Chapter 14

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**Jenna's POV**

Today was the day of our thanksgiving dinner with our friends. I got up and showered and put on some nice jeans, a tan tank top, and my brown leather jacket then went and got Xavier dressed. After I fed him and he went to sleep I went back to my room to do my hair

"You know, Jamie won't be here for another hour, and both the kids are asleep." Ryan said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck

"Hmm, baby" I turned in arms and kissed him

Ryan moved one of his hands to my face making our kiss more intimate and more enjoyable.

"We cant" I said putting a hand on his chest

"Oh come on, Jenna! It's been months!"

"Ryan! I'm so sorry that I got pregnant and had your baby and I haven't gotten the clear from the doctor yet" I said storming out of the room

Ryan has been very frustrated lately. Not that I blame him. Its not like I didn't want to sleep with him I did. I just couldn't right now. I just had a baby.

"I'm going to the store I'll be back!" Ryan shouted them left

I started getting stuff ready for when Jamie got here.

"Mommy? I'm hungry" Harley said coming into the kitchen

I made Harley some breakfast then she sat at the table

"Where's daddy?" She asked

"He went to the store"

"Oh, why?"

"I don't know"

"When will he be back?"

"I don't know, Harley."

I heard Xavier crying so I went upstairs and got him. When I came back downstairs  I saw Ricky and Jamie

"Hey Jen" Ricky said hugging me and giving me that I know something look

"Let me guess Ryan already told you"

"He told me you two got into it but that's all I heard"

"So, what happened?" Jamie asked

"He's mad because" I looked at Harley just a few feet away and lowered my voice "I won't put out without the doctor's ok"

"Are you serious? You just had a baby!" Jamie said

"Are you pregnant again already?!" Chris asked entering my kitchen with Gaia

"Ugh! No! Ryan and I just had a fight is all, but we're fine! Now if you would excuse me Jamie and I have a meal to prepare"

A few hours later

Ryan came home about an hour ago but we haven't spoken. He's just talking to the guys and playing with the kids.

"So, what happened between you and Ryan?" Kylie asked

"Nothing,  just a little fight" I shrugged

I only told Jamie and Ricky because I'm the closest to them and trust them more than anyone. I wasnt that close to Kylie and Gaia so I see no reason to tell them my business

"What was the fight about?" Gaia asked

"It doesnt matter. Ryan and I will deal with it. I don't need your noses in our business all the time! How would you like it if Every time you and Chris had a disagreement I got in the middle of it?"

Apparently I was being loud because all the guys had come into the kitchen wearing the same confused face

Soo, I don't hate Gaia. I love her and Kylie both I just feel like Jenna would bump heads more with them than Jamie. So, I hope you enjoyed the first holiday chapter!!!!

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