Chapter 7 - Can't Take It?

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Alec's POV 

Nathaniel left the screening room next, heading down to meet his match.

We turned to face the monitors once again and I had to force down a laugh at Lilith's taunting greeting.

"Nate, my bud, my own personal torturer. How ya doin' handsome?"

I noticed Elliana smirk from beside me as she held down a laugh as well. Her eyes met mine from the side as I practically read the amused look on her face that assured me of her fondness for Lilith.

Nathaniel's reply turned our attention back to the monitors, "I'm not here to deal with your silly antics." He paused to place his hand on the tazor that just peeked out from his waistline, "Let's just say, I've been dying to do this for a while."

Lilith's eyes flicked nervously from the tazor then back to Nathaniel as he stepped forward and asked, "Now, are you going to show us those powers?"

Lilith replaced her nervous glance with a fiery braveness as she challenged and held her arms out, "Hit me with your best shot."

In a second, Nathaniel plunged the tazor into Lilith's stomach and she jolted with electric shock. She dropped to the floor and coughed, clutching her arms close to her as she attempted to regain her breath.

Nathaniel chuckled and stepped forward, "Damn, that felt good. You wouldn't believe how long I've been waiting to do that."

Lilith raised her head to retort with a fiery glare, "I bet it did."

Nate circled her slowly as he explained, "You see, the rules here are simple. Anytime you give me an answer other than what I'm looking for, you get tazed. Anytime I ask you to show us your powers and you don't, you get tazed. Understand?"

The girl glared through her black locks and replied with a smirk, "Completely."

Nathaniel stood in front of her once again as she rose to her feet.

"Now that you understand, let's try this again. Show us your powers."

With a venomous smile, she challenged, "Drown in a pool of your own blood."

In a flick of his hand, the guard switched the charge to the highest setting and shoved it into Lilith's rib cage. I winced at the squeal of a scream that slipped from the girl's mouth as she dropped to the floor.

Nate questioned harshly, "You ready to show us now?"

To everyone's dismay, all that sounded in reply was hysterical, bone-chilling laughter.

Beckett spoke up from my left side, "She's mad! Insane! What the hell is she laughing about?"

I hated to admit it, but I thought the same. It hurt seeing her scream in pain, but maybe she was insane. Who laughs after shouting in agony? I hear a small gasp leave Elliana's mouth and turned to see her eyes glued to the monitors. It wasn't until then that I saw why everyone was so shocked. Lilith was on her feet, smiling cynically with blood dripping from her nose as she eyed Nathaniel, or more so what looked like a lioness eyeing her prey.

She rose a brow and crooked her neck as she taunted, "You want to see what I can do? Well, I'll show you what I can do. Let's turn the tables, shall we, Nate?"

Suddenly, two orbs of indigo electric circuits formed in the palms of her hands. She smirked at the electric pulse, her eyes almost matching those of the dangerous orbs in her hands. In less than a second, she thrust the dancing circuits directly at Nathaniel as he shouted in agony and dropped to the floor.

She chuckled and asked innocently as she stepped toward, "What? Can't you take it?"

Nate spat blood on the floor as he snapped, "You bi-"

Before he even got a chance to finish the sentence, the poor guy was struck yet again by his opponent. We could hear his scream echo all the way to our door without even having to listen to the monitors. We all watched as he fell completely to the floor, unconscious, while Lilith mocked with her hands on her hips, "You see anytime you give me an answer other than what I'm looking for, you get shocked." A shout from beside me interrupted Lilith's innocent giggle.


Everyone turned simultaneously in shock as we watched Beckett fume with rage. He never expected this to happen, nor did he keep his promise. Although Nathaniel was clearly losing his battle, Beckett never sent someone for backup. Perhaps it was because he was afraid of someone else being beaten as well. Poor guy was getting beat up by this girl non stop. Maybe we should've left Ryker in there with her. Not that I'm wishing he were hurt, but I can't promise that I wouldn't enjoy seeing him scream in pain.

Beckett's furious tone sliced through my thoughts, "I knew she was powerful, but this is ridiculous. She combined that electrical charge from the tazor with her own magic to use it against him. He practically gave her a weapon! That bitch has been playing us from the start."

Ryker whistled lowly, "Damn, that really is one hell of a girl."

I shifted my death glare, "Shut up, Ryker."

"BOYS! I will not tolerate any of your childish bickering. If you would like to continue, then get out."

I nervously shifted my glance to the floor, "I apologize, Sir."

"My apologies as well."

Beckett crooked his head toward the doorway, "Let's get Nathaniel out of there before she kills the man. Alec, take her to my office."

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