Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Everybody went to Raye's house to findout what was going on. Everybody sat down and listened to what Crystal had tosay to them. Back when we had peace in our own planets said Crystal startingher story back at the beginning. When I was waiting for my brother to come fromhis planet to see me; we had fun all day, but one day my brother Darien didn'tshow up to visit me. So I went to find my brother and wondered if he wasalright? I went to his planet, but he was not there at all; so I went to seeour mother, but she said Darien didn't visit her either. So I want to all theplanets and all the stars and some of the rocks, but I still can't find him; soI went to the last place I could think of the white moon kingdom and I foundyou, but you were not alone. You were standing and holding hands with theprincess of the white moon and I was so mad and Angry at you. So I went backhome and growled at you and your love of your life. I was thinking of a way tomake sure you knew I existed, then I remembered our father telling us the storyof the evil sword of Chaos. Our greatest grandfather defeated Chaos and putChaos into the sword and remained there. So I went to see Chaos inside of theevil sword and talked to Chaos. When I got there our mother was stillprotecting the galaxy and the evil sword; so I waited for our mother to leavethe sword alone and I went up to it and talked to Chaos. I said if you help methen I will help you, but Chaos had a different mind. Chaos wants to rule thewhole galaxy, but I really didn't care; so I released Chaos out of the evilsword and made everything worse. Chaos made things happened to mess with people'sminds; that's why Queen Barrel did this to your mother Serena and I'm very veryvery sorry said Crystal in a very very very sorry look. So that's why QueenBarrel wanted the crystal said Serena in a remembering moment. I'm so sorry forwhat I did; I was just jealous when you took my brother away from me; but I seenow he is happy; that's all right for me said Crystal smiling at Darien. Dariensmiled back at Crystal too. So Crystal do you know who has the picture of thegolden hearts? asked Trista in a wondering look. I really don't know who hasit; I'm really trying to find who has the golden hearts! said Crystal trying toexplain to them. I see Crystal, but you don't know how to find it? askedFireball Princess in a wondering look. Only one person knows were it is saidCrystal still explain to them. Who?!?! said everyone in a wondering look.Sailor Galaxia our mother said Crystal telling them. Oh! I see said everyone ina surprised look. Yes, but she will not tell me where the pictures of thegolden hearts are; only she told me; she put them into the greatest people inher life said Crystal explain to them. So it is in somebody's heart of yourmother's greatest people in her life said Amara still thinking it over in herhead. Yes said Crystal still wondering. I will ask our mother for us saidDarien trying to cheer up Crystal. You can try, but our mother will tell youthe same thing said Crystal trying to explain to Darien. I see; man, what canwe do? asked Darien still wondering. I don't know said Crystal trying not tocry. Well Artemis and I will look up on the computer and tell you guys if wefind out were our enemy's hide out is said Luna telling all the scouts what todo. Right!! said everyone in agreement with Luna. But the enemies only come outif the human has the picture of the golden heart in them said Mina stillwondering. You are right; we don't know were we can find the enemy's hide outat all said Serena in a sad look. So who has not been captured? asked Crystal lookingat all the sailor scouts. Serena, Amy, Raye. Lita and Mina have all beencaptured said Luna in a scared voice. Michelle, Amara, Trista and Hotaru haveall been captured too said Artemis still thinking. Seiya, Taiki, Yaten, ChibiChibi and Fireball Princess have been too said Diana with a smile on her face.Thanks Diana said everybody starring at her. So all we have left is Darien,Rini, Luna, Artemis, Diana and Me they didn't get us said Crystal starring atthe cats. What?!? said Luna and Artemis in a scared look. We are going to bethe bait said Diana still smiling away. OH my God! said Luna and Artemis in areally scared look. Crystal are you sure? asked Serena, Mina and Rini worryingabout their cats. Well that or Darien, Rini and I will be the bait said Crystalstarring at Serena, Mina and Rini. Luna said Serena starring at her. Artemissaid Mina starring at him too. Diana said Rini starring at her too. You guysare going to be the bait said Serena, Mina and Rini in a serious voice. Ok!said Luna and Artemis in a sad voice. Ok!!! said Diana in an excited voice.Diana!!! said everyone starring at her. What?!? said Diana in a confused look.So Luna, Artemis and Diana went out to be the bait for the enemies, but theenemies didn't come to them. Man! What can we do to get some attention aroundhere said Diana getting mad. Diana!!! said Luna and Artemis in a scared look.What?!?! said Diana in a confused look. We don't want to be the bait; ok! saidArtemis shaking away. But father we can do this and show our future king, queenand princess we are brave said Diana being proud of herself. Ok Diana, but weare scared said Luna looking