Chapter Twenty-Three
Next day Serena was walking with Darien,Rini and Chibi Chibi to the store, to get some groceries for Tsukino's Mother.On the way they saw Crystal, Yaten, Taiki, Seiya and Fireball Princess, andthey were talking until Serena said Hey guys! What is up? Oh nothing Dumplingsaid Seiya going around in circle. What is wrong? asked Rini in a wonderinglook. It is nothing for real said Crystal grabbing Yaten's hand. Just say Yaten'sreal enemy is coming to our place said Taiki in a serious voice. You meanNoriko Okamachi is coming back? said Serena in a surprised look. Yes! She isdoing a movie with me, of course said Yaten in an anger look. Ya, and she isbringing her cat here too said Seiya in a sad look. What is wrong? asked Darienin a wondering look. Well, Noriko is coming to our building and we don't knowwhere to put our own princess said Taiki in a wondering look too. Well I sayshe will stay with me, until Noriko leaves again said Crystal in a seriousvoice. But, we don't know, if your father will not be please with it saidFireball Princess in a wondering look. It is ok, I will tell my father its justasleep over, for two weeks, until you guys fix her room said Crystal with alittle smile. Very funny Crystal said Taiki and Seiya in an anger look. Well itis better then saying Hey daddy! Can my friend stay for asleep over, untiltheir enemy is gone said Crystal looking at them. True! said The Three Lightsand Fireball Princess agreeing at Crystal. So anyways, what is the cat's name?asked Crystal in a wondering look. The cat's name is Juliana said The ThreeLights in a serious voice. Juliana? said Crystal still wondering. Yes, that'sis the cat's name said The Three Lights still serious. Wow! said Crystal notknowing what to say next. So Little, would you please come over to help us topack up Fireball's stuff? asked Yaten in a happy look. Ok Kidult said Crystalstarting to laugh. So, see Ya guys later said Serena, Darien and Rini waving tothem and Chibi Chibi said Chibi Chibi and walked away with them. So Crystal,Yaten, Seiya, Taiki and Fireball Princess went to the building to pack upFireball's stuff. Crystal grabbed the last stuff of Fireball's things and wentout the door with Fireball Princess and went to Crystal's house. The ThreeLights hugged their princess and said good bye too her, they will not see theirprincess for two weeks, until Noriko and her cat go away from them. Crystalbrought Fireball Princess's stuff to her house and said welcome to my home andputting her things into a different room. Fireball Princess looked around intoher new room and sat down on the bed and looked out the window. Do you like it?asked Crystal in a wondering look. Yes Comet, I like it said Fireball Princesslooking down at the floor. You don't like it said Crystal still wondering. YesI do! But I'm a little homesick said Fireball Princess starting to cry alittle. Crystal walked up to her and said don't cry Fireball, you will go homewith your family, hugging Fireball and Fireball hugged her back and started tocry hard. At The Three Light's building, The Three Lights missed theirprincess, but they know Noriko will not understand them. I know we can see ourprincess, but I wish our princess can see us said Seiya in a sad look. Me toosaid Taiki and Yaten in a sad look too. They heard a knock on the door, Seiyawalked up to the door and opened it up slowly and saw Noriko and her cat,Juliana at the door. Hi Noriko how are you doing? asked Seiya in a disappointedlook. Oh Juliana and I are doing good said Noriko in a happy look. May I comein? Oh! Yes! said Seiya opening the door for Noriko. Thank you Seiya saidNoriko coming in the building. So where is Yaten? Oh! He is down stairs saidSeiya pointing down the steps. Oh, thank you again said Noriko going down thestairs. Yaten was talking to Taiki about their princess, until Noriko came downthe last steps. Hi Yaten! How are you doing? asked Noriko walking up to him. I'mok said Yaten trying to get away from her. Oh Noriko, would you like to seeyour room? asked Taiki getting off the chair and trying to save his friend. Ok!said Noriko in a happy look. So Taiki and Seiya took Noriko and her cat totheir room. Yaten was still in the kitchen saying Thank God for my friends, sohe went to bed for the night. The next morning Noriko's cat, Juliana was eatingYaten's food. Yaten got very mad at the cat, so he grabbed the cat and put thecat into Noriko's room and locked the door, he went to eat his new food. Norikocame out of the living room and said where is my cat, Juliana? in a wonderinglook. Yaten said she was in your room, in a serious voice. Did you put her inmy room? asked Noriko still wondering. Yes! She was eating my food said Yatenstill serious. So Noriko went to her room to free her cat, Yaten went outsideand go see Crystal and Fireball Princess. When he got there, Crystal was tryingto cheer up Fireball Princess, but it was not working. Yaten went up to thegate and said Hey Little! Crystal and Fireball Princess looked around and sawYaten at the gate. Would you let me in please said