Chapter Nine

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            Sierra's POV
                  I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't take it. I was ready to give up, and that scared me. I didn't know why I wanted to give up, though. Then, through the screams and the taunting, I heard a gentler voice.

     "Do not fear, my lady. I am Lilliandil, daughter of Ramandu, and loyal servant of your father, Aslan. I have met the man you are to marry, King Peter. He and King Caspian's crew are on their way to find you, and defeat what lies behind the mist. Do not despair. You shall be freed soon, my lady." As her voice faded, I wasn't sure how, but I heard the one thing I had wanted so badly to hear. Peter's voice.

      "Sierra, we're coming. I promise you, we will come, and we will get you out of there. I'm staying this time, Sierra. I promise. I love you, Sierra, and I won't let anything get in our way this time. I love you." His voice faded, but I kept it in my mind, allowing his voice to drown out the taunting, and I was finally at peace. It was finally peaceful, even in that place. They were coming, and I knew they could make it.

       Cahira's POV
              We'd made it to Dark Island. We entered the area around it, and it was nearly pitch black, and filled with the green mist. We heard a scream, and I spun around to see Sierra kneeling on one of the rocks, screaming and clutching her chest.

      "Sierra!! Sierra, it's us!! It's okay!! We're coming!!" She didn't move, so either she didn't see or hear us, or whatever was wrong was just too much for her to handle. Then, we heard a man yelling.

      "Turn back!! Turn back!!" He had a sword in his hands, and it was raised. His clothes were shredded, and his hair was long, grey, and basically disgusting.

      "It's him. It's Lord Rhoop." Caspian said, shocked, and the man froze for a moment, then resumed screaming.
      "You should not have come!! Turn back, or you will die!!" Caspian turned to the captain.
      "We have to get him on board! And we have to get his sword!" Eustace flew over, grabbing him in his claws, and gently lowered him to the deck. 

      "No!! What have you done?!" He spun around, glaring at me.
      "We're all doomed! We're all going to die!!" He sprinted towards the wheel, shoving the man there away. He grabbed it, spinning the wheel frantically, and tried to turn the ship around.

      "Turn this ship around!!" The captain came up behind him, knocking him down, and grabbed the wheel. Peter turned to the stone where Sierra knelt, and even from here, I could see the blood on her tunic.

      "Peter....I think she's injured." I choked out, and then Caspian turned to the captain.
     "Get us out of here." Then, Rhoop spoke up.
    "Do not think.....Do not think of the thing you fear most, or the mist will make it real!" Then, Edmund sucked in a sharp breath, and I saw his face pale.
      "No....Oh, no.....I'm so sorry....." I froze, looking at him, and my heart sped up, and I saw Lucy's face pale. She spoke up, and I saw panic on Peter's face as well.

      "Edmund? What did you think of?" He looked over the edge, and we saw something move through the water. Peter looked back towards Sierra, who looked....different. She was almost ghost-like, and fading quickly.

      "It's not really her." He murmured. I gently squeezed his hand, and he inhaled sharply.
     "We'll find her." He whispered, and then we saw what Edmund had been thinking about. It was a sea monster. It came up out of the water, rearing its ugly head, and screeching. The archers scrambled for their bows, and Peter pulled away, drawing his sword. Edmund and Caspian drew their swords as well, and I ran for my bow. I saw Lucy taking Gael down into our room, and then she came back, carrying Susan's bow. We watched, shocked, as Eustace charged at the Dragon, roaring and spitting flames at him. Rhoop yelled in anger, screaming at Eustace.

       "Get out of here, you filthy beast!!" He screamed, throwing the sword at Eustace. It lodged in his shoulder, and he roared, flying away. He disappeared from view, and then, I caught a glimpse of a white bird flying down, and then it disappeared. Lucy scrambled up higher, and I saw Edmund climbing into the wooden dragon head. He waved his electric torch, screaming at the dragon. Arrows kept flying, hitting it left and right, but they just kept bouncing off. The dragon screeched, and then it reared, going at the wooden head, and biting it off.
     "No!!" I screamed, my heart pounding, and I felt my blood go cold. I heard Caspian yelling his name, and Peter yelling in anger. I saw Edmund crawl back, and let out a sigh of relief. Lucy let her arrow fly, and it hit the creature right in the mouth. It screeched, diving under the water. When it came back up, it had what seemed like wings on its sides, and when it shook its legs, there was a rattling noise. It swung at Edmund, and he ducked.

     "Caspian!! The rocks!!" Peter yelled, and Edmund caught Peter's idea as well.
      "I'll distract him!! Drive him back there!!" Edmund yelled, and Caspian nodded, running for the wheel. He steered frantically, and Edmund swung the light around again. The creature stayed there, hypnotized, and Caspian held the ship steady. The monster lunged again, throwing Edmund across the deck, and smacked Peter into the mast with one of its ugly legs. Caspian yelled, and the ship smashed the creature into the rocks. It screeched, writhing in agony, and then it disappeared beneath the waves. I ran to Edmund, who still lay on the deck, unconscious. The mist started fading, and I caught my breath. We'd won. Peter stood, looking around, and saw us. He came over, kneeling beside Edmund as well.

     "Edmund? Ed, wake up! Please, wake up!" Within a few moments, he stirred, and smiled weakly when he saw the clear skies.
     "Sierra.....Find her. Find wherever she is. She should be back." He stood, heading over to Caspian, and Edmund slowly sat up.
      "Should've done this sooner....Cahira....And I'm sorry it took so long." He pulled something out of a small bag on his belt, and slipped it into my hand.
     "Will you marry me, Cahira?" I caught my breath, my heart pounding, and I smiled.
     "Yes, Edmund. I will." I kissed him, and he placed a hand on my cheek, pulling me closer to him. We had done it. We had beaten the mist, and now, we just had to find Sierra. It seemed like everything was finally working out.

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