Chapter Twenty-Eight
So back to our show! You remember Chaosturned Diana into a monster and now! Diana almost destroyed her future parents.Until the biggest brightest light came from Sailor Chibi Chibi and almostblinded us and now! Stay tuned to watch Sailor Moon said Sailor Moon doing herfinger tricks. Ok! Now you are coming to the bright light that blinded us andnow Ahhhhhhhh! said Sailor Moon covering her eyes. Sailor Chibi Chibi turnedinto The Light of Hope and she waved her staff at Luna and Artemis. Luna andArtemis felt funny all inside and all of a sudden Luna and Artemis are liftedoff the ground and flowing in the air and are transformed into a living humanbeen. Luna! said Sailor Moon in a surprised look. Artemis! said Sailor Venus ina surprised look too. Luna/Artemis! You are human said Sailor Moon/Sailor Venusstill surprised. Man Luna; you are beautiful woman! said Sailor Star Healerdrooling at her. Back off Romeo said Artemis growling at Sailor Star Healer.Man! I can't believe it said Luna looking at herself. So Luna and Artemislooked at their future daughter and went up to her and said Diana; you are ourown future daughter and Sailor Mini Moon is your friend and your master saidLuna and Artemis looked into their daughter's eyes. I have no family, orfriends and Sailor Mini Moon is not my master at all! Long live Chaos! said themonster Diana swinging her paws at her future parents. Luna and Artemis grabbedDiana's paws and said we are your family all of us! We will not let you go inour hearts said Luna with a little tear going down on her cheek. But Diana didn'tlisten to her mother. So Diana threw her parents, Luna and Artemis and they gothit hard on the ground. Diana! This is not like you at all; I'm your friend andyour family; you got to remember me said Sailor Mini Moon running up to Diana.No friends! No family! I have no one! said the monster Diana picking up SailorMini Moon off the ground. Sailor Mini Moon! said Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Maskworried about their future daughter. Please Diana remember me; I'm your friendand your family remember me please said Sailor Mini Moon starting to cry. Weare your greatest family in the world to you! Please remember us said all theSailor Scouts starting to cry. The monster Diana looked into everybody's eyesand almost started to cry too, but Chaos still had control over Diana. Stayaway from me! I have no family! No Friends! Stay away! said the monster Dianashacking Sailor Mini Moon. Diana! Diana! Stop it! said the Sailor Scouts tryingto stop Diana. Sailor Mini Moon being shaking like a big huge tree in a biggestwind storm. Sailor Mini Moon is hanging on tightly for dear life. Diana! Diana!Remember me please!!! said Sailor Mini Moon still hanging on. Until Sailor MiniMoon's bell fell out and hit the ground hard and made the biggest loudest noisein the world. Everybody heard it and covered their ears, except the monsterDiana. Diana heard the bell and dropped Sailor Mini Moon on the ground hard.OW! said Sailor Mini Moon rubbing her butt. Diana started to dance and said myears! Sailor Moon do it now! said Sailor Comet hoping it will work. Right! saidSailor Moon getting ready. Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! Ahhhhhhhh! said themonster Diana. So the monster Diana turned back into a little kitten and theblack smoke disappear. My Baby! said Luna scooping up Diana into her hands.Diana! Open your eyes! please said Artemis looking over Diana's head. But Dianais still not opening her eyes. Oh Diana; my baby said Luna starting to cryharder. So The Light of Hope waved her staff over Diana's body and Diana's bodystarted to glow. Diana started to float into the air and transform into a humanbeing. Diana started opening her eyes and said I'm free from Chaos! Thank youSailor Scouts you saved me. Oh Diana; we were worried about you said everybody.Mother Father we are human beings said Diana. So Diana floated down to theground and ran towards her mother and father to give them the biggest hug inthe world. We are glad you are back daughter said Luna and Artemis huggingDiana tightly. Ok you guys; where are we going to put you? said Sailor Moon ina wondering look. Well we can ask The Light of Hope to turn them back into catsand kitten said Fireball Princess looking at The Light of Hope. But The Lightof Hope went back to Sailor Chibi Chibi and fell down on the ground and fellasleep. Oh Man! Said Sailor Moon grabbing Sailor Chibi Chibi off the ground.Everybody thought hard until Sailor Comet said I will take them to my house.What about your step father? asked everybody in a wondering look. Don't worrymy father is on a business trip said Sailor Comet in a happy look. Ok saidSailor Moon in a happy look too. Ok; we will go said Luna, Artemis and Dianalooking at their master. So the Sailor Scouts went home, but Luna, Artemis andDiana went to Crystal's house. Man said Luna looking sad in the face. What isit? