The Beginning

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"Rose! We're going to be late!" My twin sister Amber yells, from the bottom of the stairs.
"I swear, I'm coming!" I shout back, bending to tie my trainers.
I have no clue why she's so worried. School won't start for another thirty minutes.
"I'm ready." I run downstairs. "See?" I hold out my hands and spin around. "Dressed."
"You're luckly we're sisters." Amber grabs my arm, forcing me into the kitchen.
Grandma stands by the stove, while Gramps is reading his daily paper.
Ever since Mom's death, we live with them. Which means we've lived here for the past ten years or so.
It's cool though, we have neat grandparents.
Gramps isn't a biological grandfather, but he's the only one we've known.
"Good morning." I kiss Gramps cheek, sitting down beside him.
"Hello, Rosie, did you sleep well?" He asks, looking up from his paper.
Gramps was a tall, well built African man with an British accents. He, honestly, looked terrifying, but is as harmless as a kitten.
I nod and take a sip of juice. "AJ, can
you pass me the jelly?" I ask, holding my hand out.
AJ rolls her eyes, but does it anyway. "You like to make us late don't you?" She mutters.
"Hey, think of it this way, Sis, at least by the time we get there Kelly will have given up and gone to class." I reply sarcastically.
Kelly Blake was a Grade A witch. Who's only mission in life was to make me miserable, but in real, she's just annoying.
"Vampires don't sleep." Amber mumbles back, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "I'll be outside when you find the time."
With a sigh, I follow her outside to the bus stop. "AJ, what's up this morning?" I inquire.
"Nothing, alright." Amber answered before stepping onto the recently stopped bus.
I raise my hands in surrender, and get on behind her.


I managed to be the first one in line after the bell rang for lunch, pretty happy about that.
One second, I sit alone eating macaroni and cheese-that taste like dirty dish water-and the next my heand is being pushed down onto the table.
"The food sucks here. I heard prison food is better." The person says as they take a seat.
"Ouch!" I sit back up, punching him in the arm. "Next time you do that I'm going to kick you into the twenty-third century, Kai." I threat loosely.
Kai chuckles. "Like you could, Turner." He steals a carrot of my plate.
"Wanna bet?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"I'd pay to see her beat your sorry butt." Dylan comment, sitting across from us.
Dylan and Kai are my best friends in the world. I don't know what I'd do without them.
I opened my mouth to respond when Kai spoke up. "Look at her." His voice filled with disgust.
I followed his line of sight to none other than Kelly Blake, who was just about to sit with the populars.
They were pretty much the new age Plastics.
And there next to her sat my twin sister. You see Kelly liked Amber a lot, and vis versa. They were pretty much best friends.
How my sister could be friends with someone who makes mine and my friends' lives hell, I would never know.
"God, she makes me sick." Dylan mumbles, turning back around.
"How can your sister be friends with that she devil." Kai rhetorically questions.
"Because Ro here got all the brains." Dylan laughed.
"That's still my twin." I remind her softly.
"Yeah identical in everyway except intelligence." Kai adds, nudging me.
"Yeah without her glasses we can't be told apart anymore." I agree.
At sound of quickly approaching heels, I stiffen.
"Hello, Rose." Kelly's chilling voice comes from behind me. "How are things?" She asks.
I turn slowly to face her as Dylan speaks up. "Ro, you don't have to answer that b-"
"It's fine, Dyl, I got this." I cut her off. "I'm well, and you?" I question before adding. "Your daddy this shagging the DA to stay in business?" I smirk at her.
Kelly looks stunned for a second, but quickly recovers. "Says the jail baby." She replies. "Listen, I just came over here to say that I heard your father is possibly getting out soon." She says with a smile.
"Who'd you hear that from. Your dad or the DA?." I fake a polite smile just like her as my friends try hard not to laugh.
"Actually I got it from Amber. Anyway I hope he does get out." She pausing, flicking her perfectly curled brunette locks over her shoulder. "Not like you care about you daddy. After all you haven't gone to see him in years." With that she walked back to her table.
"I'm going to murder her." Kai says suddenly.
"Don't murder anyone all that gets you is prison time." I sigh, taking a sip of water.
Why did AJ have to tell her things.
"Kelly only thinks she's bad because she's dating the 'bad boy' of the school." Dylan states.
"Please, you should hear the stories Grandma tells me. Steve is nothing compared to her friends." I laugh.
"Coming to my house after school?" Kai inquires, throwing his trash away.
"Can't I promised to babysit Luke for Talia." I decline.
"That's cool." Kai pats me on the back. "What about you, D?" He looks at our brunette friend.
"Oh I'll be there to kick your butt at video games." Dylan says with a grin.

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