chapter one .

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This is BOOK TWO of Madhouse . 


Sayra .

Wow.. I can't believe it's been a year since Christopher and I have escaped, it feels like it just happened yesterday. I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the institution and everyone in it. A few months after we escaped, we moved to Virginia. If we were to be found they would haul our asses back to the institution and we weren't having that. I needed to start my life and so did Christopher considering the fact that he's been in there for six years. This was his first successful escape and to be honest I'm happy we did this although this one year has been difficult, especially since we have not fully "recovered" from our "disease." But now Christopher has a record deal and shit hasn't got any better then that.

"Have you ever thought about them coming back to get us?" I asked Chris who was eating fruity pebbles at the island.

He sighed. "How many times are you gonna ask me this? I said no. Forget about it, it's over, we're living a new life."

"I'm sorry, I can't help but to think about it. Now you're a pop sensation and shit, they gonna know your face."

"And now I'm 18 years old, they can't do anything."

"If you being in a psychward half of your life gets out to the public, you can kiss your career goodbye. You're practically considered a menace to society. "

"Did you forget about Team Breezy?"

I stood there feeling a little dumb. "Yeah, I did."

"Exactly." He put his bowl in the sink and held my waist from behind. "Like I said, don't worry about it. Whatever happens, happens."


* * *

Chris .

"So is it fun being a teen pop sensation?" Ellen said to me as the crowd roared.

"Yeah," I cheesed, "its annoying sometimes though with all them damn cameras in your face every time you step out your house."

"I hear you on that one. So I hear you got a girlfriend, is she here tonight?"

I smiled instantly, "yeah she is actually."

"Let's bring her out!" The crowd starting roaring and clapping again when Sayra stepped onto the stage. She took a seat next to me then we kissed.

"Wow you're gorgeous!" Ellen squealed.

Sayra blushed, "thank you."

"So where'd you guys meet?"

I looked into Sayra's eyes, we both knew we couldn't tell the truth so I made up something quick. "An ice cream shop." I laughed, "it's pretty funny actually, she got ice cream all over my shirt, then from there we clicked." The crowd "awed".

"That is so cute! You guys truly look amazing together." Ellen cooed, "the new Jay and B."

The rest of the show went amazing, Ellen had bought Sayra a few gifts which I found generous of her. By the time we got home it was already 12 in the morning, but surprisingly I wasnt tired.

"Babe?" Sayra looked at me as we were laid up in the bed.


"I can tell you anything right?"

I stopped looking at the TV and my attention immedietley went to her. "You cheatin' on me?"


I turned the lamp on so I could see her face. "What is it?"

"Nothing, nevermind."

I sighed, "Sayra tell me."

"I'll tell you some other time." She turned over in the bed and put the covers over her. Soon after I did the same thing, I felt bad that I made her feel some type of way.

* * *

Sayra .

I woke up around 6 in the morning and damn near choked on my vomit. I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth out. Can't believe this nigga asked if I was cheating on him, the nerve. I proceeded to the kitchen to cook breakfast until I felt a pair of hands around my waist.

"You're up early." Chris said, putting his lips to my neck.

"Yeah, I know." I swatted his hands away and continued to cook.

"Look I'm sorry for what I said last night, it's really not that serious."

He was right, it wasn't that serious but my hormones were starting to take a toll. "It's fine."

"Can I have a kiss?" He pouted his bottom lip out.

I kissed him on his lips then sighed. He looked deep into my eyes, almost like he was reading me. "Baby, what is it?"

I sat the pan down on the counter and held both of his hands in mine. "Christopher." He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, knowing I rarely use his full name.

"What Sayra? You're startin to scare a nigga."

"Uh. Well. I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened and he was silent. I let go of his hands and right when I was going to walk alway he grabbed my wrists and a smile crept across his face. "I'm gonna be a father?"

"Yup, you are."

"How far along are you?" He cheesed.

"A month."

But his smile instantly turned into a frown, "why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I looked down and started to fiddle with my fingers. "I don't know, I was scared."

He grabbed my hands. "Baby, I don't want you to ever hide shit like this from me ever again okay?"

I smiled. "Okay."

He picked me up and started spinning me around, bombarding me with kisses. "My little family."

Throughout the rest of the day, Chris was so cautious. When I would get up he would follow right after me, or if I would climb the stairs he would put his hand on my back like I was gonna fall or suttin. Like damn nigga I'm pregnant not crippled. But I found it cute though, usually some 18 year olds would demand an abortion because they still want their freedom, but not Chris. My baby was happy that we were having a baby and just that alone bought a smile to my face.

"I want a girl." I slumped down on the couch.

"I want a boy." He protested. "And It's gonna be a junior."

"The hell it's not."

"Why?" He frowned.


He placed his head in the crook of my neck, then we fell asleep.

* * *

Yay , this book bout to be lit . Ight so start giving me baby name suggestions, boy & girl. Comment, vote all lat . Until next time .

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