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Well... I do miss Serena bothering me saidLuna looking board in the face. Well I do miss Mina; to wake her up in themorning said Artemis looking at his hands. I like to be a little kitten againsaid Diana trying to go under the couch. Diana you are a human you can't gounder the couch said Crystal severing them a cold glass of milk. Oh; thank youCrystal said Luna trying to use her hands. Don't worry; Chibi Chibi will wakeup and transform into The Light of Hope again and you guys will be cats andkitten again said Crystal trying to get a bowl for them. I hope you are rightsaid Artemis looking a his glass of milk. So Crystal give them bowls and pouredthe glass of milk into the bowls. Luna, Artemis and Diana drank out of the bowlsand said thank you to Crystal. Crystal said your welcome to them. Crystal wentto Serena's house to see if Chibi Chibi is awake. So Crystal walked there andfound out Chibi Chibi was still out like a light bulb. Man! What can I tellthem? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Well you can tell them Chibi Chibi isnot awake yet and they must get used to being a human said Serena looking atChibi Chibi sleeping on the couch. Hey Aunt Crystal! said Rini coming towardsCrystal. Hey Little Lady! said Crystal bending over to see Rini. Are you goingto have fun with me today? asked Rini with a smile on her face. Crystal lookedat Serena for her permission. Ok! said Serena trying to be a good futuremother. So Crystal grabbed Rini's hand and went outside and walked to the park.Rini running towards the swing set. Slow down Rini! said Crystal hoping Riniwill not fall. Ok! said Rini sitting on the swing set. Crystal watched Riniswinging on the swing set. Crystal looked around and saw Michelle, Amara andHotaru coming up to the play ground. Hey guys! said Crystal waving at them. HiCrystal! said Michelle and Hotaru waving at Crystal. Hey Shaky said Amaralooking at Rini on the swing set. Rini! said Hotaru running towards her. HeyHotaru! said Rini happy to see her. Hotaru! said Amara trying to get herattention. So Hotaru stopped in her tracks and turned around and looked at herpapa and said what is it? Please slow down ok! said Michelle looking at Hotaru.Yes! Mama! said Hotaru walking slowly towards the swing set. Man; is ChibiChibi awake yet? asked Amara in a wondering look. Well... Serena said Chibi Chibiis still not awake yet maybe tomorrow said Crystal looking a the kids on theswing set. Man; that kid can sleep over the biggest earthquake in the worldsaid Amara putting her arm over her cousin's shoulder. Yes; Amara; but we mustbe patient said Michelle hugging her cousin. Man I have to go back to my hometo see if Luna, Artemis and Diana are alright? said Crystal walking towardsRini on the swing set. Hey Rini! I have to go home and I have to take you homenow; Ok said Crystal looking at her. Ok aunt Crystal said Rini getting off theswing set. See Ya later Hotaru said Rini waving to her good bye. Bye Rini! saidHotaru waving to her too. So Crystal brought back Rini to Serena and said goodbye to them and went to her home. When Crystal got home and open up the doorshe saw Luna, Artemis and Diana sleeping on the couch like a cats and kitten.Crystal shook her head and woke up them and took them to their new bedrooms.Luna and Artemis went to the same room and Diana went to her own room, butLuna, Artemis and Diana still crawled like cats and a kitten, around like aball and sleep a lot. Man; still like a cats and kitten said Crystal shuttingthe door slowly. Man; I hope Chibi Chibi will be awake. Next day everybody wentto Crystal's house to see Luna, Artemis and Diana still as human beings. Sothey knocked on the door and Crystal came out with a cup of tea in her hand andwearing a rainbow robe and said what is going now? What are you wearing? askedeverybody in a wondering look. It is my robe! My father bought it for me saidCrystal looking at them like they lost their minds. Everybody started to laughbut Crystal rolled her eyes at them and said what do you guys want? Well... wewant to see Luna, Artemis and Diana and how are they doing being a human being?asked Serena, Mina and Rini in a wondering look. Well they are doing fine saidCrystal looking inside her home. Can we come in please? asked Rini wanting tosee Diana so badly. Ok said Crystal stepping to one side to let them in. Thankyou Crystal said everybody coming into Crystal's home. Your welcome saidCrystal closing the door behind her. Everybody went to the kitchen and sawLuna, Artemis and Diana drinking out of the bowl and said Crystal why is Luna,Artemis and Diana drinking out of the bowls on the ground? asked Serena in awondering look. Well... just say they can't drink out of a glass cup said Crystallooking at them. So Crystal; would you please