Yaten in a tried look.Crystal walked up to the gate and opened it. Yaten said Thank you Little, in ahappy look. Your welcome Kidult said Crystal in a happy look too. Yaten lookedat his princess and said Princess are you ok? in a wondering look. I'm finesaid Fireball Princess looking down on the ground. No, she is homesick saidCrystal trying to explain to him. Princess? said Yaten still wondering. ThePrincess got up and said not homesick at our own planet, I'm homesick withoutyou guys, trying to explain to them. I have an idea said Crystal in a happylook. What is it? asked Yaten and Fireball Princess in a wondering look.Kidult! You said you don't want to see her, right? said Crystal still happy.Ya? said Yaten in a confused look. Well you can stay here until Noriko and hercat are gone said Crystal trying to explain to them. Ok! said Yaten and in ahappy look. The Princess just smiled at them in a happy look too. So Yaten ranhome as fast as he could, to pack up his stuff and went to Crystal's house.Taiki and Seiya said where have you been? I went to Crystal's house to seeCrystal and our own princess said Yaten grabbing his things. Where are yougoing this time? asked Taiki in a wondering look. I'm going to Crystal's housefor the two weeks said Yaten grabbing his last things. Wo! What! said Taiki andSeiya in a surprised look. I'm not staying here with her said Yaten grabbinghis bag and going out the door. Ok, be back for the movie said Seiya waving himgood bye. Ok bye! said Yaten disappearing into the sunset. Noriko came out tosee what is Taiki and Seiya are up to, but Taiki and Seiya said nothing to herthey went to bed and called it a night. When morning came, Noriko asked Taikiand Seiya where is Yaten, they said he went to his girlfriends for the night.What! He has a girlfriend? said Noriko in a surprised look. Yes, he did said Seiyain a happy mood. Oh No! No, no, no and no said Noriko still surprised. Oh Ya!said Taiki and Seiya trying not to smile at her. When is Yaten coming back?asked Noriko in a wondering look. Unknown said Taiki in a serious voice. Norikogot anger and went to her room and slammed the door hard. Seiya said we shouldhave went with Yaten, in a wondering look. Yes, we should said Taiki in awondering look too. Yaten came down the stairs and said Hey guys! What is up?Oh Yaten, would you please take us with you? asked Seiya in a tried look. Ilike too, but who will keep Noriko busy? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Oh,Ya, that! said Seiya in a disappointed look. I will keep Noriko here said Taikivolunteered to stayed behind. Thank you Taiki said Seiya hugging Taiki. Taikiwas surprised and said Seiya can't breath here. Oh Sorry! said Seiya letting goof Taiki and ran to his room to pack up his stuff and went to Crystal's house.Hey Yaten! said Noriko coming to the kitchen. Hi Noriko said Yaten in agrowling voice. So, I heard you got a girlfriend said Noriko in a wonderinglook. Yes said Yaten still growling. So, when do I meet her? asked Noriko in acurious voice. I don't know said Yaten in a serious voice. Ok, someday saidNoriko going to a different room. Seiya came out of the different room and saidOk, Let us go! Ok, Let us hurry! said Yaten trying to get out of the building.Ok! Ok! said Seiya going out the door with Yaten. Good bye Seiya and Yaten!said Taiki waving to them. Good bye and good luck, You will need it! said Yatenwaving to his friend. Taiki went back into the building, when he get down thelast steps, he saw Noriko at the kitchen table and Noriko was in a cross look.Where is Yaten and Seiya? asked Noriko in an anger voice. Well...they are at Yatengirlfriend's house said Taiki trying to explain to her. Well bring him to me,NOW! said Noriko still angry. No! said Taiki in a mad look. Noriko jumped upand down in an anger way, but Taiki just starred at her and went to his roomfor the night. Next day the movie started, Yaten and Seiya went back to theirbuilding to start the movie. Luna heard that Yaten was starting a movie, so sheran down to see it. The acting started and Luna found a great seat to see theshow and tried to stay away from the actress. Crystal came to see Yaten, Seiyaand Taiki act in their movie. Crystal found a seat next to Luna. Yaten wastrying to get away from Noriko the best he could, but Noriko is still chasinghim. Crystal thought it was an act, but she didn't know it was real. When thefirst act was over Luna ran up to Yaten and said Yaten can you come over withme please. What is it Luna? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Come with me saidLuna running towards were she sat. So Yaten follow Luna and wondered were sheis taking him. Luna went toward Crystal were she sat and Crystal saw Luna andsaid hey Luna are you here to see Yaten too? Yes and I brought someone to saidLuna looking over her shoulder. Crystal looked up and saw Yaten walking towardher, so she jump up and said Kidult! Yaten looked up and said Little! What areyou doing here? Well I'm here to see you act said Crystal walking up to him.Little, you came here to see me, oh Little I love you said Yaten going to kissher. Oh Kidult I love you too said Crystal going to kiss him, until Noriko saidGet away from my boyfriend! Your boyfriend? said Crystal in a confused look.Yes! Yaten is my boyfriend said Noriko walking up to them. Crystal looked downat Yaten and said Yaten are you cheating on me? No Crystal I will never cheaton you, I love you said Yaten grabbing Crystal's hands. Yaten I believe in you,I know you love me and I know she is a liar said Crystal holding Yaten hands inher hands and looking at Noriko in a mad look. I'm not a liar at all, he isreally my boyfriend said Noriko walking up to Crystal. Are you looking for afight you found it said Crystal walking up to Noriko. Noriko slapped Crystal onher cheek, but Crystal punched Noriko right on the nose and she fell down onthe ground and knock out. Wow Crystal! You knock her out said Yaten in a happylook. Yes, yes I did said Crystal rubbing her hand. Did you hurt your handLittle? asked Yaten in a worried look. A little Kidult said Crystal stillrubbing her hand. Yaten took Crystal's hand, rub it, and kiss it too, staringinto Crystal's eyes and moved a little closer toward her to kiss her, so didCrystal, she moved a little closer toward him too, until the director said Whathappen? Well, she was steeling my boyfriend said Crystal trying to explain tohim. Oh sorry Miss. Shields, we will fire her said the director getting thepeople to carry her out. Wait a minute! You are saying, you own this movestuff? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Well just say my father owns half thisstuff said Crystal trying to explain to him. Yaten's mouth dropped on theground and Crystal said what is it? Man you are still my girl no matter whatsaid Yaten grabbing Crystal and dipping her and kissing her on the lips. Youare the crazy man I ever met said Crystal with a little smile. Thank you Littlesaid Yaten smiling at her. Your welcome Kidult said Crystal kissing him back.Man I must go back to the movie said Yaten picking her up. Ok I will wait foryou said Crystal in a happy look. So Yaten went back to his acting, Crystal andLuna went to their seat. When the show was over, Crystal and Luna went to seeYaten and they walked Crystal home, until Noriko come up to them and said youruined my life. Well next time don't lie to me said Crystal in a mad look.Noriko jumped up and down, said I will get you someday. You wish Miss. Liarsaid Crystal waving her bye. So Noriko walked away from them and Crystal, Yatenand Luna are happy she is gone at last. Well I must go back to Serena, so seeYa guys later said Luna walking away from them. Ok Luna, Say Hi for us! saidCrystal waving to Luna. Ok! said Luna still walking. Yaten said well would youlike me take you home now, in a happy look. Ok Kidult said Crystal grabbingYaten's hand and walking with him, until they heard a scream. So they ran tofind out who did the screaming and they found Noriko getting her heart out bythe enemy. I guess we must transform said Crystal getting ready to fight. Do wehave to? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Kidult! said Crystal looking at him.Ok! Little said Yaten getting his broach. Healer Star Power! said Yaten, CometPower! said Crystal. The enemy was a hawk and he was a big one. So he gotNoriko's heart in his hand, but the heart was red and the enemy was anger. Man!I still can't find the golden heart, Oh well said the enemy tossing the heartover his shoulder. It almost hit the ground, until a black glare caught theheart and the enemy said who are you? No one will steal a persons heart said aserious voice. Sailor Star Healer! Stage on! I'm the protector of the inner andouter solar system, I'm Sailor Comet, shouting at him. Sailor Star Healer putthe heart back into Noriko's body and stood up, getting ready to fight. Man, Nomatter where we go! You always destroy us said the enemy getting ready to stopthem. You will not find the golden heart at all said Sailor Comet pointing herblade at him. Someday one of us will find the golden heart and you will bow toChaos, No matter what! said the enemy putting his hand up to them. Sailor Cometcut his arm right off and the enemy said OW! Sailor Star Healer do it now! saidSailor Comet in a serious voice. So Sailor Star Healer stepped up and said StarSensitive Inferno! I'm going away said the enemy. So the black smokedisappeared and the enemy turned back into a hawk and flew away. Sailor Cometsaw Noriko trying to wake up, and said Sailor Star Healer we must go. Ok saidSailor Star Healer running with Sailor Comet to disappear into the darkshadows. Noriko got up and said I'm never coming back to this town again. Soshe walked away, Crystal and Yaten went to Crystal's house for the night.
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return
FanfictionUsagi Tsukino/Serena Tsukino Luna Mamoru Chiba/Darien Shields Sailor Moon Tuxedo Kamen/Tuxedo Mask Ami Mizuno/Amy Mizuno Sailor Mercury Rei Hino/Raye Hino Sailor Mars Makoto Kino/Lita Kino Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus Artemis Minako Aino/Mina Aino Ch...