I'm Staying!?

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Sharna's P.O.V.

Alice was showing me around the house. It was massive! Like three stories high. I wouls have called it a castle but that was a it extreme.

We headed back to the living room and Alice sat me next to Edward and Bella. He had one arm around Bella and when I sat down he swung the other arm around me. I felt that safe feeling again. It was nice to feel loved. Even if it was a sibling way. I wasn't really looking for a mate. I just wanted to live my life for now and then worry about love later.

"You got that right kiddo." Edward said beside me. I could helpbut giggle at that. He took his arm from around Bella and started tickling me.

"Edward..... stop..... please,......" I gasped. He stopped tickling me. Then he nodded and looked at Jasper and Emmett. They started to walk towards me and I knew what they were going to do. Without thinking about it, I flipped over the back of the couch and ran up the stairs, dodging Esme, shouting a quick sorry and running to my dad's office. He was sat reading a book and he was surprised when I jumped into his lap.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked worriedly.

"You'll find out in three... two... one..." And the Emmett, Jasper, Edward and Jacob walked through the door with evil smiles on their faces.

"Just give us the girl and no one will get hurt." Emmett said with an evil voice. 

"you'll never catch me alive, coppers!" I shouted. They started laughing at I took that chance at getting away. Emmett was stood with his legs apart, thinking I was going to jump over him. Boy was he wrong. I slid through his legs then commando rolled over. "Haha I have mad ninja skills!" I shouted back to them. I could hear them following me,  I knew that Rosalie might save me but if I promised Alice that I would go shopping then she would definately save me.

"Come sit next to me, we will go shopping next weekend." Alice said with a smile.

"You're awesome Alice." I smiled at her.

The boys came down the stairs and saw where I was sitting. I had a smug smile on my face which then told them that they had lost. 

"Damn, the small ones always seem to be the fastest." Emmett grumbled.

"Hey! I'm not small! I'm funsized!" I shouted at him. They all laughed that the comment and we were all just having fun in the living room.

"Sharna! Come up to my office please!" I heard dad shout. Oh dear, what have I done?

I walked up to his office and he was sat on his desk with a smile on his face.

"Before you ask, Emmett did it." I said. Why not get the defenses in there first.

"I'm not going to shout at you. But I want to ask you a question." He said with a smirk.

"Oh, right. It was still Emmett." I said. I could hear everyone chuckling. Evidently they all knew something I didn't. This is why I liked living on my own. I didn't have anyone keeping secrets from me. It was just me, myself and I.

"It's nothing that will get you in trouble. Although if you agree to it, I might have to seperate you and Emmett every now and again." He said.

"Right, but whatever happens in the future, just remember that it was probably Emmett who talked me into it and I was an innocent person caught in the trap of peer pressure, or sibling pressure whichever you want to go with." I said with a sweet smile. I could tell that I had my daddy wrapped around my little finger.

"I'll remember that sweet heart." He motioned for me to go and sit in his lap. "But what I wanted to ask was whether you would like to stay here permanently and become a part of our family. That way we can make up for lost time. I know that you and Edward are almost like blood siblings. I can see the protective look in his eye. Especially when you told us what happened to you." He said. I was shocked. I couldn't believe he was asking me this. I knew the answer before he gave me the explanation. I was hoping he would ask me all along. Maybe he was scared that I would say no. But what girl wouldn't want their father in her life? Every girl needs her daddy, right?

He started to look anxious. Probably because I didn't give him an answer to his question yet. I brought out my most cheesiest smile and sqealed "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He covered his ears. I had to admit it was a record for my squeals. 

I heard everyone coming up the stairs and the first through the door was Edward. He picked me up and spun me around so fast my eyes were still spinning when he stopped. He didn't let me go just incase I fell. The room stopped spinning and I could see him grinning like an idiot.

"Hey, I'm not an idiot!" He pouted.

"Well, stop grinning like one then." I retorted. He smiled at that one and kissed my forehead.

The next person to come up to me was Bella.

"Don't worry, I know that you and Edward are just siblings." She smiled at me and gave me a hug. Maybe she could save me from shopping with Alice next weekend. Edward smirked and everyone looked at him in question.

"Nothing, don't worry, her thoughts are pretty amusing." Edward said, I said thank you in my head and he nodded minutely.

Everyone gave me their hugs and then my dad came over. I must have looked pretty tired because the next thing I knew, I was on a bed in a massive room.

"Go to sleep, we will still be here in the morning." Dad smiled. Everyone came and said goodnight with kisses on the cheek and some on the forehead from Esme, Dad and Eddie.

"IT'S EDWARD!" He shouted up the stairs.

"Night guys." I said.


Sorry it took so long for me to upload. I had alot of revisio to do for AS Level exams. But they are over now. I have no more exams until January!! :D I will upload more oftern :)

Thanks for the support so far :)

MrsCarlisleCullen17 <3 

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