Chapter Two - Captured

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Beckett's POV

Nathaniel and Ryker have been in my office informing me of the details from our latest mission. I must say that I was intrigued when I heard they brought back a prisoner. My men get the job done and get back to headquarters without any loose strings. They detect, they track, and they kill. Not once, has there been any survivors. They went on about some girl starting to shapeshift, almost just like our target, Maleficent.

"So she was shapeshifting you say?"

Nathaniel requested politely, "Permission to speak freely, sir?"

I nodded, approving of his request, "Granted."

"Sir, she was shapeshifting, but it was too early in the process to recognize what she was shifting into. The girl could be something as simple as a werewolf or.."

I furrowed my brows, "You say she was with Maleficent, correct?"

Nathaniel nodded in reply, "Yes, Sir."

"You informed me that she was upset when Maleficent died, so the girl couldn't have been a prisoner."

Nathaniel seemed to ponder over my statement, "Perhaps Maleficent took her in? Tried teaching the girl sorcery?"

I shook my head, frustrated that we are so clueless about our current situation.

None of this is adding up. Maleficent was too wicked to be so kind as to take in a stranger. She's a villain after all, she has no purpose in helping anyone but herself.

Yet I wonder..

"No.. perhaps we should do a test."

Nathaniel quickly caught onto my suggestion, "You don't think she's... Sir, with all due respect.. that's impossible."

I crossed my arms over my chest and gestured to the door, "Well, there's only one way to find out. Bring the girl in for questioning."

Nathaniel nodded and accepted my command, "Yes, Sir. I will get her immediately."


My eyelids fluttered open to see a concrete ceiling above me. Confused, I furrowed my brows and sat up to take in my surroundings. The instant I brought myself forward, a pain surged through my head and I groaned.

"Where the hell am I?"

I looked to my left and right and was surprised to see what surrounded me.

Bars. Iron Bars to my left, my right, and behind me.

I glanced upward to my right and saw light shining through the window beside my cell. Well, at least I know it's still the daytime.

Now I just need to find a way out of this cell so I can get the hell out of here.

I slowly made my way to my feet, about to step forward when I noticed I couldn't move any further. I furrowed my brows and glanced behind me, hearing a chime of metal hitting the concrete floor each time I pulled my foot.

Seriously? They chained me?


I closed my eyes, focusing all of my energy into shifting into my dragon, but I don't feel anything..

What the hell? My magic isn't working?

The sound of keys startled me as I whipped my head up to see my intruder. I recognized this man's armor from earlier, yet his face was now revealed. His dark, wavy hair stopped just above his shoulders, his defined cheekbones gave me a hint of an American Indian bloodline. I attempted to take a guess at his age, seeing as the man who shouted at us had a more deep, loud voice as if he were older, but it was too hard to tell. I glanced down to the keys unlocking the door and noticed the dark hand that held them. My sight trailed up his arm and my eyes widened at the sight.

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