Thor: The Dark World (2013)

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MCU Date: 2014

Very beginning, Odin again tells us a weird story, this time about fighting Dark Elves before the beginning of time or whatever. He takes the Aether away from them and hides it.

Thousands of years later, Jane Foster bumbles her way into the Aether which alerts the Dark Elves to its presence. Somehow.

Meanwhile, Erik Selvig has gone crazy from being mind-controlled by Loki and the Mind Gem in Avengers. We never know how this affected Clint Barton who was also mind-controlled...

Other details to consider:

- college is in session during this movie

- no major holidays are hinted at or mentioned

- everyone's really bundled up, even for London, but there's no snow

- no mention of Stark being dead, and more importantly no mention of SHIELD going crazy

Soon, the Dark Elves are effectively wiped out. Loki is last seen sitting on Odin's throne as an imposter. Mid-credits scene, Sif and Volstagg take the Aether to the Collector for safekeeping. When they leave he says, "One down, five to go." This teases the Infinity Stones of which we, the audience, have now seen three: Tesseract, Mind Gem, and Aether.

Now, on to the inconsistencies.

When Thor shows up on Earth, Jane complains she hasn't heard from him in two years (?), and he uses the Battle of Manhattan and subsequent space battles* as his excuse. Did Jane mean two years since Manhattan or since New Mexico? If Manhattan, that should make this 2014.

Either way, IM3 takes place in 2013 based on the multiple dates placed within the movie. With Tony's anxiety over alien invasions, an invasion in London would have caught his attention in IM3, so we know T:TDW definitely occurs after Dec 2013. To further prove that, I have to bring up Agents of SHIELD.

In episode one they mention the Extremis technology that was uncovered in IM3. A few episodes later, the characters fly to London to clean up after Thor and the Elves. Months go by (according to Jemma Simmons when asked about her friendship with Skye). Right before the third act of the season, Sif makes an appearance saying "Odin" sent her. Afterward, SHIELD falls.

For T:TDW to fall between IM3 and SHIELD's fall, it must occur in the beginning of 2014. Since it's particularly cold in London, but no holiday decor is up, let's assume it's March.

Conclusion: March 2014

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*Comic book tie-in

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