~ Chapter 11 ~

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We leave the restaurant with smiles upon our faces, hands linked and full stomachs. When we get outside into the open world, I squint my eyes shut because of the sun, but proceed to walk on wards with Namjoon. 

We he sees that I am squinting my eyes, he stands in front of me, releasing our hands from each other and forces me to suddenly stop. 

"Here." He says, taking off his sunglasses and putting them on me, making his own eyes squint. I smile at him, but then glare at him evilly.

"And what are you going to do about your eyes?" I snap.

He chuckles at my aggression. 

"Nothing. It's you I care about. Can't you take a nice gesture?"

"Ugh." I sigh, whilst mumbling a 'thanks'. 

"What was that?" He smiles cheekily.

"Thank you." I said it louder, as he puts his arm around me and walks me to a shop that I point out.


"And you're saying that I can pick anything?"

"Yes." He smiles.

I shrieked with excitement, whilst Namjoon walked away and started to look at other things.

I ignored what he was doing and looked at these nice denim shorts. I looked through the sizes to find my size and picked them up. I put them over my clothing and admired myself in the mirror. Namjoon came back over to me, hiding his hands behind his back. 

"You like those?" He asked, whilst I stopped admiring and nodded at him. "Good.2

"What's behind your back?" I asked with curiosity, trying to look but he was good at hiding things.

"Huh? Oh that. Yeah, just a little something." He chuckled, pulling out one hand and revealing a small baby outfit. I smiled at him. 

"It's cute. And the other hand?" I gave him serious looks, as he pulled out a laced corset.

"Like it?" He winks.

"Yo-y-you want me to wea-no." 

"Oh come on." He begged.

"No." I looked away from him.

"What if I told you that I already bought it?"

"Then I would tell you to go to customer services and get a refund." He grinned.

"I'll put it back." He looked down at me and slowly walked off. 


He turned on his heels and gave a big smile. "I'll go buy it then." He snatched the denim shorts off of me and cheekily stumbled over to the checkout. I chuckled to myself.


We were in the car on the way back, after doing a little more shopping and Namjoon drove us back home.

Before we got out of the car, he stopped me.

"Kiba." He said seriously. "There is something I have to tell you."


"I think I'm madly in love with you."

I laughed out loud. 

"I should hope you are."

"No Kiba." He sighed. "I don't think I've ever felt like this for anyone before. People call me a lot of stuff which makes me sound like I sleep around with any girl I can find, but you. You are something else. Sure I've had some girls in the past that I was with for long periods of time, but it's different. With you, I've done things only you would understand. We've been through a lot together. You were there for me when I got stabbed, you were there when we broke up and most importantly, you stuck by me through everything. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. I love you Kiba. I really love you." 

I was taken aback by his words. I even teared up. 

"N-Namjoon. I don't know what to say." I cried. He was quick to grab my hand.

"How about I love you too Namjoon agi?" He winked.

"Oh right." I giggled. "I love you too Namjoon agi."

We got out of the car and and Namjoon went to the boot of the car to pick up our shopping. Before we got into the house, he lightly put the shopping on the ground, locked his car with his automaticness and pushed me up against the car.

I look deeply into his eyes, then down to his lips. 



He blocks me off by kissing me passionately. 

But then we are blocked off by the front door swinging open and Yoongi running out to us. 

"Woohyun's not breathing!"

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