The Ten-Katrillion Slim Jim WAR!!!

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RaibowGirl107: Ray you start this story i'm to lazy. But this did happen at Ray's house. It include me, Ray, her brother, And Millions of Slim Jims!!!

Ray: Ya, and you call me too lazy just because I may not 'feel' like getting up to roller skate in the early months of spring. Very well,

"It was like any day after school, me and Rain sat around at our house as I was on my computer doing god knows what. My brother Tony, would come in the living room every once in a while yelling at us to come to his room to see something stupid on his computer." 

As you can see our lives are like ticking time bombs of non-stop action and adventure. In fact yesterday I got up, ate breakfast, and went back to bed only to wake up in the afternoon, eat again, check my facebook, and went back to my room for the night. Super exciting.

RainbowGirl107: Thats nice Ray your life is very interesting (sarcastic)

 *Anyways back to the story so Ray and me were just sitting around, doing nothing. So I got bored and went up and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a few slim jims and started chewing on them. Soon Tony came back out here and I yelled at him to get back in his room. After a few minutes Ray and me were in the kitchen talking.*

Ray: First off the joke was mean to be sarcastic. Second you got one thing wrong in the story.

"Yes we were sitting down in the living room completely bored out of our minds. Yes, you did go into the kitchen to get some slim jims cause other than my dad, you're the only one who eats them. But when Tony came out to try and drag us to his room again, you yelled at him and threw a slim jim at his head.

After a few minutes he retreated back to his room while we were laughing just cause we had something to laugh about. Soon we went back to the kitchen to grab something to drink, when we both had an idea as we caught sight of the full slim jim box."

RainbowGirl107: I do have good aim don't I?

*So I think we were in the kitchen or living room with the slim jim box. He came back out the next few minutes and we started throwing the slim jims at him. He started throwing them back but we were way better!!*

Ray: This is what he gets for messing wiith me. A peice of dried meat in the eye. Lucky I didn't grab the set of knives. He would wish that he was never bor-... Let's get back to the story.

"Umm... Oh! The war erupted as a mass of snacks flew through the air striking us, as  we threw the same slim jims back. There was no safety and no one was sparred, even my cat Poofy.

The fight soon moved to the hallway were slim jims hit and knocked down everything in sight. Tony was taking refuge behind a plastic contain while Rain and I hid behind a table and make shift wall of boxes."

RainbowGirl107: This is the good part he knew he was never gonna win from the start!

*So we continued to throw slim jims at each other for the next few minutes. We were also screaming stuff at each other which wouldn't help much but we wanted to be loud. So after a few Ten-Katirllion Slim Jims were thrown he eventually gave up. And we won the war! Haha. Then we ended up having to clean up afterwords and we did miss some while cleaning. Tony got in trouble for it!*

Ray: Yes!!!

"And to this day now you can tour the hall that the historic battle was held and if you search around you should find yourself with a few slim jims behind the book case or under a pile of junk."

I'm pretty sure I never told anyone about the battle mainly from how weird it sounded, but, this is one of the stories that Rain HAD to have and hopefully none of you guys are stalkers, tracking us down, moving next door kidnapping us to be held in your basement for years renacting crazy stuff we did before.

RainbowGirl107: Well that wraps up this story... Join us for the next mwhahahahaha...

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