around to see if any enemies are coming near them.Diana started walking away from her mother and father and went down a littlehill, hoping for an enemy to grab her. So far no one has seen an enemy or Chaoscoming out. Diana was getting bored so she went home to take a catnap. WhenDiana was going home she saw her mother and father taking a catnap under atree. So Diana went towards her parents to take a catnap with them. Diana wasgetting closer until a black smoke swooped up Diana and disappeared. Diana wokeup and said where am I? Diana looked around and only saw a dark and damp cave.So Diana get up and started walking around to find a way out of the cave, butthe cave was long and wet, Diana was soaked to her fur and said man I hope Ican find some sunlight. Oh you will not find any sunlight in my dark and deepcave said a mystery voice. Who said that? asked Diana stopping in her tracks. I'mthe one they call Chaos. You are Chaos? asked Diana in a shocked look. Yes andI came here for the picture of the golden hearts said Chaos flowing over Diana'shead. You will not get the picture of the golden hearts at all; the sailor scoutswill defeat you said Diana trying to stay brave. The sailor scouts said Chaosstarting to laugh at Diana. You will see; the sailor scouts will defeat you forsure said Diana being a brave little kitten. No, sailor scouts will not defeatme at all; but you will work for me said Chaos putting a smoke ring aroundDiana. I will not work for you in my life said Diana trying to get away. Chaos'ssmoke got Diana and Diana started to scream. Meanwhile, at the tree with Lunaand Artemis. Luna woke up and said man no enemies today Artemis. I know; butwhere is Diana? asked Artemis in a wondering look. Yes! Where is Diana? askedLuna in a wondering look too. So Luna and Artemis went to find Diana, but noluck to find Diana. Where is my baby? said Luna and started to cry. Don't worryLuna, we will find Diana if it's the last thing I do said Artemis being a mancat. So Luna found the sailor scouts and Artemis was still looking for Diana.Luna got to Raye's house she was tired. Luna what are you doing here? askedRaye in a wondering look. Diana is gone; did you see her? asked Luna in aworried look. No! I'm sorry Luna; I didn't see her said Raye feeling sorry forLuna. I must find her; no matter what! said Luna getting very worried. I willhelp you to find Diana said Raye volunteering. Oh thank you Raye; I must findmore sailor scouts to help me said Luna starting out to find more of the sailorscouts. Ok! said Raye starting to find Diana. So Luna started looking for thesailor scouts and Raye started to look for Diana. Luna told all the sailorscouts Diana is gone, so all the sailor scouts went to find Diana. Theysearched high and low, but no luck. Man that kitten is a good hider said Seiyain a wondering look. Yes! But we still need to find her at all cost said Taikistill moving things. Diana! Diana! Where are you? said Rini starting to panic.Calm yourself Rini; we will find her no matter what said Serena trying to cheerher up. Thank you meatball head said Rini trying to cheer herself up. Yourwelcome peanut head said Serena smiling at Rini. Diana! Diana! Here Kitten!Kitten! said Crystal look around to find Diana. Diana! Where are you littlekitten? said Trista looking up and down, but no luck. Hey Diana! Diana! saidDarien getting scared. Diana! Baby! Daughter! said Luna jumping up and down onboxes. Little Kitten! Daughter! said Artemis still looking up and down and intostuff. Men! Where is Diana? My Kitten said Rini and started to cry hard. Don'tcry Rini. We will not rest; we will find Diana no matter what! said Crystal ina serious voice. My Baby! My Baby! said Luna starting to cry and making a loudnoise. Don't cry Luna we will find Diana; no matter what said Crystal makingsure of herself. So all the sailor scouts were looking for Diana. They searchedhigh and low, but nothing at all. Man I'm getting hunger said Serena rubbingher stomach. Serena we must find Diana; please look harder said Luna scared forher baby. Ok Luna we will find Diana; no matter what! said Serena hearing herstomach growling at her. All the sailor scouts were still looking for Dianahigh and low, but no luck what so ever. Man it's like looking for a hay inneedle stack said Mina in a tired look. Oh Mina! It is needle in a hay stacksaid Amy trying to explain to Mina. Oh! said Mina still tired. Everybodylaughed and giggled at Mina. Man! Mina you are bad at old sayings said Crystalshaking her head at Mina. Oh well! I just tired said Mina trying to keep hereyes open. Yes! We are tired, but we still need to find Diana said Artemistrying to keep his legs up. Oh Diana! Where are you? said Luna and Rini reallystarting to cry harder. Until somebody started screaming. What the!! said thesailor scouts looking in the different direction. We must go! said Serenagrabbing her broach. Yes! said the sailor scouts grabbing their transformer.Moon Eternal Power! said Serena, Mercury Crystal Power! said Amy, Mars CrystalPower! said Raye, Jupiter Crystal Power! said Lita, Venus Crystal Power! saidMina, Moon Cosmic Dream Action! said Rini, Neptune Crystal Power! saidMichelle, Uranus Crystal Power! said Amara, Pluto Crystal Power! said Trista,Saturn Crystal Power! said Hotaru, Fighter Star Power! said