Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018)

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 MCU Year: 2017

Because Scott helped Cap in CA:CW he's in trouble for going against the Sokovia Accords. He worked out a deal (with some hotshot attorneys I would imagine bc damn the governments let him off easy) where he has to be under house arrest for two years and then on probation for four.

The film takes place in the last four days of his two-year house arrest. Therefore,  

Marvel: Hey! Remember that movie that came out in 2016 called 'Civil War'? It's been two years since then so why not two years in the movies too?

MCU Timeline: uuuhhhh, how about no?like????just no??.....but mayb????

Basically, guys, it's up to you at this point to take all the evidence I've gathered and decide whether you want CA:CW to take place one or two years before A:IW. Because I can't even with this timeline and you can interpret it any way you like. I originally placed CA:CW in 2017 based on some dominant details, but other details alluded to it being set in 2016. SM:H also seemed to be set in 2017, but it has to take place in the same year as CA:CW. Even then, the scene where Tony and Pepper get engaged, followed by Peter receiving his suit again, have to take place the year immediately following whatever year the main events of both CA:CW and SM:H took place.

Back to AM&tW, baby girl Cassie is currently in school, but I can't immediately guess what time of year it is beyond that. Nearly everyone is wearing warm layers, but it's San Francisco which is quite cold year-round. No popular holidays are apparent within the film (like Valentine's or Easter), so it must take place in an off-month for holidays, right?

Hope says she was nine (?) when her mother disappeared, and her disappearance is repeatedly stated to have occurred thirty years ago. If this film takes place in 2018, that makes Janet's disappearance 1988—the same year Meredith Quill died and Peter Quill was abducted—one year before Hank broke ties with SHIELD and began his own company.

The mid and after-credits scenes take place during/after "the snap." Hank, Janet, and Hope do not survive, and Scott is trapped in the quantum realm. This implies the four-day timespan of AM&tW takes place directly before the events of A:IW, especially since they only send Scott into the quantum realm to find a cure for Ava, who is still technically terminal.

Anyway, I'm still ignoring that "two years" thing.

Conclusion: May 2017

Plot Holes: 

I'm bothered very much by Janet's "thirty years" in the quantum realm because it made no sense. I mean, what did she breathe? If you're smaller than air particles you can't...really...breathe. Furthermore, what did she eat? How did she bathe? Maintain her eyebrows and makeup? Sew that hood? Tell time? Why did she even need a hood, does it rain in the quantum realm? Is she afraid of being identified? Are there dust storms? Did she just feel the need to look mysterious? She claims "time works differently" down there, but she's still aged thirty years? She and Scott both say you start to lose your mind when you're down there, and we see this happen to Hank after a handful of minutes, but she seems perfectly sane if not 100% the most chill person on the planet after thirty years as the smallest sentient being in the history of the universe. Yet Ava lost her gotdamn mind and wanted to kill Hank, kidnap Cassie, and hurt Bill over things that, by comparison, were extremely trivial (by comparison).


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