Chapter 1- leaving the den

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"Come on Silver!" Barked Jay "Do you want to stay in this dusty old den forever?" He narrowed his eyes at a small wolf pup cowering at the den entrance.
"I-" Silver started, but Jay interrupted her.
"Do you?" Jay demanded, with a glance at his other sister, Leaf.
"" Silver sighed, licking her paw embarrassed, her brother was the only reason her parents didn't give up on her.
"Well then lets go!" Jay and Leaf barked in unison.
Jay grabbed Silver by the scruff and the 3 wolf pups headed off.
Silver moaned "I can walk.."
Jay set her down "well then come on!" He leered at her "and try to keep up!" He yipped, and with that Jay and Leaf scurried off, Silver trailing behind them.
"Wait up!" Silver panted "I have shorter legs than yours!" She said as she struggled to keep up.
Jay glared at her and Silver was sure she heard him distastefully mutter "and no stamina" out loud he said "keep up slow-paws!" And kept running ahead with Leaf.
Silver growled under her breath "Slow down!" She whined, collapsing for drama.
She looked up at Jay, pretending to be weak "I can't go on.." she moaned, sniffing a snicker as Jay and Leaf both stopped and ran over to her they always fall for it
"Silver, please, just a little farther.." Jay whispered, crouching next to Silver.
"Jay please, she's faking" Leaf stood next to Jay, shaking her head.
Well maybe not her.. Silver thought.
Jay shot a quick glare at Leaf, then looked back at Silver "Just a little farther.."
Leaf rolled her eyes "Just a little farther.." she mimicked in a funny voice, and Silver had to hold back a laugh.
"Can we stay here for the night?" Silver asked, acting weak.
"Fineee" Jay sighed and looked at Leaf, she nodded "we can sleep under this tree tonight"
Silver looked up, noticing a large brown and green blur above her, she assumed it was the tree.
"I'll go hunting" Jay walked off.
Silver smiled, she had to give Jay credit, he thought killing bugs and finding berries was hunting. "Stay close Jay" Silver muttered, before curling into a ball.
Leaf layed down by Silver "I know what you're doing" she said, making Silver jump a little.
"W-what?" She looked at Leaf.
Leaf glared at Silver "don't play dumb, I know exactly what you're doing. You where having trouble keeping up and instead of asking for help you pretended to collapse." Leaf smirked when Silver flinched "you think your so sneaky".
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Silver said nervously.
"Oh you know, just that little stunt you pulled earlier"
"I have no idea what you mean" Silver looked away.
"You can stop the act, I know you're fine. Tell Jay we can keep going" Leaf snapped.
"If you won't tell him I will!"
Silver looked down "but I can't-"
"Oh stop acting!" Leaf growled
Silver sighed "fine, I'll tell him when he gets back."
"Good girl" Leaf smiled.

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