Repetitive Silence

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Dear Girl,

I didn't want to hurt you. I really didn't. But You forced me to... You forced me to inflict the torturous pain that you endured. And for some reason, you liked it... So you kept making me do it. I had no control... and I'm so sorry. I never wanted to do it. I promise, sincerely promise I didn't. I didn't want to make your skin bleed the way it did or to leave scars upon your body for everyone to see. I truly didn't. But yet you forced me to every single time. It was your sick way to solve your problems, to hurt yourself to stop feeling hurt. And I had no choice but to comply. I guess this is my letter of apology, to say I'm sorry for hurting you the way I did when you were already hurt. So I'm sorry. I never want to do that again. Please never make me do it again...                                                 Sincerely ,
                                                         Your Razor Blade

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