Seiya, Maker StarPower! said Taiki, Healer Star Power! said Yaten and Comet Power! said Crystal.Darien and Chibi Chibi transformed too. The enemy has a person in her hand.Man! I will say it again; Chaos has got the ugliest monsters in the world saidSailor Star Fighter being a fool. Agreed! said the Sailor Scouts nodding thereheads. We must save the little girl said Sailor Comet getting out her blade.Right! said the Sailor Scouts getting ready to fight. Man! You humans don'thave the picture of the golden heart in you said the enemy getting mad in theface. So the enemy threw the red heart and walked away, but the enemy stoppedin her tracks and turned around and saw the Sailor Scouts caught it. So theSailor Scouts put the red heart back into the little girl's body and the littlegirl woke up and looked around and said what happened? The enemy got your heart,but we put it back into your body said Sailor Uranus helping the little girlup. Please get to safe place said Sailor Neptune trying to help the littlegirl. So the little girl went to a safe place and the Sailor Scouts will fightthe new enemy. You will not hurt another person on this planet said SailorComet in an anger look. The enemy turned around and the Sailor Scouts gasped.That is Diana! said Sailor Mini Moon in a surprised look. It is Diana saidSailor Moon in a surprised look too. We must save Diana said Tuxedo Mask tryingto think of a way to save Diana. I can't cut Diana's right arm off said SailorComet in a surprised look. Why can't you? asked Sailor Uranus in a wonderinglook. Because Diana is from the future not from the present said Sailor Comettrying to explain to Sailor Uranus. Oh! I see said Sailor Uranus trying tothink harder. How do we save Diana? asked Sailor Star Maker in a wonderinglook. You think Luna and Artemis will save Diana? asked Sailor Moon in awondering look. I don't know; Fireball would you get Luna and Artemis please?asked Sailor Comet in a hurry. Yes I will go get them said Fireball Princesslooking for Luna and Artemis. So Fireball Princess looked for Luna and Artemisand the Sailor Scouts fight the monster of Diana. Fireball Princess walked toSerena's house and found Luna and Artemis on the porch. Luna Artemis! Would youplease come with me please; we found Diana said Fireball Princess trying to getLuna and Artemis to follow her. Diana! We must go! said Luna getting off theporch. Ok! Let us go! said Artemis trying to get off the porch. So Luna,Artemis and Fireball Princess went to the battle field. When they got there atthe battle field, the Sailor Scouts are getting tired and almost defeated. I'mgetting tired said Sailor Star Fighter sitting on the ground. I know, but whatare we going to do? asked Sailor Saturn in a wondering and tired look. I don'tknow, but our only hope is Luna and Artemis to save us now said Sailor Cometgetting tired too. Sailor Scouts! said Luna running up to Sailor Moon. LunaArtemis it is up to you guys now said Sailor Comet leaning on her blade. SoLuna went up to her daughter and said Diana I'm your mother. I have no mother;I have no family at all said the monster Diana in a growling voice. I'm yourfuture mother; please remember me said Luna hoping Diana would remember her.You are not my mother said Diana putting her paw out to scratch Luna. Lunajumped out of the way and said you are my future daughter please remember mesaid Luna hoping to try again. I have no mother what so ever said Diana tryingto scratch Luna again. Diana got Luna with her paw and Luna flew far and hitthe ground hard. Luna! said the Sailor Scouts in a scared look. Sailor Moon gotup in a hurry and picked up Luna and said are you ok? I'm fine said Luna in alittle pain. Luna! Are you all right? asked Artemis in a worried look. YesArtemis! I'm all right said Luna trying to get out of Sailor Moon's hands.Luna! Stop moving around said Sailor Moon holding Luna tightly. So Artemis wentup to talk to Diana and said Diana remember me; I'm you father. I have nofamily! said the monster Diana trying to scratch Artemis. Artemis jumped out ofthe way just in time and he tried again. Diana; you are my future daughter andI'm your future father said Artemis hoping Diana would remember herself. I haveno family what so ever said the monster Diana trying to scratch Artemis again.Artemis get hit by Diana's paw and Artemis flew far and hit hard on the ground.Artemis! said Sailor Venus trying to get up. Artemis! Artemis! Easy SailorVenus; I'm not deaf said Artemis in a little pain. Artemis; are you all right?asked Luna in a wondering look. Yes; I'm ok said Artemis in a happy look. Ihave no family at all! said the monster Diana moving her paws left and right.Man! I have no choice; I must destroyed her said Sailor Comet getting her bladeready. No! said Luna, Artemis and Sailor Mini Moon trying to protected her.Luna and Artemis jumped out off Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus's hands andstanding in front of the monster Diana. Luna! Artemis! Look out! said theSailor Scouts trying to warn them. Luna and Artemis looked around and saw Dianaswing her paws left and right and almost hit Luna and Artemis. Until a brightlight came form Sailor Chibi Chibi and everybody covered their eyes. Somethinghappened to Luna and Artemis!?

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