Chapter 17: Maria

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I had just laid my head onto the mattress while Bud brought me a glass of water. The room was beginning to spin, and I couldn't move much. Two glasses of wine never made me feel this way. I wasn't a lightweight. Not with Jenny as my best friend.

My muscles felt out of whack, as if I couldn't control their movements.

Laughter built up in my throat, but the realization that something was wrong prevented my giddiness from erupting.

What the hell was going on with me? I sat up, sliding my phone out of my bra to text Jenny. She said she'd help if I needed it. Eloise jumped off the bed, disappearing into the hall.

Me: Jenny, I feel kind of dizzy

Jenny: Lol, time to call an Uber

Me: No really, I think there was something in the wine

There had to be, it was the only explanation.

Jenny: How much did you have?

Me: A couple of sips, it tasted funny

Or did I have more? I couldn't remember. Maybe I should lie down. Wait, where was I?

Jenny: Where is he?

Me: He went to get me a glass of water.

I could hear Bud in the kitchen, grabbing a glass, with a lot of clinking going on. Right I was at Bud's house, duh. I suppressed another giggle.

Jenny: And where are you??

Me: He took me into his bedroom to lie down

Jenny: Get out of there!!

Me: I'm too dizzy!

Jenny: Maria, get the hell out of there NOW

She was worried. Why was Jenny worried? I finally giggled. Oh, what a feeling, it was nice. It made me feel as though I could party all night. Some lucidity shined through as I heard his footsteps approaching the bedroom.

Something was wrong. Jenny was worried because something was clearly wrong. With sudden adrenaline numbing out the effects of whatever he had put in the wine, I managed a coherent response to Jenny.

Me: He's coming back!

Me: I'm gonna hide

I slipped off my heels and bolted through the bedroom entryway down the hall. My legs were shaky, and I feared buckling before getting to safety. My blood was pulsing in my veins as the drug continued to course through my body.

How were my muscles even cooperating at this point?

Don't pass out now, Maria.

I opened the first door I found and shut it quietly behind me. By this time, I figured he must've reached his bedroom.

Is that why he invited me back, to drug and rape me? A dizzy spell wracked my body. I held my head and shut my eyes, pleading with my brain to send another surge of adrenaline.

I backed away from the door, slowly turning around in attempts to orient myself. My blood drained to the bottom of my feet as a pang of fear ripped through my chest and into my stomach.

This was his doll room.

Me: Oh shit

Jenny: What??

Me: I hid in his doll room

I slowly walked up to the display set up against the wall directly across from the door. His dolls seemed to be staring back at me, almost as if they were pleading for help. I expected them to be in glass cases since he fawned over them so much.

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