New Leaf

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A/N **Hehe did you see what I did there**
Okay I'll get back to the story

~Y/n's Pov~
-12/13 years later-
'Ugh schoool', I thought. At least I'm not that far from graduating from the Ninja Academy. I get off my small futon and turn off my alarm clock. I start to head to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I finished doing my morning routine I decided to leave the house early to walk around the village.

There's nothing else better to do here than eat ramen, train, or take a stroll. Training wasn't even that interesting because I know nothing. I don't know what I'm about, my heritage? 'What's a Fujimara?!', how can I know that when I have NO ONE...

'But I know one thing for sure, I've built up enough strength and endurance that I could beat someone up with my taijutsu alone!'

After I finished sulking I left my apartment. Luckily, Grandpa Kage gave me a place to at until I'm old enough to pay my own rent. 'Speaking of old men I think I should see him today', I thought

Once I made my way to the Lord Hokage's office I knocked. I heard a loud husky, "Come in.".
"Konichiwa Ojī-San!", I bowed.
"Oh Y/n!! Hello! Just the person I wanted to see."

I gazed at him in confusion. 'What could he possibly want me for?'.
"Here." Grandpa Kage said to me as he handed me a heavy box.
"What's this Grandpa??" Suddenly a red tic appears on his temple but soon disappears. He didn't like you calling him 'Grandpa Kage', it reminded him of a certain blonde. However, he practically saw you grew up into a young lady so being called 'Grandpa', didn't bother him too much.

"This is the stuff your mother was carrying when she brought you to the village."
"My mother?!", said the (h/c)-ette

Astonished at what I was seeing. It was a box filled with books, scrolls, and a few dusty daggers. However, one thing stood out a small jade chest with gold lining caught my eye.

"Was... this her's?", I asked Gramps
"It certainly is. See that seal, it's your clan sign." The Third Hokage replied

I was so lost in the beauty of that chest I didn't realize that I had to get to class.

"Bye Ojī-san, I'm off to the academy!!" I waved to The Third and gave him a light peck on the forehead. He had a slight pink tint come across his cheeks.

~Smol time skip~
Assuming I was in a rush I started to sprint to the academy. I was so much in a rush I didn't concentrate where I was going. Suddenly, I ran into a blonde boy. He had gorgeous aqua eyes and he was wearing a orange track suit that complimented his eyes. However, the kid was a short peewee, I thought. I mean, I wasn't a super tall string bean but I'm average height for a thirteen year old. I stared at his face a bit more because he had these unusual markings on his face. 'Does this kid actually have whiskers on his face?!', you thought giving him this unusual look.

"Oi, why are you looking at me like that?", Neko boy asked.
"Oh, no reason I apologize I didn't mean to run into you like that." I shook my hands in defense. "That's okay!", He gave me a closed eye smile, I smile back. 'He seems like a really nice boy', I thought. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto!! What's yours?" Naruto asked. "Hello Naruto, my name is Fujimara Y/n. But you could call me n/n (nickname)", I replied.

Again not noticing I'm losing track of time, I tell Naruto that I have to go. I wave to him and make my way to the academy hearing a faint, "See you some other time n/n-chan!". 'He's absolutely a sweet kid', you thought.

~Time skip~
Finally making it to class I manage to reach the front door of the class room. I slid the door open revealing a flabbergasted sensei.

~Iruka Sensei's Pov~
I glanced by the door to see a new student by it. 'A new student? How come I wasn't notified?' I thought. Usually I was notified. I give her a closed eye smile.
"Hello Miss, looks like you're new around here! Would you mind if you introduce yourself to the class.

-Y/n's Pov-
I sweatdropped at what he said. 'New student'? I'm not new! Do they seriously not notice me around here? Frickin Pin heads! But I guess I should play along.
"No I don't thank you Sensei.", I bowed to him. Then I walked in front of his desk. In the process I managed to take a quick peek at his name tag, since that pin head of a teacher didn't introduce himself. Once I stopped I did a slight bow and began to introduce myself. "Hello everyone, my name is Fujimara Y/n. It's nice to meet all of you, my fellow class mates!"

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