Chapter 1

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Name: Scarlet Hills

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Status: Minor/Unmarried

Height: 5'8"

Scarlet's POV

I picked up my card from the front table and read it to myself. I think it's stupid that we have to get these "Identity Cards" every year. They are supposed to help The Leaders keep track of everyone, but I think that their survelliance cameras do a pretty good job of that already.

Name: Kadin Black

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Status: Minor/Unmarried

Height: 6'2"

Kadin's POV

I wonder if The Leaders realize how ridiculous it is to make each neighborhood stand in a little, black room each year to get "Identity Cards". The worst part, however, is that no matter where we are, what time its is, or who we're with, the cards must be on us. If we don't have them, we're executed immediately. Here you never make the same mistake twice.

Name: Charolette Brodeur

Hair: Stawberry Blonde

Eye Color: Green

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Status: Minor/Unmarried

Height: 5'1"

Charolette's POV

Lets take a moment to acknowledge that I am not a dumb blonde and Im not even close to one. I've picked out every little thing that has made The Leaders different from the average person. To be honest, on the outside, they aren't any different. If you look at they're plans though, they take genius to a whole different level. It's like their brains are mechanical and are operated like a computer. One time, when I was looking through the leader books at the local library, I found the beginning of the plans for identity cards. You would never believe what they're actually used for.

Scarlet's POV

I was almost out the door and away from everyone when I was rudely pushed into the wall next to me.

"Watch where you're going freak." The boy says as he starts to walk away.

"Excuse me?" I ask him, my temper rising. I've always had a slight anger issue.

"I said," he starts before I cut him off.

"Oh I know what you said. I just don't understand how you think you have the right to talk to me like that." I say sassily while getting close to his face. Before the boy even has a chance to reply, I'm torn away and dragged into the open field surrounding the small building.

"I swear, one of these days those guards are going to teach you a lesson. Scarlet you have to remember, no emotion in public. Do what you're told and do it quietly." My older sister Raven tells me. In this sector, when you turn 20 you have to move out and the only time you ever get to see family is Identity card day, Leaders Day, and your birthday. I go to hug her, but she glares at me before I even take the first step.

"I just said no emotion. That includes hugging." she says sternly.

"Well, I'm sorry if I just want to show my sister that I love and miss her." I say, a scowl gracing my face. Raven just lets out a groan and runs a hand down her face while I start to walk back home.


Every year it's the same. You get your Identity Card and the next day you start school. School starts at the same time for everyone and there is never any talking before, during, or after class. The only time you can is in lunch, and in the bathroom.

I walk into school with thankfully a few minutes to spare. There's no running allowed in school, so if you're late, you're really late. I hear a few soft murmurs as I make my way to class about how bad someone's hair is or how ugly their outfit is. To be honest, I agree.

I step into my first class just as the bell rings. The teacher had placed cards identical to our Identity Cards on our desks. I walk around until I fine mine and sit down at it. I look at the card next to me and notice that it's a small girl with strawberry blond hair and hazel eyes. Her name is Charlotte Broduer.

"She doesn't look that bad." I mumble to myself.

"Well I see you have resorted to arguing with yourself."

I turn to my right to see the boy from yesterday staring at me with a sickening smirk on his face.

"And I see you have resorted to stalking me." I whisper back with a sickly sweet smile. He just grunts in response before turning back to face front. I look to see if Charlotte sat down yet and almost have a heart attack when I see a small girl with big green eyes staring up at me.

"Sorry." She mumbles as a small blush reddens her cheeks. She turns to face front as the teacher starts talking.

"Welcome to senior year everyone." The old lady says in a monotone voice. "Just like years past, we will be doing a yearlong project that will count as 50% of your grade.  The topic this year is leaders. You may study a past leader or a present leader. This will also introduce you to this year's history topic: Our Sector's Leaders. You will be in groups of three and I have already picked them out. Here is the list. Brayden Jones, Jessa Mills, Michelle Smith. Jake Matthews, Steve Prendon, John Meyer. Madison Atkin, Brody Gippo..."

God, can this lady be any more annoying? I tune out the rest of the names but perk up when I hear my name being called.

"Scarlet Hills, Charlotte Broduer, Kadin Black."

So I got the short girl and some other random dude. I hope he's smart, I've always been paired with at least one smart person who would do my part of the project for me. I feel a tap on my right shoulder and instantly cringe as I feel hot breath skim my ear and neck.

"Looks like stalking you is going to be a whole lot easier now, partner."

So what do you think of this first chapter? There is a lot of action coming up so be prepared! This book is being written by me and 2 other authors: lil_moser2 and emily_dancer. Check out the awesome song on the side. I really feel like it sums up this chapter quite nicely. :)

-Lexi xoxo

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