I Found My Mate!

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Sharna's P.O.V.

I woke up and tried to remember everything. 

Right, running from Eddie, Emmett, Jasper and Jacob. My mad ninja skills. Bet I couldn't that again. The promising Alice that I would go shopping. Thinking about asking Bella to save me. Bella could hold her own against Alice.

Then sleep. Right.

Today, dad said that I would be meeting some friends of Jacob's. Apparently they were supernatural but not vampires. What else could they be? Fairies? I heard Edward burst out laughing and he couldn't control himself. I knew it must have been my comment because he always laughed at my thoughts. I wasn't that funny.

After I had gotten changed, I walked down the stairs and Esme had my breakfast in her hands. 

"Go and sit in the living room and I'll bring it out to you." She said with a motherly smile. The smile was similar to the last smile my mother gave me. I missed her. I wanted her to know that I had found my father and that I was safe She had the right to know that I was safe, wherever people go when they die. I wasn't sure whether I believed in the afterlife or heaven and hell. I never really gave it much thought. It didn't really interest me until now. 

I sat next to Edward who gave me a sympathetic smile. I knew he had been hearing my thoughts. I gave him a sad smile back. There wasn't really much else I could do.

"Sharna, Jake's friends will be here in an hour to meet the new member if the family." Dad said. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to know what kind of supernatural creature they were. I really wanted them to be fairies. That would be awesome. I always wanted to meet a fairy. Maybe they knew whether Tinkerbell and Peter Pan were real. Would they have met him?

"Peter Pan? Who's that?" Edward asked.

"You've never heard of Peter Pan? What century were you born in?" I asked.

"Not this one munchkin." He replied with a smirk.

"Ok, you have me there. But Peter Pan was a boy who ran away to Never Never Land. He met Tinkerbell his fairy friend and the Lost Boys there. He is the boy that never grows up. He doesn't want to." I explained.

"How did you start thinking about that?" Jacob asked.

Me and Edward started laughing like hell because we knew that it was about him and his friends. We couldn't calm down so Jasper helped us. Then he gave me the need to tell the truth.

"Ok, so I was wondering what kind of supernatural creature you and your friends were. So I was thinking up all kinds of random things and I thought about fairies and thinking how cool it would be if you were one. Then I started wondering if you knew if Tinkerbell and Peter Pan were real, then if you guys had met him." I explained. I didn't really have a choice. Then I realised I had a get out plan for the shopping.

"Jasper, now you can explain to your wife why I am not going shopping." I smiled sweetly. He seemed to go paler than he already was. He knew he was in trouble because Alice did not look happy. "I was going to ask Bella to help me get out of it but because you messed with my emotions, you are now my scape-goat." I said. Bella gave me a smile and Edward just started chuckling.

We all looked at him curiously and Bella answered the question that was on outr faces.

"I was thinking that Sharna is like a mini me. Neither of us like shopping and would look for any excuse to get out of shopping with Alice." Bella explained. 

I smiled at her.

"Well, we're not fairies, Sharna. We are cooler." Jake said. 

"No, nothing is cooler than fairies." I retorted.

"Fine, I'm gonna tell her Carlisle, is that OK?" Jake asked. At that moment a lot of muscular guys walked in. They had the same skin tone as Jacob, they must be the same as each other.

"Now it is. I was going to say wait for the rest but they are already here." Dad replied.

"Ok, we are shapeshifter. We can change into horse-sized wolves whenever we want." Jacob said.

"So you really think that dogs are cooler than fairies? Seriously? What planet do you live on?" I asked. Everyone, even the people who had just walked in started laughing. 

"I live on Earth." Jacob retorted.

"There must be another planet that has the same name as this one because everyone on this planet knows that fairies are cooler than dogs anyday of the week." I replied. I could see Jake getting annoyed and it was fun. I might have to do this more often.

"Right, Sharna, that's enough now." Dad said.

"Awww, but I was having fun." I said, jutting my bottom lip out.

I could see my dad's face soften. "Fine, but don't wind him up too much." He gave in. I had a weapon of mass destruction where my dad was concerned. I would definately use this in the future.

Edward chuckled then. 

"Right, we need to get introduction over with because you don't know any of them. Here we have Sam, Paul, Jared, Quil, Seth, Leah and Embry." Jacob pointed to each and they waved in return. When it came to Embry, we just stared at each other. I couldn't help it. 

It was like my whole world was turned around. Not upside down, but the right way up. Like he was my sun. The only thing that I lived for. He was holding me here. Keeping me alive. I realised I had been staring for a while so I broke eye contact. I went for a walk outside, aware that I was being followed. I turned around to see Edward following me.

"I know what you're feeling." He said. I looked at him confused. "Most of us do. Me, Bella, Jacob, Renesmee, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Esme, your dad, Sam and Embry now." He said. He gave me a knowing smile as I was peiceing together everything in my head.

"Oh my god, I just found my mate, havent I?" I asked. I couldn't believe it. All this time I had gone without a mate. Not even wanting one. And now one person walks into the room and turns my world around. I thought I was happy being by myself. 

I never wanted to come to Forks, but I knew that if I could live a somewhat normal life then Forks would be the best option. There was no sun, although I didn't sparkle like the rest of the vampires in the world, I gave of a faint glow that humans would notice. I came to Forks determined to get kicked out of school, find other vampires, find my father, get accepted into his family like everyone, then I find my mate.

One decision of moving to Forks, and I have been given everything I could have asked for and more.


Well, there's another chapter for you. :)

Let me know what you think my lovelies :)

MrsCarlisleCullen17 <3

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