New Transfer Student At School

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It was another boring day at school the same routine , jerks , hoes, and bitches. I was waiting for (y/f/n)to show up at school . When I suddenly saw a new transfer student he was very handsome looking and was carrying a cup of coffee and he has pink hair which was cute ."Hello??? (Y/n) who are you looking at ?" (Y/f/n) asked. "Huh oh I wasn't looking at anyone. Why who were you looking at ?" " were looking at the new transfer student weren't you? " (y/f/n) asked. "Maybe I was." I started to blush when all of a sudden the bell rang."Well I'll talk to you at lunch (Y/n) bye ." "Bye (y/f/n)." I had reading class first period. As I walked to my seat I notice the new transfer student was behind me . He decided to sit in front of me . I couldn't really see over him cause his boarded shoulders. I tapped on his shoulder as soon as he turned around my heart stopped ." Hello I'm (Y/n) Welcome to (y/hs/n) ."I said. "Hello I'm Jin it's nice to meet you (y/n)." "Do you want to switch seats I can't really see behind you ?"I asked politely. He stood up and bowed "I'm sorry."Jin apologized. "Oh no it's okay you dont have to bow. " I said . I got up and we switched seats. Mrs.Williams came in as the bell rang to start the class . " Alright students today ohh... who is this new transfer student?"Mrs.williams asked Jin got embarrassed. "Please introduce yourself ." Mrs.williams insisted . "Hello my name is Jin I got transferred from my old school in South Korea." "Thank you Jin and welcome to (y/hs/n)." "Alright students today we are gonna work on a project. You need to work with a partner . The project is on the board get to it ." I really like to work alone ,but then Jin tapped my shoulder and asked if we can work together I agreed . It was nice to talk to him he is funny with his jokes . We didn't get much work done . The bell had rung again . I went to all my classes and now it's time for lunch . "Hey (y/n) let's go eat I'm starving ."(y/f/n) said. I was pretty hungry myself ,but the food here was awful. "Sure let's go eat." I said. As we got our food we walked to our usual spot I saw Jin alone at the lunch line I felt bad. I decided to walk with him he seemed lonely."Hi Jin. " I greeted . "Hey (y/n). Do you mind if I can sit with you after I get my food ?"Jin asked . "Sure I'm just sitting with my friend (y/f/n)."I said . When he got his food I walked with him I start to notice girls looking at us and talking . "Why would they start talking about us ?" I thought to myself . When we got to the table I introduced (y/f/n) to Jin . "It was nice meeting you Jin, but I have to go turn in a paper work in one of my class I'll talk to you later (y/n)." "Your friend seems nice ." Jin said ."Yeah she can be a pain in the butt."I joked. Everything was going well when suddenly one of the hoes came and sat next to Jin . Of course it had to be Jessica ugh I have so much hate towards her after what she did to me . "Hey I'm Jessica you look cute ." Jessica said. "Thank you my name is Jin." Jessica was smiling at Jin and touching his hand . He looked very uncomfortable Jessica stop smiling and looked at me "What are you looking at (y/n)?"she asked angrily . "Just a slut doing her job ."I said Jin looked like he wanted to laugh. "What did you say to me bitch ?" Jessica got up . I remain seated and said"Just a slut doing her job." She threw a punch luckily I dodged it I started to pull her hair to bring her down and got on top of her and gave  her many punches as I could then I felt strong arms wrapped around my stomach and got pulled away . Jin took me out side of the school so I could calm down which I did " I'm sorry Jin I have a past with her ." I apologized. "It's okay (y/n) I understand ." Jin said . He was examining me to see if I got hurt and he noticed a bruise on my cheek he was so close to me "you have a bruise on your cheek. " he said ."Oh it's okay it's nothing. " I said . We went back inside and finished the rest of the day I met Jin after school he said that he wanted to walk me home . We were walking and I notice how the trees looked beautiful we started talking and laughing together . We finally reached to my house "Hey (y/n) can I have your number ?" Jin asked ."Sure ." I said trying not to blush. " Thanks I'll text you later bye (y/n)." "Bye Jin ." I went inside said hi to my parents ate dinner and went to my room . I still haven't got a text from Jin so I decided to close my eyes and went to sleep.

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