Bad News

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"Oh, look here comes the wicked witch of the west." Dylan mumbles in disgust.
I sit up off the bleacher and watch as Kelly comes to a stop in front of us. "Hello, freaks." She places her hands on her hips and smiles. "Rose, I wish I could say I'm glad you're back, but we both now that'd be a lie." She laughs a high pitched cackles.

"Same, here, Kelly, now what do you want?" I question in annoyance.
I was not in the mood today marks two months since Talia's death, and all I want is to be in bed.
"Oh, I was just coming by to say hi." She says with a fake smile. "Dylan," Kelly turns to my brunette friend. "Have fun with Steve." She struts away after that leaving us all kinda confused.
"What was that all about?" I ask, lying back down.
"No clue." Kai says, as Dylan shakes her head.

"Hey, Rose!" Phillip calls, running toward us. "You gotta come with me right now." He grabs my wrist, yanking me up, and drags me into the school.
He finally stops at the principal's office.
"Gees, what's so important." I ask, bringing my wrist to my chest, rubbing it.
Phillip smiles sadly. "I'll let them tell you." He opens the door and motions for me to go in.
Two police officers look up as I enter. "You must be Rose Turner." One of them concludes.
"That's me." I breath off. "Do you need something?"
"Well, Miss, I'm not sure how to go about telling you this." The other cop says. This one is clearly older.
"Okay." I nod telling them to continue.
"Your second cousin...." The younger trails off, looking down.
"Spit it out." I almost demand.
"Talia Turner's body has disappeared." The older one tells me.
"Wha-What do yu-you mean?" I stutter, trying to process.
"One of our men was patrolling the graveyard where you're aunt was barried, and he found her grave dug up and casket wide open." He sighs. "Her body is gone."
I shakily sit down. "Wh-When?"
"This morning." The younger one replies.
I sit there a minute not truly knowing what is happening.
Why would someone steal Talia's body? What's it worth? Who would want it?
"I think," Principal Arthur's voice cuts through my thoughts like a knife. "It would be acceptable to send you on home, Miss Turner. Mr. Bates will accompany you."
Looking up from my hands to Phillip, who stands close by, I answer: "Okay."
"Come on, Ro, let's go." Lip holds a hand out to me.
I nod slowly, going over to where he stands.
He hugs me close to him as he turns back to the officers. "Keep us updated?"
They agree, and we leave.


"I have a meeting, gramps is working late, and Scarlett is at a sleepover." Grandma informs me, while trying to find her keys. "It's just you, Phillip, and Amber tonight so don't do anything stupid." She finds her keys and turns to me. "I love you. Be good." She hugs me goodbye.
"Love you too."
I head upstairs as soon as she leaves. "Hey, Lip, I'm going to get in the shower, Kay?" I shout from the bathroom.
"Don't drown." He yells back.
"No promises." I laugh to myself, before turning on the water and stepping in.

You're not ready for what comes next. Be prepared - Izzy

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