Chapter 2

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Author’s Note:

Hey, everyone! Thanks for the people who commented/voted on yesterday’s chapter. I appreciate it loads. Sorry for the late-ish update because I had to go prom dress shopping today and it took hours but I am pleased with my dress. This is a rather uneventful chapter but, ya know, I gotta build up to the conflict and such.

Love y’all,

Emily xoxo

The sun had risen too early for my liking; Nikki was shaking me announcing that it was finally morning. I smiled at my daughter and ruffled her hair and stood up, stretching my stiff back muscles.

“Good morning, sunshine, how did you sleep?” I asked. Nikki shrugged in response, her attention had already been averted.

“I smell bacon, momma!” She said with a big smile. A smile crossed my face again, for a small girl she sure loved food. Then I remembered that Soda and Pony were here and that they couldn’t cook to save their lives. I ran downstairs, leaving Nikki standing on my bed. I arrived in the kitchen just in time to salvage the extra crispy bacon.

“Can I ask what the hell you guys are doing?” I asked using my mom voice looking at the two boys with a stern expression.

“We decided to cook you breakfast.” Ponyboy said, his deep voice still groggy, he smiled a sheepish smile but shrugged when I didn’t break my glance. “Hey, we tried.”

“Thank you.” I said with a sigh as I attempted to save the now rubbery eggs. “I really do appreciate it, it’s the thought that counts, right?” I asked as Nikki walked into the kitchen with her favorite stuffed animal in her hand.

“Momma, buttons is dirty.” She said with a pout.

“What happened now?” I asked still focused on the food.

“I got chocolate on her.”

“Well, who told you to eat chocolate at this hour?” I asked once I turned around to see she had chocolate smeared all over her face.

“Uncle Soda.” She said and I noticed that Soda had vanished from the kitchen.

“Sodapop Curtis, get you little…butt in here now.” He rushed in with a big grin on his face. “You know it is not time to eat chocolate, breakfast is done.” I said.

“Well, I didn’t know you were going to be able to save that mess.” He said.

“Now you can clean buttons with Nikki and be sure to explain to her to never listen to you ever again.” I said. I wasn’t really mad but I made sure to put on a show for Nikki, she knows better.

Breakfast was brief; we all agreed that the only edible thing was the bacon.

“Hey, why don’t we stop by the house and see what Darry’s cooked up.” Soda suggested.

“That’s a great idea.” I said as my stomach rumbled, two pieces of shriveled up bacon just wasn’t enough. Nikki clapped at the mention of Darry.

“Yay, Uncle Dar!” She said enthusiastically, running off to some other part of the house.

“Sorry about the whole chocolate thing.” Soda apologized.

“Don’t be sorry, it wasn’t a big deal.” I said as I scrubbed a pan with burnt eggs on it.

Darry’s house was always busy and loud, bustling with an energy that my house would never have.

“Hello!” I said, entering the house with Nikki’s diaper bag slung over my shoulder. I looked around, confused as I got no response. Dallas was the only one in the living room and he had a bottle of vodka on his lap. I really thought he would’ve gotten over his binge drinking phase, it was really time that he’d grow up. Nikki burst in with a huge smile on her face and I cringed internally, it had been a few months since Nikki had seen Dallas.

“Dada!” She squealed, not hesitating to run right up to him and pull on his jeans. She was a little Dallas, with everything she wanted to be like him and it killed me because I was the only one who gave one hundred percent of everything to her. He groaned and got up, pushing past me on his way out. If I could’ve slapped him right then and there I would’ve. Nikki looked toward me, her icy eyes brimming with tears. “Dada don’t go!” She said her voice cracked, I knew she was about to have a meltdown and I knew I’d have to interfere.

“Dallas, don’t you dare do this to our daughter.” I said, speaking to him for the first time in almost two years. He kept walking and the anger within me only grew. “Do not do this.” I repeated. “I don’t want to beg you for me but for Nikki, she is too young to have her heart broken.” I said. “I don’t care if you never speak to me again or if you hate me but please, don’t let us interfere with her.” Dallas stopped and turned around; he reentered the house and walked up to Nikki.

“Hey kid, I know you’ve missed me but look, I got to go, I promise I’ll be back soon alright?” Dallas said, his words slurring together. Nikki nodded in agreement and she hugged his leg.

“I miss you, dada.” She said and if that wasn’t enough to break my heart then I don’t know what would. Dallas brushed past me again but I didn’t let him pass before I said a quick ‘thank you.’ No matter what happened between me and Dallas, he’d always have a part of me and I’d always have a part of him, we changed each other’s lives irrevocably.

Finally, someone entered the living room, it was Darry. “Are you ok?” He asked.

“Me? Why would I be anything but fine?” I asked.

“It’s been a while since you’ve been that close to him. I know it must still hurt.”

“Darry, obviously it still hurts but I need to do what’s best for Nikki and whether Nikki knows it or not, it’s staying away from Dallas. I felt like a complete idiot begging him for mercy, I never wanted to speak to him again but like I said, I will not let Nikki get hurt.” I said while pulling on a loose string of my tee shirt.

“You’re a great mother, Summer, you’re strong and more independent than anyone I know but sometimes you have to stop sacrificing. Nikki has to feel pain because she’s going to feel pain a lot; you know that, if you think that Dallas isn’t anything but bad news than avoid him. If you do come into contact with him do not let him lie to her because there is nothing more tragic than a person who is living life in denial.” I nodded in agreement, Darry is right, I shouldn’t have begged Dallas today, and I might as well as lied to Nikki myself. I just don’t want her to resent me as she grows up; I never wanted to deny her of a father because I didn’t have a father growing up. I just didn’t realize how much of a douche Dallas was.

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