Life Begins

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-Third Persons Pov-
After the seal was finished Y/n's mother grabbed her baby girl and ran. Y/n's mother ran to the closest village nearby. She only had a bit of stamina left and she knew she wasn't going to live. But, what was on her mind was her daughter being safe. Since she knew she would only be able to make that promise from above.

As she stamina starts drain, she starts to lose hope that her precious daughter will ever make it.

Finally the mother finally made it to a village. She gleamed a smile and met up with two men but the gate. She gave them her baby girl and whispers, "Please take care of my precious Y/n". The Fujimara wife looked down at her cute little s/c baby and gives her a light kiss on the forehead.

"I will always be watching over you my little rose blossom. Be safe.. I'm terribly sorry that me and your father won't be here to protect you and be there for you. And you might hate us. But, time will tell you. I love you.." The mother uttered.

With the bit of her chakra she placed her fingers on baby Y/n forehead, creating a little seal that made a small diamond. (Similar to what Tsunade wears) This seal was to give Y/n and show her all the information about her clan and the truth.

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