Confessions and Warnings

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Severus Snape sat at his desk in his private quarters in the dungeons grading his third year student's tests when he received an owl. He recognized the bird as Narcissa Malfoy's and allowed it to enter from the window. He took the letter from its beak and fed it a few owl treats before sending it on its way. The letter was short and looked like it was written hastily. 


We need to talk. I'll arrive at the school tomorrow by floo. Please ask Draco to your office around 5 pm.

- N.M. 

Severus set the letter on his desk and sighed, This should be fun, he thought. He left his office and made his way down the corridor to the Slytherin common room. He uttered the password and strode into the room. He rarely went into the common room unless he had to. He looked around at the few students who were spending their afternoons inside and spotted Draco sitting at a corner table with a few of his friends. He approached the table, ignoring the curious looks he was receiving from some of the students, "Mr. Malfoy, may I speak with you for a moment?"

"Certainly, Professor." Draco followed his godfather out of the common room and back to Snape's quarters. Once inside, Draco sat on Severus' sofa, "What's wrong, Sev?"

Snape handed the boy the letter and waited for him to read it, "What did you tell her?"

Draco handed the letter back, "I only said that I wasn't planning on coming home anytime soon, and that it wasn't by any fault of hers. I apologized that I couldn't say more in detail or talk to her in person, but that it was best for us to keep our distance for a while. I also revoked my claim to the family and told her I was not going to go into the family business, but would instead work to become a healer."

Severus nodded, "Did you write to your father?"

Draco shook his head, "No, although it was not from lack of trying."

"Where will you stay?"

Draco shrugged, "I don't know yet."

"Alright, we will speak with your mother tomorrow evening. You will explain yourself once again while still remaining discreet about your true motives, if she doesn't know, it can't be used against her." he sat at his desk and folded his hands in front of him, "You will then finish your school year. During breaks you will stay at the Burrow, staying at Spinners End would be too risky. You'll continue to get top marks and will pass all your N.E.W.T.S. with flying colours. After school, you'll apply to St. Mungo's medical training program and receive your doctorate, understood?"

"Yes, Sir."   

"Good, now get out, and don't forget to be here at 5pm, sharp."


The following evening, Draco paced Severus' office in anticipation. 

"Draco calm down," Severus said, "You're going to wear a rut in my floor."

"Sorry." Draco sat on the sofa and stared at the clock, his mother was due any moment. A few more minutes passed before the fireplace erupted in green flames. Narcissa emerged from the fire and brushed some soot off of her robes. Draco stood and straightened his suit, "Hello, Mother."

Naracissa turned to her son and looked him up and down, "Oh Draco." she rushed towards him and pulled him into a long hug.

Draco wasn't used to being hugged by his parents and was startled at first. After a moment he got over the initial shock and hugged the woman back, "I missed you." he muttered.

She pulled away, "I missed you too, dear." She turned to Severus, "It's good to see you, Sev."

"Likewise." He replied giving her a quick hug, "Please sit, would you like some tea?"

"No thank you, I can't stay long. Lucius will notice if I'm absent for long." she sat next to Draco and clutched his hand, "I was so worried before I received your letter. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Mother." Draco assured her, "In fact, I'm better than fine, I'm happy." A small smile crept across his face as his thoughts wandered towards Harry.

"I see." Narcissa said slyly, "Who, may I ask, makes you so happy?"

Draco's smile faded, "Mother, I told you that, I can't say. It's not safe."

"I understand, but you needn't worry about me. I can take care of myself."

Draco nodded, "I know you can, but I'm not only protecting you. I have to think of Them too, I can't allow this information to get out, too many people know already."

"Who else did you tell?" Severus asked.

Draco paled, "Um... well there's those who knew from the beginning, then one person was told on the train here, and one more found out last weekend."

Severus sighed, "Draco I told you I would help you keep this quiet, but you have to keep it a secret. If He finds out, He will kill you, both of you. Then He'll go after your friends, your family, your friend's families."

"I know!" Draco cried, "We know, Sev! You've only told us a hundred times." Draco sighed and calmed down, "We're being careful, I promise."

"Draco, I can tell you care about this person, and I'm glad you're happy, hold on to that." Narcissa said, giving Draco's hand a squeeze, "One day I'd like to meet this person, when all is said and done. Until then, I have some things to tell you. Now listen carefully, your father asked you home because he's in trouble and was relying on you to get him out of it. After his failure and arrest last year, the Dark Lord has become rather angry with our family. But, he's given us a chance at redemption, however it is completely up to you. He has a task for you, but if you cannot accept it or fail to fulfill his request, it will fall to Severus."

"What does He want me to do?" 

"Kill Albus Dumbledore."

"Narcissa, you cannot be serious, he wants a child to commit murder!" Severus cried.

"Yes," she replied calmly, "Dumbledore stands in his way, and he needs a clear path to Potter."

Draco's breath caught, "I can't help him then."

Narcissa nodded, "I didn't expect you to, dear." she turned to Snape, "Severus, be warned, he will ask you to complete this task for him."

"I'm afraid it does not matter if either of us fulfill the task or not. Dumbledore is dying, he won't make it the year." Severus revealed.

"Oh," Narcissa said, "Does the Dark Lord know?"

 Severus shook his head, "He has no idea."

"Let's keep it that way, if he thinks that you're the one who killed Dumbledore, then he will be pacified for the time being." Narcissa decided, "When he asks this of you, you must accept."

"I agree, it is the best course of action."

"What should I do?" Draco asked.

"Nothing." Narcissa instructed, "We act as if nothing is different, the Dark Lord doesn't need to know until it's unavoidable."

"Are you going to tell Father?"

"No, dear, he needn't know anything. I'll deal with him." she assured her son.

Draco leaned in and gave his mother another hug, "Thank you, Mother."

She hugged him back and played with his hair, "Of course, Draco." She pulled away and looked Draco in the eyes, "I have to go, your father will be looking for me. Stay safe, and please watch out for yourself. And whoever your mystery love is, take care of them, and they'll do the same."

She kissed her son's cheek and thanked Severus before stepping into the fireplace and disappearing in a roar of green flames.

Just a heads up, I did not edit this. I was really busy this week, but will try to edit soon.

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