esme and Sam. She sat on his knee and whispered in his ear something that I couldn't hear. But Esme could because she had a smile on her face. I knew that Sharna had told them that she had found her mate. But she didn't know that we all already knew. 


There you go. Sorry about the late upload. I have been trying to figure out how to continue the story. I had no idea. but I know where I am going with it now :)

Thanks for the support :) 

MrsCarlisleCullen17 <3

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