The Discovery

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Two weeks into rehearsals and trouble was brewing when I figured out quite quickly that Kayla was falling for me. I was trying my best to avoid her when we were not onstage, but she had a way of coming out of nowhere when she would cling to me. Always pushing her away and saying that I was not interested or I don't want to be involved with anyone while I am acting so my focus is not broken. Even with those on the table she was trying get me to walk her home or go out for a soda.

I was also preoccupied with trying to get Nickolaus to talk to me. The last time I heard from him was first Saturday of July. We had a fight at the playground and I walked away, an hour later I tried to get a hold of him but I got nothing. I was beating myself up over what we had fought. I'd admit it now that I was jealous at the time I just yelled and said, "Do you really love me?" That one line had hunted me the following week.

The night of the fight, my parents started to became lax with my punishment and gave me an eleven o'clock curfew. I had immediately texted Nickolaus and told him to meet me at the playground. I still had no direct source of news. But hearing from Nick on Friday that the notes that were send to Thomas's family were released to the public. However, they were not ransom notes, like Nick and many others had guessed. They were hand written letter from Thomas himself. As to the exact content of those letters were still unknown.

At the playground, I found Nickolaus sitting at table with his back to me. I had to be kind of discreet in my affection toward him. Since there were families there, I sat down beside him and with my arm about his waist.

He jumped and quickly turned his face away. I grew immediately concerned, "Nick, what is wrong?"

He just shook his head, vigorously.

Confused and hurt by this I tried to get him to look at me by using my hand. He fought my gently touch, I dropped my hand on top of his folded arms. Sleeves, in the middle of summer, I thought. Alarm bells went off and I grabbed and tried to pull up his sleeves.

"No, Jericho!" Nickolaus cried he tried to pull his arms tightly to his chest.

When I saw smeared blood on the blue plastic table I released his arms and jumped up, "Nickolaus,why?" I yelled, pained.

This caused some kids to look our way and some parents to start getting ready to leave.

Nickolaus looked me in the face, tear streaming, eyes red and puffy, "Because I am weak!" He cried, breaking eye contact, "I believe Thomas is in great danger!"

I dropped to one knee and grabbed him firmly by one shoulder, "If I didn't know any better, I would say that you are in love with him!" I immediately regretted the phrase the moment it was out of my mouth.

Nickolaus stood up, head still down eyes averted, "I'm sorry." He gasped, crying.

"Look at me." I plead.I stood up fully once again.

"No." Nick said.

I set my hands on his shoulders, "Look at me now! Please."

"No!" He screamed and pushed me away.

"Do you really love me?"I questioned out of anger and fear.

Nickolaus turned from me. Tears of my own were stinging my eyes and with a heavy heart I turned and walked home.

The following Friday, during dinner my parents received a call and they left the house quickly.Only saying they might be back tomorrow. Leaving my alone at the table they rushed out with worried looks on there faces. I had barely got out, "Okay." When the front door was slammed closed.

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