Chapter 13: Maria

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You know that feeling in high school, when your crush finally asked you out, and it was like, oh crap? What do I say? Is this actually happening? That was what it felt like when Bud sent his message. I hadn't messaged him since Jenny had come over. I didn't expect him to text me again, at least not for another few days after the conversation had fallen stale. I figured if he liked me, he'd message me again, and I was right. I guess.

DarkValleyStranger: Maria, please believe me when I say that I am not married. I really like you, and I think we should go out to dinner.

I ignored his message for the whole night, because I didn't know what to say. All I had wanted for the last couple of weeks was for him to ask me out, and now I was chickening out. Finally, after waiting all morning and biting a bit into the early afternoon, I opened his message and accepted. His response was quick, and it made me feel lightheaded. Perhaps this was a bad idea. I was so sick of things always going south. I could just make it fizzle out myself and call it a day. At least this way, I wouldn't be the one on the receiving end.

DarkValleyStranger: How about tonight? :)

MARIAnCrane: Tonight sounds great :)

DarkValleyStranger: Shall I pick you up?

MARIAnCrane: Sure, there's a bar I like to go to. We can meet there and then head to dinner

DarkValleyStranger: Perfect, I'll pick you up at 7

MARIAnCrane: Sounds good, I'll send you the bar's address :)

I distracted myself until somewhere around 4 o'clock, then I had to come to terms that I was going to meet Bud for the first time. My hands were aching in nerves just at the thought. Okay, I needed Jenny. I sent her a 911 message and she was over in ten minutes.

"I was in the middle of waxing my mustache off, what's the emergency?" she asked.

"I knew you weren't naturally hairless." I said.

"Honey seriously, I only look perfect, I'm not really perfect."

"No, I know."

She punched me in the arm. Bitch was wearing her class ring.

"So, what's the emergency?" she asked again.

"Um, well, I kind of lied about staying off the app." I finally admitted.

Jenny raised a brow, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"And I sort of met someone." I continued.

"You did? Maria, that's great! What's his name? Is he cute? How old is he? Does he have a car? Can I see a photo? What's his social security number?" she pressed, a wide smile spreading across her face.

My face was definitely turning red. We had been in this situation before. I met a guy, we gushed over him, and then he ghosted me. I was like the Flying Dutchman, collecting the souls of failed relationships.

"His name is Bud, and he's really good-looking. He's 29, gonna be 30 soon, I'm not ready to show photos yet, and yes he has a car. We've been talking for a couple of weeks now." I answered.

"And his social?"

"I'll work it out of him." I winked.

"Yes! That's my girl! Okay, we need to get you all dolled up. We'll shave your legs, no! I'll run back home and get my waxing kit, we have things to take care of."

"Whoa, hey, baby steps." I said.

"We're waxing everything, now go undress." she ordered.

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