~ Chapter 8 ~

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Namjoon shrugged off Yoongi's hold and slowly walked over to Jin. He stood inches away from him, breathing a little heavier than usual. 

"What?" Namjoon glares.

"You heard. She kissed me. Multiple times." He said simply and a wide smirk appeared across his face.

I could see Namjoon's visible veins, due to clenching his fists and for the first time in knowing him, I didn't know what he was thinking. 

"You're lying." He simply said, forcing me to sigh in relief. 

I wiped the tears that were running down my cheeks and stood still.

"Why would I be lying?"

"I know you are. My girlfriend doesn't lie." He stated, forcing a smile upon my face.

"You don't know your girlfriend as well as you think." Jin air quoted on the word 'girlfriend' and crossed his arms in a manner of SAVAGE, chuckling evilly a little at the situation.

Namjoon just stared at Jin in either a confused or angered way. This time, I couldn't read him. He looked down at Jin's bloody shirt, that once had been white and pouted. 

"I don't know what to believe anymore." He sighed, walking away in a confident posture.

We all watched Namjoon walk away, then turned back into the centre of the commotion, looking concerned. I automatically, glared at Jin, storming over to his and repeatedly slapping his chest. Yoongi was quick to pull me back. "You idiot! I hate you! Fuck you!" I cursed, being dragged away from Jin. Miles away.

Yoongi and I had been searching for Namjoon, but we got nothing. We'd checked: the house, local stores, bars, clubs, streets. woodlands and we were sure that he was nowhere. Maybe there were some places that we didn't check, but we were exhausted after trying.

In the end, Yoongi and I went back to mine with Woohyun to feed him and put him to bed. After searching everywhere and calling his phone 48 times, it was late in the evening. 

"You have the bed tonight Yoongi." I offered, more demanding.

"Kiba, there is no way on Earth that I'm letting you sleep on the sofa." He growled, forcing a smile upon my face.


"Shut up Kiba. Goodnight." And with that, he pushed me towards the stairs, while walking towards the sofa. 

I mumbled a 'goodnight', whilst stumbling up the stairs, a hug smile forming on my face.

Yoongi already had been such an angel to me today, but that was just the brother and sister bond that we had. He had helped me, saved me and even put Woohyun to bed like the good Uncle and brother that he is. 

After staring sweetly at Woohyun, I switched off the lamp and jumped onto the double-bed, which was taking in a single.

Sleeping there alone was horrible. I needed someone to sleep next to at night and cuddle.

That night, I eventually fell asleep, realising that I could. 


When I woke, the aroma of freshly baked, Korean Pancakes filled my room. Woohyun was still asleep, cuddling his favourite toy and I jumped up from the bed, fighting past the duvet and running downstairs. 

I was in the same clothes as yesterday because of the exhaustion.

When I reached the kitchen, what I expected to be Yoongi cooking, was actually Namjoon. My mouth opened wide, as I creeped over to him. There was a part of me that wanted to just back hug him and another part that just wanted to force him around and slap him. I was indecisive between the options so I just left it. 



I didn't.

I pouted a little at my decisions, but proceeded to back hug him. I felt his warm body jump a little as we touched, followed by a long sigh. Instantly, I regretted my choice and let him go and turning to walk away. 

A tight hand, gripped around my wrist, not letting me go. Then it swung my body around to face its owner. 

"Why are you being like this?" I started, and was tearing up.

Sighing seemed to be the only thing he did nowadays.

"Being like what?" He added annoyance to each word.

"You know." I rolled my eyes. "Don't you even believe me? You're just going to believe hi-"

"Tell me what to believe Kiba. Tell me what I should and and shouldn't believe." He moaned, then a familiar wave of emotions appeared in font of me. He turned off the cooker and snapped.

My lips started to tremble, as more tears flowed like a waterfall.

"I- I-'m going out." I stated quietly, loosing all confidence, but snapping back at him a little. I felt like I was the one in the wrong. If only he would believe me. 

"I want the truth." He demanded, gripping my arm before I could run out of the house.

I squealed a little, trying my hardest to escape. 

"Let go!" I cried, struggling so much that I felt like I was being assaulted by my own boyfriend.

He wouldn't budge. 

In the end, I stopped struggling to get away from him, and started to struggle looking at him. I squinted my eyes, as tiny voice left my mouth.

"Hey Yoongi." I forced a smile, pretending that Yoongi was behind Namjoon, so that he would let me go. Namjoon let go and looked behind him.

Quickly I ran away from him and ran around the house in my bare feet and pajamas. I didn't spare a glance behind me, so I slowed down a little when I got to the front door. I quickly slid on some flats and opened the door.

Just as I was about to step out the house, Namjoon appeared behind me, taking hold of both of my shoulders and forcing me back inside. He pushed me up against the wall. One hand flat on the wall next to me and the other closing the door, then joining it to place flat on the other side of me. 

I closed my eyes and breathed heavy, my heart pounding like a drum.

I could feel familiar warm breaths upon my face.

"I said I want the truth." He simply stated.

"A-a-and I will tell you."

He nodded.

"Okay. Okay. You want the truth. I promise you Namjoon I love you with-"

"Just say it." He narrowed his eyes.

"Okay. Okay Okay." I breathed in. "Jin is lying. But what he said, wasn't entirely false either. Last week, I went out to meet Jin. He was demanding to see Woohyun and he wanted custody over him. Of course I said no. But he wouldn't let me say no and he ended up kissing me. Multiple times." I explain, backing up against the wall, that I was already backed up against.

There was annoyance in my eyes. I tried to push past him slightly, but he violently pushed me back, slamming his fist into the wall next to my face. I shrieked with fright, letting out tears immediately.

"You lied to me! I bet it was you that kissed him! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He began to cry, opening the door and he was the one to run away. 

I slid my back down the wall and sobbed to myself.

"Why doesn't he believe me?"

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