Make-Up Cloths and Hair!

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*Beau's P.O.V*

I got us a reservation at Floraûes at 8pm, despite what that twat said, so I couldn't wait! But, it was on the other side if town. Oh well, maybe that will give us time to 'bond' a little?!

Jai and lent me one of his suits but it was a little too short for me, so I decided to wear my skinny jeans, vans and a black polo shirt, with a navy-blue blazer. Hopefully, it's presentable enough.

That's called, thinking like an Aussie!

I thoguht of Sam. The way her hair is never perfect in the mornings, the way she looks like shit without make up but looks amazzzing with it on but not too much to make her look fake. The way she's just like everyone else but she's more individual than anyone I've ever met at the same time. The way she's perfect in everyway but not perfect at all. But she's perfect in my eyes. He flaws have flaws but they are beautiful flaws. She eats like a pig but has a fast metabolism so she stays thin but thats what I like most about her. She's the most amazing girl I've ever met. And, she has a British accent even though she's Australian. I guess living in England for 11 years really takes a toll on you.

On fan pages, I read that apparently I only want to 'fuck' girls who have British accents, which is 'partly' true.

Don't judge me ok?

But seriously! With Sam, it's so different. Her aura, her jokes (which are terrible, but makes me laugh anyway) and her bubbly personality! She's such a bubbly person, she was just ruined by her x-boyfriend. How dare he.

I bet you after he got out of hospital, he will go to a mental hospital or prison because I'm pretty sure that Louis has sued him... And he commited a crime. A very serious crime.

I didn't worry because Louis had done one thing, which was sending him to hospital for a good few months!

As far as I'm informed, he's still there and it's been what? 4 months?

*Sam's P.O.V*

I got out of my 'lush' bath, reluctantly, and sat on my little make up booth. Cat and Anna immediately got started on my hair. They straightened my chocolate brown, wavy hair, and then put it into a high, messy bun, but surprisingly, it was really neat! "We'll do the rest of your hear later!" Anna smled.

Next, they did my make-up,but keep in mind that I was still in my towel. While they did my make-up, I got out my tablet to check my twitter. Then I realised....

I have so many new followers... "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!"

Anna and Cat looked at me with a strange and worried look. "What the hell? What's wrong Sam?" Anna stated.

"I... I- I ACTUALLY HAVE MORE THAN 100 FOLLOWERS ON TWITTER FOR ONCE!!" I screamed in joy. "Wow! How'd you manage that? Check your notifications!" Cat said.

I checked my notifications, and I had loads, when one in particular caught my attention....

Beau had tweeted an hour ago...

Going on a date with @SamClifford ! God I'm so nervous!!! I'm REALLY nervous. I mean COME ON! She's so hot and I really like her!! ✌️💞💞❤️❤️

(That's EXACTLY 140 characters!!)

Wow! Beau.




"Beeeeaaauuuuu!!!!! Get your fat ass in here NOOOOWWWW!!" I shouted, from the top of my lungs.

A few seconds later, Beau came running in. "What's wrong babe?" He said, with a worried expression.

I started to laugh, then into fits of laughter. Soon enough, Anna and Cat were laughing along with me.

"Babe? What's wrong?" He said. I looked at him, long and hard, then decided to put the boy outta his misery.

"I'm so hot am I?" I blurted. "Oh. You saw my tweet? I'm sorry babe I'll delete it if you want?" He started hesitating.

"No, it's all right. It's just no one has ever said that to me before and-" I started saying.

"Wait... Not even Joe?" Luke said, coming into the conversation. I flinched at his name. "Sam I'm so sorry I-" Luke started saying, before Daniel came in and said," If it makes you feel any better, I think your hot!?"

I bursted out laughing. "Oh get your pathetic face over her I'm gonna fucking shove your head up your ass!" Beau said, before chasing after him...

Me, Anna and Cat just sat there, laughing our fucking asses off!!!


Hey guys! How'd you like the double-update?!?! It's the Easter Holidays!!!Having fun and shit but yeah. Like I probably said earlier, I HAVE NO SHIT TO GET UP TO so DON'T expect double updates ALOT!!

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