put on some clothes said Amaralooking at Crystal's robe. I will get dressed when I'm done with my tea saidCrystal taking another drink out of her cup. Ok! said Amara starring at Crystal'srobe. OK! OK! said Crystal putting down her cup of tea. So Crystal went to herroom to change. Man Luna; you are still the same said Serena looking a Luna.Well almost the same said Luna standing up on her two feet. Artemis stood up onhis two feet and Diana almost standing, but she fell down. Diana! Are you ok?asked Luna looking at her. I'm fine mama said Diana trying to stand up again.Diana's legs started to shake, but Diana didn't give up. So Diana stood and gotthe hang of it. Good work Diana said everybody clapping at her. Diana didn'tsay a word she just smiled and almost started to cry. Hey what is going on now?asked Crystal coming into the kitchen. Diana is standing today said Rini in avery happy voice. So I see said Crystal looking a Diana. Hey Serena is ChibiChibi awake yet? asked Crystal in a wondering look. No! She is still asleepsaid Serena in a worried look. Man! said Crystal looking upset. If my fathercomes; what will I tell him? Tell him you are a volunteer to find them a goodworking job for them said Rini trying to help her aunt. Thank you niece saidCrystal looking at her. Your welcome Aunt Crystal said Rini smiling away. HeyDiana! Do you remember where Chaos put you? asked Amara in a wondering look.Ya! Do you remember? asked everyone in a wondering look too. I don't know saidDiana rubbing her head. I will try to remember! Man! Chibi Chibi is not awakeyet and Diana doesn't remember where Chaos took her said Crystal in a puzzlinglook. Well I guess we go home said Trista putting her hand on top of Hotaru'sshoulder. Ok said everybody going out the door. Ok see Ya later said Crystalwaving them good bye. Man Luna, Artemis and Diana! Are family a big pain in thebutt said Crystal putting her hand on top of her head. Ya! But family muststick together no mater what said Luna trying to get something to eat. Luna gota bowl off the self and pointing at Crystal. Crystal rolled her eyes at Lunaand said are you still hunger? Yes! said Luna pushing the bowl at her. SoCrystal grabbed the bowl out of Luna's hands and start pouring milk into thebowl and sat it on the ground. Luna started to drink out of the bowl. Artemisis lying on the couch and fell asleep. Diana found a mouse hole and just staredat it. Man everybody is busy said Crystal looking around. So Crystal went tobed for the night. Next morning Crystal went for a walk and heard a scream. SoCrystal looked around and saw somebody's heart picture getting pulled out. Man!Not again! said Crystal getting ready to transform. Comet Power! The enemy wasa duck and it was getting a man's heart out, but the heart was red. So theenemy threw the red heart and almost walked away until he noticed that he didn'thear the heart hit the ground. So he turned around and saw Sailor Comet puttingthe heart back into the man's body. The man got up and looked at Sailor Cometand the enemy ran away. You will not get the people's heart on planet earthsaid Sailor Comet pointing her blade at the enemy. You will not stop Chaos fromcoming said the enemy giving Sailor Comet an evil eye. Sailor Comet gave theenemy a big cut of his life and the enemy said OW! You cut my arm said theenemy trying to hold his arm up. Chaos will not rule the whole galaxy saidSailor Comet trying to contact Sailor Moon. What are you waiting for? asked theenemy in a wondering look. Well... I can't destroy you because I only got a bladesaid Sailor Comet hoping Sailor Moon got her message. Well... I will get youSailor Comet! said the enemy trying to walk away. Until someone said you willnot go anywhere said a voice. Sailor Comet and the enemy looked up and sawsomebody on top of the building. The person jumped down and stood up and turnedaround and it was Sailor Mini Moon. Sailor Mini Moon what are you doing here?asked Sailor Comet in a wondering look. Well Sailor Moon is on a busy workplace said Sailor Mini Moon in a smiling look. Well in that case. Would youplease destroy him? said Sailor Comet hoping her niece will defeat him. OK!said Sailor Mini Moon grabbing her bell. Pink Sugar Heart Attack! I'm beingdestroy! said the enemy turning into a duck. Man thank you niece! said Crystalbreathing in and out. Your welcome Aunt Crystal said Rini in a happy look.Maybe I will take you home please? asked Crystal in a wondering look. You maysaid Rini putting her hand out. So Crystal took Rini home for the day.
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return
FanfikceUsagi Tsukino/Serena Tsukino Luna Mamoru Chiba/Darien Shields Sailor Moon Tuxedo Kamen/Tuxedo Mask Ami Mizuno/Amy Mizuno Sailor Mercury Rei Hino/Raye Hino Sailor Mars Makoto Kino/Lita Kino Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus Artemis Minako Aino/Mina Aino Ch...